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Posts posted by Thom

  1. One of you mentionned the "7 company" which was one of the worse french movies of the 70's!

    There is a few very good french movies about WWII, the two best are "un taxi pour Tobrouk" (A taxi for tobruk) and "la bataille du Rail" (The battle for the railway); I have also to mention "Paris brule t'il?" (Does Paris burn?) for the patriotic pride it gives me every time I see it. There is also a very good one about WWI: "la grande illusion" (the great illusion, french is preaty easy tongue isn't it?). I love, like most of you, "Kelly's heroes" (the great song and D. Sutherland as a tankleader is really tremendous!), "Das boot", "the big red 1", "the magnificent dozen" (which french title is stupid: it could be translated "the twelve bastards!") and "cross of iron". The first 30 minutes of private Ryan sound also very realistics. Talking about other movies about war I am very surprised that nobody mentioned "Jonnhy got is gun" which is for me the best movie about war I have ever seen!

    And the last but not the least, maybe the main reason why I am now a MD: "M.A.S.H.".

  2. Remember that the doctrine was to "hit and run" and lighness (i.e. speed)was a major feature of it. But in facts things were less obvious!

    My grand father served in a TD french regiment (with M10 I believe) and he alway told me that they used their destroyers in the same manners as other tanks. Moreover they fighted more often against infantry than against armored troop.

  3. Earthquake are far less frequent in western europe (since about 5000 years!). This is maybe the reason why we find very few wooden house. Other reason, at least in France, is the lack of reliable wood (during the past century wood was reserved for ships) and now there is not enought trees to develop a real log industry. It exist great pine forest which covered a large part of south-western France, but it was used mainly for the resin. Few attempts have been made to develop log house in this area, but cultural prejudice were strongers.

    Maybe we go a little far from the original topic?

  4. Ok, Ok, I used cliché about churchs in USA. But the one in the demo really doesn't look like western european one. I may appeared a little bit maniac to focus on the churh, but it is a REALLY important geographic feature for country of our old continent. When you drive toward a small town or a village this is the first thing you see (and the first thing artillery shot at during both world wars!).

    It is a good news we can "skin" building at will.I have a few idea: Do you notice, from picture of the period, that during the WWII a lot of house in french village and town are painted with alcohol adverts (I mean Suze, Pernod, various wine, etc...)?

  5. I play now the beta version for a while and I cannot explain what embarass me in this excellent game. When I finally discover: we are fighting in american middle western lanscape!

    In fact the most disturbing is the village/small town with the white wooden church! I defy anyone to find in western europe any white wooden church! They are in general in stone and sometimes in bricks ore even in concrete (but not before the second half of the century). Moreover, most of the building are on those materials appart for stables and forage housing. Are those landscape only for the development of the beta version or do we gonna fight in Walnut's Grove in the final version (In which case I hope we could shot down Laura Ingalls!)


  6. I have just download CM yesterday. I have head of it by a french magazine about computer wargaming (cyberstratège, a very good one!). I believe I gonna experiment just a close combat in 3D. But I was amaze! It the most exiting wargame I never play. The first time I really feel the "panzergantz!". I am definitively a fan and I spent the night playing (my wife hate it allready!). I have, nevertheless, find one or two bug and I have not see any mention about it elsewhere. I named the main one "the flying GI's" one : my platoons go from one second level to another directly throught the air! Have you allready any mention of it? Have you allready fix it for the final version?

    Furthermore, I'd like to know if you have improve the final version for 3Dnow! instructions?


    P.S. I apologize form my english writing!

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