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Bob I

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Posts posted by Bob I

  1. I just purchased a new flatscreen (21.3") and, when running TacOps (version 3), I have found that the maps no longer "fill the screen". The monitor should be run at its native resolution (1600 x 1200 pixels). I find it extremely distracting to run the game this way (only filling half of the screen). Two questions:

    1) Is there any way around this?

    2) Will the same thing happen if I upgrade to version 4.00?

    Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

    PS -- Can I put in a request for more solitaire scenarios?

  2. First off, I want to say that -- similar to many people who post to this board -- TacOps continues to be the one game that has both remained on my HD and which I play (again and again).

    I downloaded the new version and I deeply appreciate the refinements, enhancements, and all the attention that Major H. has put into this product from "day one."

    However, I still have to register my disappointment in two major areas:

    1. No new scenarios for us solitaire players, and

    2. Still no ability for a solitaire player to play Opfor.

    I have no problem with TacOps favoring, as it seems to me, people who play via the Internet (live or via e-mail). If this is the "audience" for the game, this group deserves the primary attention. It should be realized, however, that not everyone has the time or inclination to play in this way, and I can only hope that future versions of the game will remember the solitaire player. Thanks!

  3. In Fullerton the four sniper teams have the same weapons and ranges (not the case in the US variant). I always use the snipers to "take out" the SAM teams (which means they do have to be judiciously placed to see/reach the SAMS. I only start sniping, however, after I have begun zeroing in the arty for suppression of annoying OPFOR MG and other infantry. I always land (on the south side of the main compound) -- and have them march through the woods -- Eryx teams (usually a couple) to take out the BTRs (which will do a number on the snipers if revealed). I have sometimes used the snipers (once the work of clearing out the SAM and MG teams is over) to snipe at OPFOR in the A compound objective. The more OPFOR killed here, the easier the insertion via chopper of friendly forces for occupation.

    Once entrenchments have been cleared, the insertion (under smoke) of Eryx units into these positions will do wonders to keep back BTRs (only if smoke is maintained on the Eryx positions) -- remember: you can see them but they cannot see you.

    These things usually work for me.

  4. Against the SAM teams (in the facility):

    1. I take special note of where they are (allowed by the rules during setup),

    2. I load ALL of the 60 mm on choppers (mortars organized in groups of 3),

    3. Proceed quickly to safest point (in range of OPFOR SAM teams),

    4. Meanwhile place scout teams in position to view all SAM units (very difficult for the one SAM team in the facility but NOT on elevation two). This requires a scout to move by chopper to the patch of woods at the bottom of the map near that annoying blockhouse/guardhouse.

    5. Start zeroing in the mortars and, when at 4 or 5, FFE. I have found that this usually kills the SAM units or keeps their heads down long enough for the choppers (under smoke) to deliver the units needed to occupy the facility.

    By the way, the non SAM AA units do not have thermal sights so that they are blanked by the smoke (and do succumb to well placed 60 mm mortar fire).

    I know that this is very time consuming, but it works!

  5. You guys got me so worked up that I re-visited this scenario (an old nemesis). Most of the advice proffered has been excellent, so I will add less than 2 cents:

    I have found that forcing the cobras to hellfire (is that a verb?) only the tanks works wonders. At that point, the BTRs can be smoked and an easy prey for my ATGMs -- provided, of course, that they do not unload their ATGMs with thermals (the AI, I have found, never does that -- only unloading when BTR is destroyed/disabled). The key, I think, is not letting OPFOR get close to the facility (where they can call in ARTY on the "visitors").

    For all of this sage advice, it took me about 45 minutes to enter the facility (which, I agree, is too long) and suffered about 41% casualties. But I did win (and exited about 48%) -- Let us not talk about the 11% left behind.

    Great scenario and one of the best in the game!

  6. Major H.,

    Thanks for the update - I am sure that everyone understands and will patiently await for the new game. I will not say -- in a cavalier fashion -- to heck with the reviewers re: the "eye candy." Everyone will benefit (especially you) if the game reaches more people. Unfortunately, your game does require the purchaser to approach it with a certain degree of intelligence (to fully understand just how much thought and work went into its production). I would willingly sacrifice the "eye candy" for more depth and realism. However, you know what is best and you can be sure that your loyal fans will not go away.

    I was not displaying impatience, I just wanted a very small update which you graciously provided. Thank you.

  7. The board has been very lively -- with a good discussion on the military history class -- but fairly dead with respect to information on the new version of TacOps. Without bothering (too much) smile.gif Major H., how about a brief progress report? Thanks!

  8. It has been great reading about(and anticpating) the new version of TacOps. Dare I hope that the new version will allow me to play against the AI as OPFOR?

    Either way, I am "in" and plan to send in my money as soon as the game becomes available (but as much as I love the game, I hope that the Major does take some R & R.

  9. I have rarely seen a game developer with the committment to both his/her game and the players/purchasers of that game. Major H. is always "right there" listening to suggestions, helping someone understand the game, or finding replacement disks for legitimately purchased -- but lost -- older copies of the program.

    Any gamers who would not pay for additional enhancements and/or upgrades to this wonderful game and wonderful developer should have their head examined.

    I can hardly wait for the new TacOps!

  10. Thanks Major!

    I will support (through purchase) whatever improvements you make to the game (as a way of saying thanks for your continued attention). Please keep the Blue AI on the wish list because several (many?) of us -- through time constraints -- have no choice but to play solo. Again, keep up the great work as your loyal fans watch and wait.

  11. I have been using Windows 2000 to play the game and the only (small) problem I have noticed is that when a unit is suppressed is "goes white". This, however, is probably a problem with my video card or resolution.

  12. Perhaps this is a crazy suggestion for an enhancement: but how about (at least for units w/o thermal sights) the appearance of dust clouds indicating movement of vehicles (w/o, of course, being able to see the number or type of vehicles producing the dust).

  13. Here is a another request for TacOps. I have trouble "inching" my troops forward (when in woods or town) JUST to the point of their being able to see out. I often find that I advance them either too far or too "in". How about a SOP that tells them to just advance to the point of seeing out. Of course, if they get fired upon...that's war :(, but at least I will have the consolation of not having them move out further than necessary.

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