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Posts posted by mrbear

  1. Originally posted by Panzer76:

    OMG.. I can think of about a zillion other features, that would be actually useful.

    Would it not be useful to be able to click on a log message and have the camera relocate instantly to the spot where your sherman has had its gun knocked out? Granted if you were playing on a very small map, it would not be a problem, but with max mapsize and scores of tanks, it could get a bit problematic. Or would one of your zillion other suggested features solve that particular problem? tongue.gif
  2. Originally posted by Michael emrys:

    What happens if two or more units on different parts of the map say different things at the same time? This could get confusing.


    Well, you could have a separate log window that did not interfer with or be in the way of the rest of the interface. Examples include RPG games like Neverwinter Nights, and the Infinity engine, with resizable log windows. The problem with this solution is that you don't see who says what directly. But it could be solved by linking a line of text with the unit name, to a camera reposition link aka a hyperlink ***:

    ***3. bat 2. company 4. squad***: bla bla bla

    BTW another handy feature, would be a director's camera, that automatically jumped between the hotspots in a replay turn. Granted, it would not be so useful when checking the overall progress on the battlefield, but would instead make for good 1 minute action packed mini warmovies. Naturally you would want to be able to turn it on and off. It could also be implemented through a mini-window, like in conquest: frontier wars if I am not mistaken. You use the unit window screen in the replay phase to show the hotspots.

    [ October 05, 2002, 05:02 AM: Message edited by: mrbear ]

  3. Originally posted by Epée:

    Três anuli pro regibus Quendorun sub caelo,

    Septen pro dominis in regia lapídea eorun,

    Novem pro Viris mortalis mori condemnatis,

    Unus pro domino nefario on solio obscuro eius,

    In terra Mordoris ubi umbrae iacent. Unus Anulus ea invenie,

    Unus Anulus ea omnia collocare et ea in tenebrisnectere,

    In terra Mordoris ubi umbrae iacent.

    Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum viditar -

    What is said in latin, sounds profound :D

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