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Posts posted by TangoYankee

  1. I think The Dude summed it up very well with 'Actually, I don't want "every little piece of information available from every aspect for every individual". Just the info the game already provides now.'

    Mostly the latter sentence.


    'And I know I would do it. But, CM in all it's current glory, leaves open the possibility that I won't check each unit. This is an aspect I really love.'

    I totally agree that it's a feature you enjoy. I don't know if I want to be forced to use it though. What if you're dealing with 100+ units on a 4km x 4km map? I think it would be damn difficult to keep up with all of them. That makes it more tedious and time consuming (i.e. micro-managment) which, in turn, makes it less fun. I believe that fun and/or enjoyment is the primary motivator(sp?) for buying this game. I'm not whining about how much effort I would have to put into the game, but rather (I'm whining) about how much EXTRA/UNEEDED effort the person must put into the game. Not asking for a rewrite, just a little help for non-grogs.


    P.S. Hey BTS, what is your stance on this? I'm interested to know what you think.

    [This message has been edited by TangoYankee (edited 11-02-99).]

  2. I've stopped hitting ESC to cancel. Now I only reach for it before realizing it's not the right key. (or there is no key)

    Anyone can get used to the keyboard settings, I feel it's just one less thing to remember when learning the game if the ESC is cancel and some other cntl or alt combo jumps to the Win9x desktop.

    Ford's and Chevy's to me....

    What would REALLY be nice is a cancel key for plotting, moving etc. Maybe DEL ?


  3. OK, how about a compromise? I all I really wanted was an easy way to jump immediately to a unit. Yes, I know this is not 100% historically acurate, but I shudder to think how long a large battle will take if finishing the demo is 1-2 hours. Think of tryiong to keep track of how many units? I know Fionn and Martin did it. But I think most of us non-grogs would love this crutch.

    How about a simple list of availible units? No info other than a "click here to jump to the unit" button. That still keeps the person in the dark, but speeds up the process of scouring through the ranks to find a particular unit.


  4. First game ever: The Last Defense as Ger.

    Clicking on my overconfident Tiger sitting in scattered trees and wondering why all of a sudden it wouldn't respond. Oh, the Allies got tanks too. That sucks....

    Next (revenge) game: Reisberg as Ger.

    Flanking the Allies until they're a pocket a couple hundred meteres square and crushing them.

  5. 1. Being able to switch back and forth between Win98 and CM WITHOUT any crashing or lockups. This is the first *program*, not to mention the first game, that I've seen do this with causing a problem.

    2. Pan and Scan from any unit in replay. I think it's too cool to be able to watch up close when a Sherman explodes from an 88 sitting on top of a hill or when a Tiger is ambushed and brewed by a couple of bazookas. Being able to watch over again is outstanding!

    3. Sending the demo out as a zipped file that requires no installation program that'll screw with your registry settings and not be able to remove it later on. D/L'd (w/ cable modem), unzipped, played and got a$$ beat in less than 30 minutes.

    As a fellow propeller-head that used to deliver public software years ago, I must commend BTS on how they have managed everything so far. No major foul-ups. No patch that was needed 10 minutes after the release. Just a fine product with a couple pages of documentation.


  6. I think that my only complaints being three low and one medium level cosmetic items, and only a couple of minor technical issues is an example of good prep work that BTS has done. I truely am amazed at how good the first release is. I've never seen any software start this well with such minor issues to be fixed.

  7. First let me say that this is the best BETA release I've ever seen. I've worked with all types of software for over 10 years and have never seen a first release as bug free as this. The graphics are perfect, no unexplained lock-ups, no mysterious magical rebooting in the middle of a turn. No effect on other programs. Heck, it didn't even modify the registry! You guys should sell your methodologies to MS and IBM and make a bundle of money! smile.gif

    Now on with the nitpicky stuff...


    After doing a save, there is a flashing outline of the left and top of where the file dialog box used to be after it closes. In other words, I get this:











    in the top left hand corner of the screen, flashing at me after the file dialog window closes. Not major, but worth mentioning.

    (BTW, hardware happening on: 19in mon., 32MB NVidia TNT2, 1600x1200 res.)

    Another BUG:

    It's been mentioned before, but I think it's worth another mention. The "jumping" of the LOS lines, Targeting lines, etc. It's really annoying.


  8. What would have really helped:

    1. Right-click on any unoccupied place in the map to get the "Hotkeys" menu to pop up. Then be able to select items on the Hotkeys menu with the mouse. (You don't know how many times I would right-click expecting to see a menu)

    2. Being able to hit ESC in the middle of ploting a command to remove it instead of having to plot it, the backspace to remove it. Same for arty, ambushes, etc.

