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Posts posted by Ron

  1. 9 hours ago, IICptMillerII said:

    Nowhere in here do you present any hard facts to back your claims. How many titles has Arma sold? Int he past year? Same for DCS. How do these numbers compare proportionally to larger and smaller "niche" game developers. Where are the hard numbers on that? Until you can provide concrete marketing information and statistics to back any of this up, all your doing is giving your opinion on your perception of reality. Your perception of reality IS NOT reality.

    Further, the examples you listed are all examples of what BFC is likely trying to avoid. All those games started out niche with small communities. They then got popular (Arma 2 became a top seller with the release of the DayZ (non-stand alone version) mod as an example) which drew in tons of new players. But heres the thing, those new players wanted nothing to do with the realism aspects of Arma, they just wanted to kill zombies in a large multiplayer sandbox. War Thunder, yeesh not even sure this is worth getting into. All I will say is that the more simulator based side of the game has a tiny player population compared to the arcade side. Why? Because your average person does not want to study and learn about the sim and warfare in general, they just want to press the play button and have some mindless entertainment for a few hours, and they view things like realism and proper tactical know-how as 'unbalanced' and 'not fun' and all number of other things. The last thing I want is to have a bunch of MoW players join CM, only to come on the forums and rant and rave at how their precious uber tiger was killed by a sherman, or how its dumb that infantry don't shoot back when suppressed, etc. 

    Niche games are flourishing because they are drastically toned down to appeal to a larger player base.


    Reading through all the verbiage, I think you have nailed it entirely. The original CMBO was such a hit with the wider audience because it was 'dumbed down' and accessible compared to what we have now. Everything since has been towards more, though not exclusively, the simulation side and as a result a more targeted audience and more 'effort' to play. My hat thrown in for opinions is while the graphics and engine could certainly be improved upon, a key to a wider audience would be making the game easier to play, ie Platoon/Company SOPs and Plans, to reduce some of the micromanagement required, which from trying to introduce others to the game has been an issue.

  2. I think Bil was a bit disingenuous in stating that it wasn't skill, but the equipment, that caused the beating his armor took. Yes, Big Kitty is extremely dangerous to Hellcats and other living things but, come on, Baneman has been making good movement/positioning decisions as far as I'm concerned.

    Yes I agree, I think also Baneman has been playing the smarter game to this point. While fully realizing it makes for a more exciting AAR, Bil's moves have been a gamble, a calculated gamble, but still a gamble. Bil is the defender here yet he is trying to force things instead of letting things develop and creating traps. His latest moves are more of the same imo. I'm really reminded of some games I played with someone from the early CMBO days who advocated that an armour heavy force would trump everything else. Our game results showed that a combined armed force prevailed, and I think the end result here will be the same. :)



  3. I can tell you in emails to me from support, they freely admit their DRM has some issues with being fairly oversensitive to minor changes to a PC config.  I think they have made attempts to fix it and my last go around was less troublesome.  The problem right now is I have used up all my activations with everything except CMBS...through no fault of my own.  I probably have 15 versions of gsclean on my drive.  My main gripe is I have no activations left.  BFC won't reset them.  Every time I get a new PC, I have to submit a ticket and beg for a new activation.  There are others of us in the same situation.  Their poor DRM implementation has taken those activations away, never to return.


    Any company that wants to put DRM in their products, all the power to them.  But use one that works.  My gaming time is limited.  I get 4-5 hour spots to play.  I have lost track of the number of times I have gone to fire CM up after adding RAM, a video driver, and even a USB headset, and gotten a DRM kill on my system.  Support usually has it squared away in 24 hours, but by then, I don't have time any more.


    I have to agree with sburke here. While an inconvenience to you, your actions are the exception not the norm. I would have no hesitation saying that the overwhelming majority of customers are unaffected, or if they are then use one of the surplus activations provided. No offense but stating the problem is no fault of your own is not entirely reasonable. :)

  4. Wow, what a lack of perspective from several posters. Get a grip indeed. BFC have always delivered excellent products and excellent customer service. Your download isn't working? Perhaps try not letting your panties get in a knot and do something else and try again later. These rants show a lack of respect and good manners, and have been responded to in kind. I can't believe any adult would behave in such a way, pathetic.

  5. Rightly so? C'mon man the entire cloud was down for a couple hours - 1. it isn't the end of the world if you have to wait a couple hours and 2. just exactly how much influence do you think BF has? If they could do this they could also insure we don't get screwed by driver updates for graphics cards.

