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Posts posted by ed3636

  1. Just want to enquire what I have to do to get an opponent for CMBO. I would be fairly new to playing 'real people', but have played a couple of games by email before. Do people here like to play one game a day or space a game over a couple weeks, etc. I would be able to make a couple moves a day, more if they are short moves like at the beginning of a game. Any reply would be appreciated along with instructions on how to set up a PBEM game..

    Thanx Ed ed3636@hotmail.com

  2. I read Hawk's bulletin on how he first found out about CM. Interesting thread, as gets some thinking about ideas on how to spread word regarding CM that we may never have thought about. I have been a fairly avid Panzergeneral 1 player for a while and have developed a group of regular opponents, who have become like online buddies. I am starting to spread the word there and am hoping that most of the PG players will find out about CM via the grapevine now. I am sure that most of us have been doing this and I think it is great way to both advertise for BTS and to add to pool of oppnents, most who are already interested in the WWII gaming.


  3. Real Age..........................38

    Wife's interpretation.............puberty

    Age I feel........................puberty

    Friends interpretation............Can Ed

    come out and play

    Coworkers interpretation..........barely

    puberty and get off that darned


    Boss..............................Well at

    least he knows what he's doing

    in emergencies, between being on

    the computer, and oh well>>>>


  4. At the end of my trn, both the film and order phases, my computer freezes on me. The PBEM file is always able to get through now, but when hit the alt + whatever key then it freezes on me, also in the 1 player game the alt + whateever keys also do not work. The Shift + whatever keys always work. Anyone seen this problem before where just the Alt keys locked??????


  5. Hello all. ????When i receive the opening setup/moves,etc from my opponent then do i transfer that info into my CM file??? Also, anyone who can direct to a site where I can learn what ICQ/AIM, etc. stand for and how they may be useful to me, please let me know. I am new to this and all the jargon is greek so far. But I am learning slowly by trial and error.



  6. Well i suppose there is a keyboard formalities that must be adhered to so i apologize for the loud voice. I don't know what UUUUUHHHHHHHHHH stands for but if it is suggesting that I am in a chat room asking where the chat room is I want you to know that I don't consider this a chat room like I have seen before but more of a bulletin room. No hard feelings, I am here just to learn about and play the game.


  7. I am looking for an opponent, not necessarily Rommel, for a PBEM game. I will play either side but have not played this game against a living human yet. So if you are a genius at this you may not want to play e , but if you are a beginner then i welcome the cahllenge. I will also play any Rommel's as long as you don't get frustrated with my gameplay, but then again I may suprise you!!!

    ed3636 (ed3636@hotmail.com)


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