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Posts posted by PigIron

  1. Originally posted by GriffinCheng+:

    Ed, thanks for the link. For some unknown reasons, probably CMBO is partly to be blamed, I never get my hands on Steel Beasts and Panzer Elite, even though I enjoy M1TP2 very much.


    I hear ya Griffin, I can't find Panzer ELite anywhere. I hear that it is the best sim for WW2 tank combat around, but I think it has been discontinued. (Anyone?) I would love to get my hands on that game. I am also trying to get a hold of Steel Beasts as well to try and at least get a feel for the combat lifestyle. (I know it will never come close, but hey, its a start.)

    Anyway, I'm not sure, but I've heard somewhere that there is a book called Barbra? that was a fictional Sherman tanker's story based on a compilation of real life stories of the tanker of WW2.

    I've also heard an ex-tanker who explained his reasons why he wasn't infantry by simply "I've never been bayoneted sitting in a tank."


    ianc, I just want to state that ebay had an unfortunate typo that made it seem as though the price is much higher than its true list price. Everyone knows that the true price of Panzer Elite is fifty cents. wink.gif


    Alas, it was not meant to be. Oh wreched fate!

    Back to listening to the countless references on this forum about the "Best WW2 Tank Sim EVER". (sniff)

  3. Howdy all:

    Does anyone know where I can buy a copy of Panzer Elite? I can't seem to find it in any store and the Wings web page only has a patch available. Has the game been discontinued? I too want to be the first kid on my block to drive a Tiger over a ditch while trying to get the dern thing in second gear!

    Even the mighty Amazon.com does not carry it. What gives?

  4. Thanks to Fion and Germanboy for the info. I'm just another WW2 buff who just eats this stuff for breakfast.

    On that fateful day, when the heavens open up and a copy of CM is delivered from on high to my doorstep on angels' wings....(wait, I need a moment, sniff), I will be glad for PBEM with you guys. I will be that private who runs screaming like a little girl from the mere sight of your Tigers. smile.gif

    Until next time,

  5. Hello everyone, first-time writer, long-time reader.

    I was curious, in Saving Private Ryan there was a "20 mil(?)" machine gun that the Germans were rolling around at the end of the movie. It really seemed to tear up the infantry. I had never heard, read, nor seen any of those weapons (non-AT) before. I guess I was just curious about the presence of these "mobile" heavy automatic weapons in CM (other than HMG infantry). I did a search on 20 mil on the forum and came up with nothing but AA and aircraft weaponry. In the movie, it did not seem as though that gun would have been used in a anti-air role. I could be wrong. Any info on those weapons would be great.

    I'd also like to take this time to give the BTS team mad props for making such a well-honed game. I stumbled on this game in my desperate search for a realistic 3D game that model WW2 battles better than the Close Combat games. (I just loved finding out that I placed my anti-tanks guns in the bottom of a ditch AFTER the battle commenced due to lack of elevation capabilities) wink.gif. BTS must have read my mind. From what I can see in the demo, this is the best game in the business.

    P.S. Thanks for keeping us updated Steve, it is yet another reason why your team is so great.

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