    Isn't there a point where we can pretend to be adults and say an entire portion of the network is hosed, so maybe I can read a book or even have a conversation with another human being and set the game down? Or is the only possible automatic response to rage against a game manufacturer?

    God forbid we have an electrical outage.

    Hear, hear! But hey this is the internet right??

  6. You lost to the AI? Dam you must suck pretty bad at modern day wargames. :) I on the other hand can't seem to lose to the AI and that's why I don't buy too many games of any type anymore. Not enough ai work in games for me, not like the good ole days anyways when games like War of the Lance or Centurion Defender of Rome could kick my butt.

    It seems the 'good ole days' weren't that long ago when you wrote this: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1459095&postcount=31

    Having been a detractor of the CMx2 engine for a very long time like you I was out of work (stroke) and had some free time and free money so I bought into CMFI and gustav line package deal because I was bored (waiting on RTWII and Talisman digital and Hereos of Stalingrad) but I'm glad I did the ai has been kicking my butt and it's enjoyable losing once in awhile. I wish more and more companies built games to win and not just delay our victory. I'd say get it and I'm not biased. The only disappointed I have with the game is no real random battle maps they are taken from a group of maps already made by someone else who thinks he knows how to make maps.
  7. Yeah, I got to think that missed opportunity for Elvis to call down arty before Blau in a timely manner is game, set and match. Perhaps against another opponent he may be able to claw back to a semi even footing, but I cannot see it happening against Bil even if Bil fumbles handling the Soviet armour. (not likely) I did not see it, but does Elvis have any hand held anti-armour ability?

  8. There's also going to be a rather nasty surprise when the 120mm mortars start kicking in. Bil's bunched up and it's possible he could suffer quite a bit if Elvis can make it count. And even if he doesn't, Bil will need to respond and he'll probably advance faster than he would like, taking risks of no intel vs. staying and being pummeled.

    Yes this is what I have been expecting, and probably what Elvis is hoping for also. If his infantry in Blau can fix Bil's infantry in the woods long enough for the 120mm to wreck some havoc, then I think that will dramatically alter the scenario. At least until Bil's armour gets involved anyways.

  9. We should expose, or abstract and expose, the underlying information that's powering the simulation, mostly by pop-up info under the cursor or by some kind of representative, attached icon. Stuff like...

    I don't think this is that intelligent at all. You do realize I hope that many of the things you listed are diametrically opposed to the design intent of Combat Mission from the very beginning, yes even the first iteration whether some of that stuff was present or not? Agree or disagree, it's not that hard to see the path taken. That was why it was and is such a revolution for most.

    My take - Whatever happened to learning by doing? Seriously. Is it BFC's fault that a generation has an attention span of 45s and can't be bothered? No, it's their loss and I don't just mean CM.

  10. Wow what an interesting thread. As an outsider looking in I'm reminded of the circular arguments from my children; no apologies to those who are clamoring for 'cheaper prices, more content or whatever discount you feel entitled to', bottom line that's exactly what you want and face it you are only speaking for yourself. This old customer is happy with BFC's direction, happy with the content in modules whether new terrain, TOE or scenarios/campaigns and have never blinked at the price they are selling at. For me, these games and modules represent incredible value in gaming time.

    It bears repeating again, as a customer I am not obligated to purchase anything from BFC, and if I am interested in a game or module then I will do my research before buying. If not for me, then I won't and move on. If I care enough I may voice an opinion as to why. A simple fact I think. The other things going on here - the sense of some knowing what's best for the majority or BFC, the sense of entitlement or the supposed right to demand, the attempt to pressure or convince BFC/customers they are 'right' is in error. In the end, you can only present the facts then trust that your children will figure it out along the way. Most do.

  11. ...you might be a little alone in that.

    Lol! It seems to me that the 'alone' descriptor, to put it mildly, would be more appropriate to your distorted viewpoint. You are entitled to hold whatever opinions you wish, but wow you are out to lunch, your

    rants from what I understand are basically meaningless, without context or perspective. You don't appear to have any grasp of the larger simulation picture at all. Apart from the occasional outlier, I do not suffer from any of those issues you describe. Just to give some feedback from one who plays the games and modules regularly - there is too much content too fast. The idea that it would be beneficial to release more faster is just ludicrous. :o

  12. I think I have fixed Redwolf's angle here. For years he had been secretly pining to join the BFC team as the second programmer. He figured he would be the ideal candidate. Afterall, he had extensive experience programming and playing CMx1 and had clearly laid out where CMx2 had gone wrong*, and while riding Charles coattails to success wouldn't be the same as actually making his own game, he also secretly knew he did not have the wherewithal to do what a select few could.

