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Posts posted by Kevin_McCarthy

  1. IIRC UK forces invaded Iraq in '41 or '42. In the game this is too hard. in the senarios after this happend the UK does not have Iraq.

    When the Americans invaded North Africa IIRC the UK invaded Syria. Again the Vichy French unit thereis too tough.

  2. In the current test version for the Mac, it is possible to shift arty fire while the shells are (logically) in flight. This is very effective, but unrealistic. Example: shift a 155mm battery 1000 meters, switch from Adj to FFE, and to ICM rounds directly on top of a BMP Company when the time to impact is 7 seconds.

    How about inserting a resonable delay, or just make this switch effective in the next salvo.

    BTW, I'm glad you found a publisher--you may remember me from a few years back when TacOps was published by Arsenal.

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