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Scott Cunningham

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Posts posted by Scott Cunningham

  1. I had Battlecom (and paid $@% for it too), but swutched to Roger Wilco. I use it all the time for M1TankPlatoon 2 and it is superb. Aside from ICQ I rate it as the top free download available. Just one hint: use the 'push to talk' setting (where you set a keyboard stroke to activate the mic) instead of voice activated, it just works better.

  2. I'm going to try and post a pic here off of my website. If it turns out OK (with my limited HTML knowledge) here's the story. We were travelling down a valley road in ouyr M1s in Germany. The tank two vehicles behind me lost a track(it wore out and snapped in two). The tank driver instinctively hit the brakes (rookie tendency, worse thing you can do) and the tank naturally swung 90degrees towards the side with the track still on. The correct procedure is to turn the T-bar all the way to the side missing the track and slow down gradually, the tank will maintain a straight line). Well, we lucked out since we were in this valley as the tank swervedto the river side where there were no houses. Had the opposite track broken the tank would have swerved straight into a house on the right hand side of the road. Here's the pice (if it comes out)


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