    When news broke of Phil's hiring as the second programmer, Redwolf's hopes and dreams suddenly came face to face with reality, ie not pretty. Silence ensued until a new hope arose and with it a forthcoming opportunity - Martin's position! Redwolf just needed to establish how he would have marketed the various CMs better than Moon, er no just that he would, and that he had his finger on the pulse of the CM market and would take the company to new heights of greatness. What better place to start than the CMBB demo?!

    Anyways, come on guys with a background like that you can cut Redwolf some slack - a guy can dream can't he??

    * see posting history on the GS forums

  13. ian.leslie - More eyes spotting for one, more eyes spotting in C2 for another and finally unit stance and placement. No one comments on the fact Bil lost two halftracks or his TD took several hits without him ever spotting the source. Instead an uproar about Bil spotting a 'concealed' AT gun which was anything but. I have frustratingly seen AT guns go unspotted after firing many times and the why was it comes down to placement and/or lack of units spotting. It can be done.

    As noted by ASL Veteran, I also think people are really underestimating the importance of C2 in sharing spotting information. In my experience it makes a huge difference in the intel picture. From the screenshots I have seen, many of GAJ's units were out of the C2 loop. Hiding units do not spot as well - not as many eyes.

    Bil is very adept at using terrain to mask his units movement. It doesn't really raise my eyebrows the MG bunker did not spot his infantry in the tall grass at 1km+. Is CM problem free here - no, probably not, but my experience the spotting is generally very realistic with some randomness thrown in. Isolated that may not appear so but in the end it is good in my opinion. It definitely does not negate the system as some seem to suggest based on their anecdotes.

  14. I'm not sure what some are trying to sell, but it is becoming apparent here and in GAJ's AAR that a few either do not play this game much or at all, or simply do not like it. Whether CMx1 or CMx2, you get out of it what you put into it and to do well you need to invest your time and energy.

    Playing defense has its challenges but it also has its opportunites like I pointed out earlier in regards the Tits location. Some of GAJ's mistakes are very basic and would be equally punished in CMx1 as well. Driving a couple tanks up to a crest and hoping for a favourable outcome is simply not good tactics. Neither was the latest 'ambush' with the Team, HQ and Bazooka - better tactics would have been layering that with a MG further back which would have opened up first to eliminate the Scout, suppress the TC and suppress any accompanying infantry. Once that got the enemies attention, then open up with your closer assets and hope to take out the distracted tank with the bazooka. Does it always work? No, but I can guarantee from experience I get more favourable outcomes with that than what occured.

    Again all basic stuff learned from the first Combat Mission.

    Looking at the big picture - Bil's latest maneuvers to corral and pocket the defenders behind the Spur is genius. His sudden increase in tempo is masterful in keeping GAJ off balance. This AAR really highlights that military dictum and is a great learning tool to improve one's play. Boring? Boring would be to simply see two forces smash together in a series of pretty explosions. ;)

  15. Yeah generalizations are quick and dirty. I have some interaction with the police and firefighters, and I have come up with another - the Type A personality. It seems easier to file away and not sweat the details that way. A not too distant boneheaded example was the inability of a firefighter(s) to wait, non-emergency, about 15 minutes for a mechanic to show up with a tool to open the doors to an elevator shaft. They were forced open with predictable consequences. You always want to be on the good side of these professions but sometimes...

  16. Yes, 'washed out' was my first impression upon enabling Movie Mode as well. However, after fiddling with the Desktop color Gamma and Brightness settings I have got it down to the gritty SPR look. It looks really good and likely will be how I play from now on.

    The only problem is that the adjustments are global and not CM specific. I have a Radeon HD 6700 and do not see where I can adjust the color properties for an application only. Anyone know? Thanks.

  17. Me too. I am guessing it will be less than that am patiently waiting not whining. It's a concept that had worked since CMBO.


    Actually a concept learned at childhood for most. You would think 'patiently' would fit right between 'plan and budget' but I guess in internet land that gets thrown out the window.

  18. Not really a fair assessment...

    By the same token and not directed at you, explaining away the disparity with 'luck' or a 'broken engine' etc does not accurately reflect the skill of the attacker and the moves conducted. Freyberg touched on it in his post, without understanding the moves and coordination undertaken, you cannot appreciate its excellence. I'm reminded of Manstein's backhand blow and have read accounts where it is explained away by Soviet incompetence, overextension etc., yet when delved down to troop movements and timings you realize the brilliance of the operation and the man behind it.

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