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Posts posted by citizen

  1. Now if they would just fix the terrible decision to make felled trees sink into the ground.

    When trees get knocked over (which even trucks can do) the trees magically disappear, robbing the already wildly exposed infantry of desperately needed cover.

  2. Can damaged tanks be further shot at to brew them up and avoid this whole mess?

    Can I shot at my own abandoned tanks?

    If an enemy unit re-crews one of my damaged tanks, will its "ID halo" suddenly turn colors whether or not I have LOS to the tank?

  3. While I'm happy to see another AAR, I am disappointed that all 3 so far have been Armored scenarios. Still waiting for an all Infantry battle. I want to see some Inf fire and manuever to see how well the game simulates it.

  4. Thanks for the new AAR, Rune. I would like to see an all-infantry battle next, with at least a Company on each side. Some off-map light mortar support would be great to see in action. I think we've seen enough tank companies and airpower in support of a couple of Inf squads.

    Please don't add riding on tanks. With the "thick of battle" engagement ranges, it's totally unnecessary. And I don't mind if you never implement entering buildings. As soon as you do, people will cry about lack of basements and the inability to blow holes in interior walls to move from one blockhouse to the next.

    Looking forward to this game big time, as is.

  5. I hope that the scenario briefings don't call out "All Infantry Battle" in the intro. I want to be surprised. If I can't buy armor for a battle, I don't want to know with 100% certainty that my opponent can't buy armor, too.

  6. I like this idea a lot. When defending a river a commander would often have a mobile reserve held way back to smash any crossing before it could dig in. Such a force should not be "on map," but should only trigger when an enemy unit reaches a certain point on the map, or when the local forces have been trashed enough that a breakout could occur.

    This reserve force should not count towards the "points" of that team, as it is in the end a balancing feature to avoid, as JasonC said, the snowballing effect. This would also serve to discourage the "edge-hugging-deep-penetration-force" as it could trigger unexpected reinforcements on the operational map.

  7. I sincerely hope they do not reduce map size to cause engagements amongst small ME's or increase them when bigger units meet.

    Changing map size gives away too much intel. If I move a Coy onto a map where I suspect you have a single Platoon, I'd expect a small map (say 800m x 800m) if it was variable. If I start the battle and the map is 1500m x 1500m, I'd instantly know that I have stumbled upon a much larger force than I expected.

    I should not get this info for free. I should have to make a probing attack to see if my operational recon was accurate.

  8. I am hoping for multi-day campaigns, like 3-9 days.

    Question for those who have beta'd:

    Say there's a continuous engagement where 2 ME's are fighting it out day after day. One force gains the right flank of the enemy on day 3. On day 4 is the front a straight line like CMBB does now? Or do troops get to keep the flanking position they won?

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