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mini Goanna

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Posts posted by mini Goanna

  1. I also have a small amount of computer wargaming experience and my actual experience was limited to basic training, so I have been playing the beta demo to try and gain the feel of the units in how they operate.

    I certainly know now not to rely on a green platoon of volksgrenadiers to accomplish a critical flanking move and such.

    I have also tried to practice some of the basics, even if they are not covered in the beta demo. I still try not to bunch my units in a line even though I found out that grazing fire doesnt work in the demo. I am still practicing my advances too, using overwatch and timed rushes. I find playing offense is much harder than setting an effective defence so it requires more practice.

    This is why I think your "play only DYO games first" may be a good one until I get experience to take on the well thought out scenarios from folks like WIld Bill, rather than spoil them.


    . . . we don't gnaw on our kitty

  2. I have also been thinking about this in regard to future scenario design, or the CMMC. If, for instance, I had access to landsat GIS maps of an area, it might be possible to turn these into CM maps by simplifying them greatly.

    I have access to an ArcInfo workstation through my work, and work with this type of data regularly.

    Fionn or Moon might be able to give us some info on this as well. Have you tried to make up a CM map from a real world map with any success and what are the issues in doing it? I believe we could get access to old GIS data for western Europe rather cheaply.


    . . . we don't gnaw on our kitty

  3. Thnaks a ton for the update info Steve. It will make my week away from my Mac almost bearable (well at least I will probably sleep) knowing that the game isn't going to come out while I am away.

    BTW, why don't you send the game off to the replicator and then start the mods for the Gold Demo production so that they come out simultaneously for the big splash effect?


    . . . we don't gnaw on our kitty

  4. I couldn'y get my name/password to work from my wifes piece of crap computer from home, so I had to re-register.

    As I told a couple of you yesterday during PBEM, I an going away for a week to a conference and will not be able to play any CM, or even check the posts on info, updates, etc. until next Saturday.

    So hold your PBEMs if I havent talked to you already and if you want to give me some good sledging on the board, make sure you include my name so I can find your excuse for wit easily with the search function when I return.

    Here, I'll get you started. Major Tom - you enjoy the respite and get those tanks ready cuz I will butcher the remaining platoon of your infantry when I return. Rememeber you cant hold buildings with tanks. Peng/Elvis - you two can soften each other up and I will be back next weekend to bend the both of you over, so ready the hard drugs. Berli - don't even get me started on this pathetic clone of McClellan/Montgomery. Our game will be over before you are done training your reinforcements.


    This is a lot like quitting smoking.


    . . . we don't gnaw on our kitty

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