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  1. I have a P2 450 with a Voodoo3 2000. Directx 7 loaded. I get a black screen if I don't turn down video acceleration, which requires a reboot. Someone responded before that this was because my machine is running CM in software mode. Is there any way to correct this? I've tried reloading, redownloading. I have the latest drivers, etc, etc. What are RAVE extensions? Would this apply to my Voodoo3? How would I enable them is so? I'm determined to keep trying. I want to play this game. Any help would be appreciated. Mike
  2. Unfortunately Micron neglected to put an AGP slot in the P2 450 I bought from them, and I was not smart enough to check. Voodoo 3 is the fastest PCI that I know of. Mike
  3. Performance was improved after upgrading my acceleration from "Basic" to "Most accelerator functions". This setting still seems to avoid the black screen problem. Hope this is fixed for the full game. Mike
  4. An adjustment: After upgrading my acceleration to "Most accelerator functions", I get better results. Graphics and performance is improved. Hope this might help someone else with the same problem. Mike
  5. I turned down the video hardware acceleration to "Basic accelerator functions" and my black screen problem ceased. Game runs normally. Mike
  6. After going through the intro screens normally, when I would push the button to begin the game my screen would go black, though the cursor would still be functional. I tried just about everything and what eventually enabled the game to run was to turn down the video hardware acceleration to "Basic accelerator functions." The game now plays normally, though because I use the accelerator for other programs, I won't want to go through the change and reboot too often. But it is nice to finally be able to take a look at what everyone is raving about. Mike My system: P2 450 voodoo3 2000 Win 98, Directx 7.0 160 Ram
  7. Charles, Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I'm already running 16 bit at 800 x 600. I noticed somone else who had a blacked out screen was running a voodoo 3 like I am. I wonder if there is a problem there. Also, I've heard people mention a text file included in the demo. I can't find one in my download. There isn't more than one version of the download around, is there? thanks for your help, Mike
  8. After I go through the scenario briefings, etc, when I press the button to start the scenario, my screen goes black. I still have the cursor, which I'm able to move around, but screen stays black and I have control-alt-del to get out of program. P2 450 Win 98 voodoo 3 2000 PCI Maestro 2 160 Ram Directx 7.0 I was very much looking forward to playing this.
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