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The Vyrdolak

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Posts posted by The Vyrdolak

  1. Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

    Can you find a single image where Stalin poses without his hat? My memory fails me.

    You ever notice how Soviet and post-Soviet leaders alternate between bald and fully-coifed?

    Lenin (B)

    Stalin (H)

    Kruschev (B)

    Brezhnev (H)

    Andropov (B)

    Chernenko (H)

    Gorbachev (B)

    Yeltsin (H)

    Putin (B)

    It's uncanny. :rolleyes:

  2. Originally posted by Richie:

    Or should that read 'bored' games...

    Man... I used to play ASL religiously. I haven't played in years.

    I haven't played ASL since about 1993 or so.

    After Avalon Hill closed up shop, Rex Martin did

    his doctoral dissertation on "The Rise and Fall of Carboard Wargamingin the 1970s" [approximate title] at the University of Pennsyvlania. I found an abbreviated version on the web at one point, but I can't find the bookmark.

    His master's thesis, which I got to look at a hardcopy of when I used to playtest there on Wednesday nights, was on the Russo-Uberfinn war.

  3. Originally posted by With Clusters:

    I'm still curious as to how this will be utilized. I know, for 'educational' purposes, which is cool. But educating who, exactly? Will every soldier get the disc the first day of boot camp?

    Obviously, they're going to issue it to officer candidates; after viewing the multimedia presentation on the Battle of Crete and maybe doing a bit of reading, they will be paired off and given a set of scenarios (training exercises) to play and learn how to deal with some of the tactical problems encountered during the campaign.

    Good on ya, Battlefront!

  4. Originally posted by Hans:

    I'm collecting material to produce (For the upcoming CMAK) a number of 1948-1956 scenarios on the Arab Israel conflict.

    My major difficulty is finding maps of battles, especially the '48 ones at the Kibbutzs. Do you have sources that give maps/diagrams of those and the Egyptian drive up from the South?

    One of the best sources for something like that is the Wsst Point Atlas of Military History series. I would be surprised if they don't have a volume on the AIW.
  5. Originally posted by Screeny:

    OK OK OK hold that train and thought for a second.....etcetcetc....so does any one knows a good book on all of this but then of the Napoleonic Era?? There are many books about Napie but I don't want to end up with an Biograpy descriping his breakfast ritual smile.gif . So A good readable yet thorough book on the basic principle, tactics, strategies, unit types, doctrines, ToE, OoB's etcetcetc of that era for the beginner...

    Thanx in Advance

    Jeremy Black, Col. John R. Elting, and (Sir?) David Chandler are all excellent. Eltings Arm's Around a Throne does get a bit deep into the minutiae of La Grand Armee, maybe not what you're looking for.
  6. Originally posted by gibsonm:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Zaraath:

    grenadiers from Catholic countries (France, Austria) tended to wear bearskins, while mitre caps were worn by Protestant armies (Great Britain, Brandenburg-Prussia).

    OK so how did British Guardsmen (Grenadiers, Coldstream, etc) end up with bearskins? [/QB]</font>
  7. Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    I did several from the old Cross of Iron game (pre-ASL) and Squad Leader. SL5 -- Hill 621 is one I am particularly proud of. All of them are available at the Scenario Depot.


    The map doesn't look like the way I pictured the 2D map back in the day, but ASL - Hube's Pocket is very exciting.
  8. Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by John D Salt:

    Both honorifics hark back to Napoleonic times...

    Long before Napoleonic times. Before, even, Marlbourgh. Grenadiers were always assault troops. In their earliest form the carried... wait for it... grenades. </font>
  9. Originally posted by Dave H:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Florian Gross:

    I think I heard this in my history course in school. I was quite sure about it, because there were german colonies in the US

    Actually I think King George III would have been very put out if he had known there were German colonies in North America. At the time of the Revolutionary War, most of the Germans on this side of the Atlantic were troops hired by the British.</font>
  10. Originally posted by Terence:

    It [suka] means bitch and saying it in any context to a Russian woman would be a bad idea.

    Russians seem to take the obscenities in their language more seriously than we do. Being an American who doesn't know better is not a very good excuse, either.

    Here are some more choice Russian phrases, use at your own risk. (Don't access this site from your

    work computer, either)


  11. Originally posted by Slater_SS:

    ok ok this isnt really important to any of you here but I need somewhere to moan. I just had crash on my pc two weeks ago ( First ever on this PC) and so I 've lost close to 700mb of mods maps patches for both CMBO and CMBB

    I had a crash (disk became non-bootable, although it had been f'ing up for about a month beforehand), and have firsthand knowledge of two other people at work this happened to, plus anecdotes of others. I think it is a new virus, although I can't find anything recent at Symantec or Kaspersky specifically about this.

    I lost two years' worth of files in 1997 despite having a tape backup installed (too little capacity, too much trouble); since then, I am religious about backing up.

    I didn't lose any files this time, I slaved the old drive and copied everyting off of it (including the virus, presumably...)

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