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  1. OK I am sorry if I offended you guys but I did not know how many people come and send replies to posts here. If I knew there was going to be 20 in the first 10 minutes then I would have just check in 10 minutes. I am used to waiting days - weeks for an awnser. I didn't find this offencive. I don't really get why you did. From now on I guess I'll just seek out my awnsers by myself and live in a cave or something so I wont bother anyone.
  2. Thank you for giveing me my awnser. At least there are some people still out there that can awnser a smiple question without talking about politics.
  3. Jezus Christ all I wanted to know was if it was going to be released in stores and you guys are makeing me feel bad about it. Quite a community you have here. I guess all these wargames have gotten to your head. Maybe... as my little brother says... you guys should take a chill pill. And you never awnsered the question I want awnsered the most. Is this game released? Or is it still in R&D? I have been looking on a whole bunch of sites that have game movies already posted. Can you guys plz maybe awnser this question with out discraceing my family or giveing me negative points or whatever the hell. All I want is some infromation.
  4. I just wanted to know when the release date of this game is. My E-mail address is Peter5897@aol.com. Plz E-mail me for I am likely not to check this again. PS will this game be put into retail stores
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