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harley desrosiers

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Posts posted by harley desrosiers

  1. Thanks for the help. During the time I was in the Armored corps we always had

    winter training refreshes on how to defend against an advancing army (those old 16mm

    traing films) showing how to use a water trailer to ice a road on a upward slope (forgot to mention the slope).

    How to mine a frozen lake to cut off a line of retreat. And how to make snow shelters to stay warm. Also to have two or more timbers with your tank to place under the tracks to help you up a ice slope.

    One other thing steve will the cold of winter

    effect the men and equipment in any way. vechial brakedown, fire power, movement (men running in deep snow with the extra bulk of winter equipment and such) Will ordance in general be more likley to fail?

    Winter is very hard on all things Military.

    thanks in advance

  2. Goodday Steve, Charles. I came to mind after enjoying MadMatt's POTD, AT gun and crew in winter.

    That those boys had no winter fortifications

    for their protection or winter obstacle to

    slow down or halt that tank column.

    All Army's that fight in winter have simple

    but effective method's to slow down or even stop tanks in their tracks so to speak.

    ever seen the what happens to tanks on ice. Turning a small strech of road into

    a sheet of ice stop's them dead amazing what some frozen water can do. And using piled snow to form a kind of reverse trench that done right can stop a 50cal.

    I don't know about all army's but those above the 49th have all four season's to use to their advantage. Just a thought for CM2

  3. I also noticed that the trees rotate as

    does the smoke and the obj flags is this normal. Also could the obj flags

    be a tad smaller as they some times get in the way of viewing your units, could they maybe size the same as everyone else does but

    independently from the rest of the units.

    Also had a whole grid square of scatered trees burst into flames. It had a smoke column I assume it was smoke that set it off is this also normal. Does this imply that phopours smoke rounds can be used to start large fires.

    Quote "That crazy Muglan is dropping them all

    over the place". When I called in smoke with LoS to the target I must say the desperson was over a very large area and even off the

    map with both types of offboard arty 81mm and 105mm. Last Defense scenario playing as the Germans.

    Side note. Dreaming of you in 1992, X-ASL player.

    Thanks Harley

  4. Well I hate to burst your brackets but most low velocity small bore guns on tanks have to bracket the target when they use HESH or smoke rounds.over 1500m, the muzzle velocity is to low for direct fire, ie 533mps or under (At least in the Canadian army anyway).

    (ex Cougar commander).

    For indirect fire You also use a Gismo called a QFC, Quadrant Fire Control to set the range This is used on the 75mm AT gun mounted on the Scorpion turret to bracket your fire onto your target. Sometimes Ya hit some times Ya miss,

    It was used and developed by the British and they had a very similar device use on their guns in WWII. The grandfather of the system used today. But that is just for up and down what about side to side, well most tanks have turret degrees of rotation dial that's used when fireing at night and on preregistered targets of potential enemy routes of advance.

    Not accurate but it may just make him think twice about advancing up that route. All modern tank crew rules of ingagement are direct decendents of systems developted in WWI, WWII and Korea.

    But what about engagements at 1200-1500m. You use semi-Inderict fire with your gunner sight and bracket your target in two hundred to four hundred meter brackets. Watch for fall of shot and correct. And If your close ie, splashing dirt on the thing, you then go into direct fire mode to take him out. This is where you can use half target corrections and go for the kill. Not fancy, no laser range finder or gyro computer controled guns but a good gunner will hit in 2-3 rounds. And with a good comander who knows how to range estmate a target. usualy 1-2 rounds.

    Just an observation, Thanks Harley

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