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Posts posted by chasd

  1. In your [...Cmbo/Bmp] directory there should be two certain files, one called 30002.bmp and the other 30002 B&W.bmp. One of them has coloured text and oddly enough the other has black and white text. Simply delete '30002.bmp' and then delete the 'B&W' part from the name of the other one. If you don’t have the B&W file you could always get it from your CM CD.

  2. it aint 'too risky' with these fine fellows.

    Once I ordered a piece of software from here, it didnt arrive in something like 8 weeks, so they sent me a copy of Combat Mission for some reason, and then another copy of the product I had origionaly ordered. I dont know why the hell they sent me Combat Mission, maybe they felt bad about my originial order getting lost in the mail, or maybe it was a mistake, who the heck knows, my point is if you order it now and dont get your hands on it for at least a month or you get it and it doesnt work through no fault of your own, ill give your dad 800 billion dollars.

    oh and i dont know how old you are but im youngwe than most and this game has been played once a day by me ever since i got it, too bad i still suck at it! give me a mail and we can get stuck into a pbem or something sometime!

    If all else fails, get a job at your local fast food hole and save up enoguh money to fly over to wherever the heck big Time Software is situated and weld two copies to your ass so you dont loose em'.

    [ 09-22-2001: Message edited by: chasd ]

  3. You think American highschools are bad?

    Our Aussie textbooks tell us that the Western front was fought between the Huns and the Yanks (literaly), no mention of the British.

    One of the morons in my class was telling me how the Americans invaded NORWAY on June 6th 1944.

    Someone asked me for a test who attacked Pearl Harbour in 41...AFTER we had seen the movie. I told them the Alaskans, they thanked me and promptly wrote in down.

    Our teacher shows us such informative movies as U-571 and Pearl Harbour, which we base our tests on. When I suggested Das Boot as a good movie, someone had seen it and commented on how it had subtitles. I quickly apologised for asuming the class could read.

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