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Otto Mekanik

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Posts posted by Otto Mekanik

  1. Ahh yes all of us on this board remind me of 80 year old men sittin in front of the hardware store bitchin about the young kids and their aweful ways.

    I don't see all the excitement with the Eastern front anyway, just a bunch of open ground and cold weather...give me the Western front anyday!! France...wine...ladies...Belgium chocolates......blah..blah..blah

    They will come running back to this board when they see a good Russian winter.

  2. My wifes grandfather is visiting for a couple weeks. He was a captain's driver in the 42nd Rainbow division and won a bronze star for putting a string of daisey chain mines in front of a German tank in Hatten, France during operation Nordwind.

    Anyway, I've exhausted my brain with questions and he looks at me and says "Ask me a question or do somefink already"...... wondered what you all would ask, thus giving me more stuff to ask him.

    He landed in southern France, was involved with in the defense after Operation Nordwind started and helped liberate Dachu.

    I used CM to create a map of the Hatten area for him to view again since that was where he won his bronze star.


  3. Germans,

    Any of you have broadband? I would like to see some of the German movies to see your point of view.

    But I don't want all of you to send me millions of turns. How about Turn 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25? If you have the chance maybe just email me so I can let you know if I've received any yet.

    Maybe I should make a web site to upload the turns so they are downloadable by anybody interested.




    [ 11-17-2001: Message edited by: Otto Mekanik ]</p>

  4. Heinz!!!, our starting leader. You were gone but not forgotten. You did great with our initial planning and coordination. Thanks for all your time too.

    I'm not sure which allied member decided on on that roadblock location but it was perfect, I think Heinz came up with it though?


    Where did the infantry come from that attacked the village? Did they start on that side of the map or did they travel all the way from the road/bridge VL area?

    We sure got lucky with the artillery stopping your attack, all we had was a platoon(minus half squad) and a machine holding the village. We had to run some Shermans to the town. Oh by the way I was the first Sherman(V-13) to arrive at the town, my apologies to the infantry platoon that I pummeled near the village smile.gif

    Great German web site and I just LOVE seeing your message board, it's hilarous reading what the other side was thinking. You germans would laugh because we americans were so paranoid that their were German Paratroopers behind our lines and what else Gordon pulled over on us.


  5. Gordon,

    Thanks for all your hard work, I had a great time with the whole thing and the chain of communication gives is a realistic chaotic feel. I can't imagine how many hours a week you put into it.

    I would love to hear some stories or plans from the German side. Anyway we can swap passwords to the message board to see each others plans and worries?

    Hey Germans, we were hoping you didn't make a run for the last VL, we were a little weak on the defense back there. Defending was easier to coordinate than your full scale attack I'm sure. Any funny stories from your side?


    ATG T-20 (died)

    V-13 Sherman

    V-25 Sherman

  6. I seem to be getting a lot of attention lately and it is beginning to bother me. Everybody is calling me a stupid and worthless opponent, some even wish I was dead!

    Can I help it if I'm focused on a goal and use all my resources to accomplish that goal? Yeah, sometimes I have my troops too close together, yes, sometimes I send a mortar unit to head up an assualt, is it my fault that was how my Creator made me?

    I thought I was being clever when I used 92 rounds for smoke. I thought it was cool. Nobody ever is excited to play me, I'm like the unwanted kid on the playground who gets picked last. You only pick me when your pbem partner won't send you any emails or you are awake at 2am hiding from your wife/girlfriend.

    Oh, I remember the good ol days. Remember the demo days? We laughed and cried together as we played Last Defense for the first time. And you were soooo excited to see me in Chance Encounter, how was I then? I still held your attention then didn't I?

    Well, what else can I say? I feel used and dirty, you just don't make me feel good about myself anymore. How do you expect me to grow if you keep putting me down.

    See you later...maybe


  7. What are the tricks and tips for the map edges parameters?

    How does a friendly map edge effect friendly units and unfriendly units?

    Found in a search that GonzoAttacker mentions to reverse the map edges and this makes forces move quicker? How so? Do units just move quicker in a confused circular pattern because they don't understand the parameters?


  8. Good suggestion...but I would have to eliminate too many fun things....day and night fighting, different reinforcement schedule for axis and allies..etc

    I love Wild Bills Team DeSorby and how the initial attack comes from 3 directions. I checked out his map and parameters and I don't see why his units seem to attack forward while in my operation they group together.

    I even gave them perfect dirt roads smile.gif

  9. I know I've seen some threads on this topic but I cannot find them and a search isn't doing much either.

    Trying to have an operation with a two pronged Axis attack on an allied held village. I have the two Axis groups 500 meters apart and when I start the game one axis group always tries to reach the other before advancing.

    Does a certain parameter work better to get the TacAI to advance?

    Using the assualt parameter is most relevant to the operation but I have tried others in hopes of getting a decent AI advance. The map is 880m wide so I can't move them much farther away?

    Any thoughts?



  10. MrSpkr reports:


    Yip! Yip, yip, yip!.......

    What do you think it means?


    lol :D

    I think you are hearing your German mother calling you in to wash for dinner and to leave those American boys alone before you go an get yourself hurt :eek:


    Allied Unit T-20

    Artillery Spotter 240mm

    [ 06-22-2001: Message edited by: Otto Mekanik ]

  11. Excellent news brief! Well done. I think I have seen a photo of the german advance somewhere, now where did I put that....hmm.

    Gamey?...Ahistorical?....what till you see what was in those trucks. Just a little closer now....closer...that's good keep coming.

    Gordon has hacked into the BTS computers and stolen the bridge demo unit from CM2...yes it's compatiable with CM1.

    Right now I'm sitting in a secret spot with my hand on the demo charges plunger, hope my lazy, overstuffed, capitalist arm doesn't get too tired smile.gif

    [ 06-22-2001: Message edited by: Otto Mekanik ]

  12. Fear not Americans, after Turn 1 of this Rumble we have received a recon photo of the German advance.

    Turns out a local French boy who was wearing an American G.I. jacket and eating a Hershey bar, ran into the German advance column.

    Mistakenly, the Germans thought he was a real american soldier and promptly surrendered. They have been following him around all afternoon.


    Have seen more fight in a 12 year old girl at a Backstreet Boys concert than we are going to see from these advancing Germans :D


    [ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: Otto Mekanik ]

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