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Posts posted by Bratch

  1. Hello,

    Thanks to Robert (Tomcat) for pointing this thread out to me or it would have been missed.

    Fionn, I certainly appreciate the offer but as I am certain you can understand I have RL obligations keeping me from playing any games right now. I would like to ask, if you are willing, that you let Terence McLaughlan aka CDIC have my slot. He is a worthy opponent and certainly most worthy of a shameless spanking. :D



  2. Hi Jsoh,

    I can answer your first question reasonbly well. The second I will defer to many of the more than capable posters here.

    Hull down is an advantage sought by a tank commander where only the turret or upper hull portion of his tank is visibile to the enemy while he still has clear ability to direct fire upon the opposing tank. The simple adavantage is he is presenting a much smaller target. And no, you do not have to open to use it.

    [This message has been edited by Bratch (edited 09-04-2000).]

  3. Greetings all,

    I have been a lurker here for some time. Rarely do I post and lately I have not even spent a lot of time reading because of the obvious transgression of this board.

    When I first stumbled across CM, prior to the beta demo release, I followed this board with a fervor. I gleaned many useful tips and have implemented them into my reasonably successful tactics thus far. I often chuckled at the humor of the old hands as they sparred. I admit, I was even one of the refresh-monkey types on the night of "The Thread".

    Tonight I decided to check out the board again as I waited for turns to roll in. I have to say I am aghast. This board was created with a purpose, I fear that has been all but lost. I am not saying that there is not a wealth of information to be gained by the prospective CM player but attempting to sort through all of the accumulated BS tends to leave a sour taste in ones mouth. What does the person, such as myself, that stumbles across this board gain? I have to wonder if I would have pre-ordered on blind faith if this is what I had been greeted with.

    I whole heartedly support Steve and Charles in their banning of ANYONE who uses this board to act like an idiot and spout useless rhetoric. Let us all remember the power we hold while posting on this board when it comes to influencing propsective CM players.

    Eben Bratcher

  4. Manta I agree somewhat. I find that sitting down and playing a one player scenario to completion is brain draining. I much prefer PBEM where I can devote as much time to a turn as needed and then take a break. I still love the game but marathon sessions are not for me. I am not sure that I will even use the TCP/IP patch very much. This is still the best game I have ever owned and will remain so until CM2, etc.

  5. I thought we had been through this once already. Although I take great exception to someone coming to this board and making threats it could have been avoided if we would play in our own neighborhood. I am not going to waste the time to go see what was posted at the CC site, I have never purchased a CC game and I never will, it is not my bag. It is theirs though so let them have it.

    IMO it is juvenile behavior that leads to this sort of thing, from both sides. I hope that Steve or Charles can lock this one up and everyone else can let it go and stay out of the CC sites.

  6. During the mid 30's General Patton had his desert warfare training grounds here in the Arizona Desert. There were a number of camps spread out between Hyder Arizona and I believe Barstow California.

    I worked a summer on a large ranch in Hyder and used to spend my off time walking through the old camps. The outlines of the tents, walkways, etc are still there where they outlined them with volcanic rock they had painted white. In other locations I have found literally piles of '06 ammo still in the old stripper clips. Of course among the natives the rumors abound about buried equipment, some saying even jeeps were dug up. I never found anything that good but have some interesting souvenirs.

  7. Manta & Greasy

    Sorry about the A-10's you must have been hunting on one of our bombing ranges. The A-10's come out of Tucson. Only thing we have stationed here is AV-8B's.

    Manta, I have good news, the Sonic was torn down long ago. Seems they were sited on a previously undiscovered WWII chemical dump site. You didn't really drink the tea did you?

    Either of you ever walk though some of Pattons old camps near here? Some pretty interesting stuff still lying around.

  8. Charles,

    I am glad you liked the Dalwhinnie, IMO it is one of the better Highland malts. If you get a chance try Dalmore, i enjoyed it also.

    The Islay malts (eye-lay) can be overwhelming at first but if you acquire the taste they are some of the best.

    Lagavulin (la-ga-voo-lin) and the

    Laphroaig (la-phroyg) are definately worth trying. The Bowmore Legend is also good but not as smooth as the Lagavulin. Some of the older Bowmores can be fantastic, the 17 year old is worth trying.

    Slainte, (cheers)


  9. Charles,

    There is a wide spectrum of single malt Scotches available to meet your preference in taste.

    For a strong smokey taste go with the 16 year old Lagavulin. It is incredibly smooth but has an intense character and flavor.

    If you like a less harsh, sweeter malt, I recommend the 15 year old Dalwhinnie.

    The Macallan, which is available in a number of ages, the 15 year old is good, is also very drinkable with more of a sherry taste. This is due to the barrels the whiskey is aged in.

    These are some of my favorites, I have tried many others but these are well suited to introducing someone to the wonderful world of single malt whisky.

    As a warning there are some which should not be served to your worst enemies, I usually save them for visits from the mother-in-law. As a general rule stay away from the cheaper ones that claim to be single malt. They are rarely aged past three years (the minimum under law) and are often harsh. I was not pleased at all with Glenfiddich, it looks like dirty water in the glass and has a taste to match. Anything you can buy in the local Kmart is a good thing to stay away from.

    Oh, BTW, try it first straight in order to appreciate the flavor, then you can add a little spring water to taste. Some people like to add ice but why hide the flavor of a good whisky by chilling it, save that for the cheap stuff. And NEVER, absolutely NEVER mix it with soda, that would be sacrilige of the highest order.

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