    3. Left-click on any part of the map and show what the terrain is for that area. It's hard to tell the difference between Trees, Woods and Heavy Woods, even with the max trees turned on.

    4. An popup (with a great layout by M Hofbauer here: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/001164.html) to show the current status of your units. It's the same as clicking on each one to see how they're doing. A time-saver.

    I think everything else is great. The best wargame sim so far. Can't wait for the release.


  9. BTS and Fionn,

    Fionn: "I think people should stop treating Charles and Steve as equals... They are not."

    I'm not a wargame expert. I do not know the muzzle velocity of an M-1. I don't know the max. range of a German 88. You guys know that stuff. You're supposed to. It's part of your job. The other part of your job is to produce a good wargame, which you have.


    "The interesting section is " ... want to make it better."

    Given that no-one here has major game design experience I would strongly argue that what people actually want to do is "make the game more comfortable for me (being they, themselves) to play."

    Also I'd point out that THAT is not, necessarily, the same as making the game better."

    You're 100% correct. No one here knows more about game design than BTS. We're the customer. and the customer's (all the rest of us non-grogs) job is to offer BTS suggestions as to how the customer might find the game more playable/comfortable.

    If you, BTS, can look at these items (OOB stuff, et. al.) from a different angle, I think you'd see that no one here is trying to tell you how to program it. Rather, they're trying to help you see the little things that could open it up to a much wider audience.

    If your goal is to produce the most realistic wargame of all time, I'd say you've done it. OTOH, if your goal is to produce a war game with the highest level of realism, but still playable by a larger portion of the game buyers than just grogs, I would ask you to take a look at some of the things being asked for. You said it yourself:


    "One - Hardcore number centric players are a very tiny minority of wargamers. In fact, they become a smaller group each and every day.

    Two - above mentioned players think that they are the majority, and therefore try to push around weight they don't in fact have.

    Three - if we cater to the above mentioned players we risk losing all the people that want to play a game and not a spreadsheet (the majority).

    Sorry, but if we are going to err, it won't be in favor of a numbers nut."

    Maybe I'm missing something, but I would like to see things like OOB put into the game, and I'm DEFINATELY not a part of the hardcore minority. I'm not a numbers nut, I'd just like to have the game a little easier to manage. I don't think that's trying to tell you how to program the game or how to incorporate realism into it. It's just things that can make the game more enjoyable for the majority, not the experts.

    I think that by not listening to your majority customers, potential and current, you're cutting out a huge market segment. I think all they want is good entertainment/fun value for their money. It's what I want and I think I fall into that group. I love the realism as that's what has drawn me to the game in the first place. BUT, I don't want to sacrafice fun at the expense of realism. Why do you think CC is so popular? Realism or playablility?

    I think you've got 100% of the realsim and about 80% of the playablity. Do you think it's possible for you to take cut back 10% of the realism and add 10% to the playability, without ruining the overall concept of the game?

    What it all boils down to is this:

    If I have a choice between being playing a TOTALLY realistic wargame and losing all the time because I was never in the Army and don't know platoon level tactics, OR being VERY realistic and having loads of fun because it's easy enough to use, I, and I think the majority, are going to choose the latter.

    Thanks for listening to my ramblings...


  10. BTS,

    I've been playing WWII strategy games for almost 20 years now, but I'm no expert on WWII details. As a wannabe Field Marshal, the one thing that I haven't found a lot of discussion about here is the documentation that will accompany the game. Obviously BTS would love to sell 1M+ copies of CM, become rich and retire in Tahiti by next summer wink.gif As an amateur gamer, one thing that really appeals to me is detailed unit descriptions. By this I mean a hiearchacal reference chart/guide of unit strengths, weapons and capacities from squad to division level. Example:

    US Inf 44 (or whatever)

    Squad: 8 Soldiers, 1 NCOIC, 1 .30 Cal, 1 BAR, 6 M1's, 32 frags

    Platoon: 4 squads Plus - 1 Officer, 4 Soldiers w/ 1 Bazooka and 1 .50 Cal

    Batallion: 3 Platoons with 1 Officer (Major), 1 105mm battery, 1 SP Gun, etc......

    Yes, I know the examples I gave aren't even close to actuals, but you get the idea. Like I said I'm no expert, BUT (big BUT), it's people like me that will buy those 1M+ copies. The more documented information you include with the game, the easier it will be for the average player to understand what units they're using and what the strengths and weakness' of those units are.

    Most of your customers won't be experts, but if you add some unit documentation, (on paper, not just while playing the game) this game will be an even bigger hit.


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