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Posts posted by RobH

  1. I have experienced this bug repeatedly in several scenarios. The 9-man squad is not split and has never been split, yet half the squad moves off leaving the other half behind with the single icon remaining halfway between the 2 "teams". The only way I have found to get around this problem is, as others have suggested, to manually split the squad with a Split order and then move the 2 split teams back together.

    I have also seen this problem happen with a 3-man US MG team. 2 men moved across and then along a road as ordered leaving the 3rd on the original side of the road and never moving. The icon was midway between the now 2 groups. However, I did manage to get them to re-group automatically when I set the next waypoint, although I did set this back on the original side of the road where the single MG guy was. It was as if the original guy not moving was stuck and could not cross the road at that point for some reason I do not know. He eventually did move parallel to the road and joined back up when I gave the order for his team mates to cross back to the original side of the road.


  2. I'm going to bump this thread because in your excellent Paradise Road scenario Birdstrike, which I am currently playing, I have not found a way to get the 4/5 man crew - in the Humvees where there are no "passengers" - to get back into the Humvee and "acquire" some extra ammo which I know is there.



  3. Hmmmm. That's an interesting observation metalbrew because it definitely did not happen that way for me. I just played this scenario over the weekend and really enjoyed it. The 4 bus stops and the telegraph pole were clearly visible at start-up and all through the game for me. Never noticed any disappearing objects throughout the scenario. I simply reversed that Stryker back up the road from the start without a problem since I had no room for a turn.


  4. You may be right there Phil. Certainly the networking and security features of XP Home are not up to the standard of XP Pro, but I can assure you "simple" networking does work even between XP Home and standard Win98, both for internet connection sharing and file sharing. I have had my simple 2 pc network operational for more than a year now. It just uses a NIC in each PC connected by a Cat5 crossover cable with the adsl usb modem directly connected to the Win XP PC.


    [ May 07, 2003, 11:26 AM: Message edited by: Robert Hall ]

  5. Doug, I have a similar set-up to you with XP Home on my main PC networked to an older Windows 98 client PC (not even up to the level of 98SE). The Windows 98 PC also has shared web/email access though the adsl modem connection.

    I followed instructions on this site http://www.homenethelp.com/ under the headings "Networking Computers" and "Internet Connection Sharing" using Microsoft ICS - though you say you do not need the Internet Connection Sharing set-up.

    If you have any problems following ionstructions on that site - there are several different approaches you can use for the set-up depending upon what you need - send me a private email.


  6. Still having a problem on a pc Panzer Ace. Although WinZip will now open the archive it will not extract it, neither can the files be dragged out with a mouse. Gives an error message "The system cannot find the path specified". Also, normally you can double click on one of the files in the archve to view it. None of the files in the archive can be viewed so I think there is still a problem with it unfortunately.


  7. Unzip the movie files and place them in your CM pbem folder. Then start CM and select "Join Multiplayer" then "Load Email" and select/open the first/next movie file from the pbem folder. When the game starts you will be asked to enter a password. The password will have been given to you from where you downloaded the movie files or will be contained inside the zip file you downloaded as may any specific instructions as to watching the movies.

    Have fun!


    [ October 20, 2002, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: Robert Hall ]

  8. The seventh and final in the series of AARs from Round 4 in the Rugged Defense Short-75 and Panther-76 Tournaments and accompanying movies is now available on the Rugged Defense Combat Mission Tournament AAR website.

    Also, read all about the Tournaments themselves from the Rugged Defense Combat Mission Tournament website.

    At last for those who have waited a long time, a Short-75 battle! This is the only battle in Round 4 of the Short-75 Tournament where we are publishing an AAR and is one of only two battles in the Short-75 Tournament where the Axis attacker wins. As in the Panther-76 Axis attacker win, Pak40 manages to secure a win before the full 30 turns and even manages to secure 4 out of the 5 flags. Although it was not an auto-surrender this time, Pobs' position is untenable by Turn 29, so again, who said the attacker could not win in 30 turns ;) ?

    Of all the battles in Round 4, this one best reflects the "classic" type of battle I was expecting when I designed this map. Pak40 identifies the two main avenues of approach on this map and decides to split his forces into a two-pronged attack where the majority of his forces fight their way up the dirt road and into the town through the flank, while using perhaps just one quarter of his forces to take the other side of the town over the fords. Note this time Pak40 uses no smoke to cross the fords but, in reality, there is not much opposition when he decides to take the plunge and wade through the water.

    Pobs puts up a spirited forward defence to try and delay the attacking Germans but loses most of his guns for very little cost. He also appears spread a little thin by trying to defend too much territory rather than concentrating his defence a little better. Unfortunately, when Pobs is forced to retreat back into the town to defend it, he simply has too few forces remaining to defend against Pak40's marauding Veteran Germans. Pobs is also very unlucky to effectively lose a Sherman from immobilisation in the town, while Pak40 gets away without any bogging despite running his PzIVs and StuHs over a lot of damp ground. Arrrggghhhh, such are the fortunes of war!

    This is the same map of course as for the previous AARs but you will again see another entirely different style of attack and defence in this battle.

    Thanks Pak40 and Pobs for another couple of excellent AARs and for making the after action analysis so worthwhile for us "armchair generals" to analyse, criticise and praise!

    As always, these superb AARs and movies, which also include plan view pictures of the battlefield from Pak40 for us to see exactly how his plan develops, contain a lot of extremely useful information and practical lessons for many of us to learn to try and use in our own battles.

    Previous AARs from the recent Rugged Defense Tournaments have already been covered in the following threads:

    Barleyman vs Buckeye

    Buckeye vs Me262

    Me262 vs Barleyman

    Hodo vs Vandal

    Vandal vs Broken!

    Broken! vs Hodo

    This is the last of the Rugged Defense Round 4 battle AARs.

    The 4 x Round 5 Final Short-75 and Panther-76 Tournament battle AARs will be published in November and December when I return from a trip to the USA during October. The map is completely different for the Round 5 Final and the terrain is all very open and hilly. Expect some nail-biting action in all these forthcoming AARs ;) !

    As previously, any discussion on the AAR is most welcome on this thread.


  9. The sixth in the series of AARs from Round 4 in the Rugged Defense Short-75 and Panther-76 Tournaments and accompanying movies is now available on the Rugged Defense Combat Mission Tournament AAR website.

    Also, read all about the Tournaments themselves from the Rugged Defense Combat Mission Tournament website.

    At last! This is the only battle in Round 4 of the Panther-76 Tournament where the Axis attacker wins. A Short-75 battle German attacker win will be published very shortly. And who said the attacker could not win in 30 turns ;) ? Broken! gets a surrender from Hodo on Turn 26 in this battle. Had the game gone to the full 30 turns, I am convinced Broken! would have taken all 5 flags too.

    At least this AAR shows how a properly co-ordinated and executed attack is more than capable of succeeding against what may, at first glance, seem a very difficult challenge.

    For those who have been asking how to cross a river and live to tell the tale, we see here a highly effective and successful river crossing from Broken!. Not without casualties inevitably, but highly effective using the combination of smoke and the suppressive effect of several assault guns. It is not often you see 150mm arty being used for smoke and they sure produce some nice big smoke plumes!

    Broken!'s plan appears to be to flank the town from the two sides rather than take it head on. This means he can take those two rearmost flags within the time allowed for the battle and apply pressure upon the town itself from directions where its defences are perhaps not the strongest.

    This is the same map of course as for the previous AARs but you will again see another entirely different style of attack and defence in this battle.

    Thanks Broken! and Hodo for another highly informative and instructive battle! I should like to thank both players for superb AARs and movies which contain a lot of useful pointers for many of us to learn and to try in our own battles.

    Previous AARs from the recent Rugged Defense Tournaments have already been covered in the following threads:

    Barleyman vs Buckeye

    Buckeye vs Me262

    Me262 vs Barleyman

    Hodo vs Vandal

    Vandal vs Broken!

    This is the last of the Round 4 battle AARs for the Panther-76 Tournament. The remaining Round 4 AAR will show one of the German attacker wins on the same map from the Short-75 Tournament. This remaining Round 4 AAR will be published very shortly.

    As previously, any discussion on the AAR is most welcome on this thread.


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