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Posts posted by Galland0

  1. Well,

    All the above and,"Honey! HONEY!!! look at this...(wife dutifully runs over to computer)

    look at that...(as I replay a paticularly action packed turn) isn't that awsome?!?...

    (wife pats me lovingly on the head) "Oh wow umm cool honey........

    Later I hear her making a phone call,"Yes doctor....Monday morning at 8:30?....that will be fine....."


    It's not so much while I'm playing the game rather, it's the fact that I find myself changing the topic at work from sports to CM.

    I get some strange looks from the other equipment operators at work.LOL But two of them are getting computers and DSL this month. I'm wearing them down fellas!

    Truckers and operators cuss like this anyway,

    it's genetic... rolleyes.gif

  2. Wishing for:

    A)Enhanced lighting, picture a night advance into/thru a burning village or city. The glow of burning buildings in the night sky. Probably means T/L 3D code but I'm wishing.

    B)Love that flare idea too. Russians probing German defensive positions at night and...

    pop! a salvo of flares and a company of MG42s

    ruins a night of recon!

    C)Love those multi turreted Russian tanks. What was it?...T35 I think with the 76mm and two 45mms. What a target!

    D)Dreaming...Russian mine dogs anyone? LOL well I'm sure a few were successful.

    E)A stand fast option, or something depicting

    the political units behind the Russian lines

    insuring no retreats. Commissar machine gunnners that actually shoot retreating Russian troops.

    F)Railway stations, a larger set of buildings overall.

    G)Better yet, a building editor. I think someone else mentioned this earlier.

    H)A way of grabbing a convoy of vehicles on a road and getting them to move no faster than the slowest vehicles top speed, and follow the road. Yea I know add more math to the code.

    Oh well, it is a wishing thread...

    Merry Xmas all


  3. Hello all,

    Well I've dropped every subscription to the three game mags I was receiving. I came to the conclusion that outside of William Trotter's columns they were all FPS,RPG whores.

    Combat Mission deserves as many articles as any Quake game. Where's their mod coverage eh? Ba!

    My only problem with Combat Mission...More time to play and create scenarios. Drat too much overtime makes johnny a dull boy.lol

    Combat Mission covers my tactical wargame needs hands down. Sudden Strike?!? oh please...ok nice destroyed buildings I'll give em that.

    My current line up:

    Tac wargaming..........Combat Mission

    Strategic..............Art of War

    Fight sims.............Falcon 4


    .......................Mig Alley

    .......................B172-yea but look whats been done with Falcon 4!

    Tank sims..............Panzer Elite

    .......................Panzer Commander

    Naval sims.............Fighting Steel

    Looking forward to:

    Combat Mission 2,3,4....

    IL Sturmovik.. Oleg your smokin!

    The rainy season for some much needed time off.

    My thanks to the knowledgeable on this board. I lurk quite a bit and usually find more answers than I have questions for!

    Note to Kitty:

    Have you considered an Umpa Lumpa Mod?(Willy Wonka's orange helper's at the chocolate factory?) Imagine an Umpa Lumpa Blitzkrieg against those Hornswaglers from the west!!LOL

    Alright I'm tired, getting WAY out there now.

    (Flash back subsiding now, regains senses...)

    Best wishes all


  4. Hey Supertanker,hows the weather up north(in Pasadena LOL)


    In answer to the topic...all my games have a

    new life with the D-link network I've set up recently for my son and I.

    Yes gentlemen CM is my game of choice but, my son has a way to go before understanding flanks and covering fire.

    Other than CM my son is getting very good at:

    on the LAN

    Fighting Steel

    Quake 2&3

    Delta Force

    Moto-Cross Madness2

    Midtown Madness

    Army Men

    WWII Fighters(just started)

    Star Wars Rogue Squadron

    Star Wars Pod Racer

    As for me....

    WWII Fighters



    Falcon 4.0

    Panzer Commander

    Panzer Elite

    Fighting Steel

    Unreal Tournament

    West Front

    East Front



    RR TycoonII

    Sims...(just to screw with virtual lives lol)

    Looking Forward to:



    Battle of Britain

    Team Fortress II

    World in Flames for PC


    A note I usually wait a year or so to buy my games. I try to buy games with good reviews,

    editors, and patches. Most of them I've purchased at 50% or more off the release price. Combat Mission was the first full price game I've bought in a while and, without remorse. I like supporting the underdog revolutionaries and hopefully my contribution was spent on Steve and Charles'

    celebration upon releasing a great game. I'd like to think so anyway.

  5. Well,

    Personally I don't trust any goverment period. Each one in every country of the world is run by a very few individuals who

    can create or avoid war much in the same way we as citizens have good days or bad days at work.

    IMHO WWII was the result of unfinished business in WWI. And on and on back, feuds because of fueds, and sadly each war will bring more and more deadly weapons to bear.

    Yes I am intriged by history, absolutely love wargames, but I am not one to believe the TV, newspapers, or radio. It is all propaganda.

    If my education is correct the U.S. missed opportunities to save lives and money many many times this century,

    Didn't the U.S. once use Ho Chi Minh as a guerrilla leader against the Japanese in Southeast Asia. After the war we were so worried about the creation of Nato that we dismissed his appeal to be recognized as a independant nation.(Could of missed Vietnam)

    Father was there...

    Didn't the U.S. stop backing Chang Kha Shek

    and opt to back Mao because Mao was getting better results against the Japanese.(Could of missed Korea)

    Grandfather was there...

    And the U.S. laughed in the face of Fidel Castro rather than use diplomacy.(Could of missed the Cuban Missle Crisis)

    We all were there...

    How bout the fact that the U.S. built the very military for Saddam that we had to destroy.(Could of missed Desert Storm)

    Brother was there...

    The sad part is the majority of U.S. citizens

    do not agree with some of these bungled decisions. Or the ones being made now, and it's embarassing to me that a president of my country cannot get a blowjob on the side with out the whole country finding out about it!

    National Security?????

    Nukes, yeah the great answer to the conventional war solution. The truth about nukes to me IMHO is some knuckel head will launch one day, and the world will lose period. Doesn't matter what systems are developed to stike first, last, or even prevent a strike. What really surprises me is that were still here. 55 years without an exchange THAT really surprises me.

    Qoute from my grandfather: "Just remember son

    no matter what you do in life, no ones ever gotten out alive..."

    [This message has been edited by Galland0 (edited 07-24-2000).]

  6. Oh yea!

    Panzer Leader

    Panzer Blitz

    Squad Leader

    ASL Complete!

    Tac Air very good

    Arab Israeli Wars

    World in Flames BY THE WAY THEIR WORKING


    Russian Front AH

    Gulf Strike

    Six Seventh and Fifth Fleet


    The guys in my band used to shake their heads at all the maps laying around, but it was a good release from gigs and rehersals.

    Patton has been my favorite movie since age 5 or 6. Also loved that movie with Lee Marvin as Sgt. Steiner on the Russian Front, damn forgot the name, oh yeah Cross of Iron I think...

  7. I was just testing a "Huge" senario.

    - 1024/768 res.

    -PIII 600 eb

    -Geforce 256


    First thing I hit ctrl+atl+del to close everything but Systray and Explorer.

    Very important!

    Especially if I was just on the net. Lots of things running in the background afterwards.

    I ran a huge senario with reinforcements on

    both sides. 8,000 average points w/combined arms:


    9 tanks(very good ones biggrin.gif)

    2 wirbels

    2 37mms

    5 75mms

    1 8cm

    roughly 3 companys of infantry w/trucks or halftracks

    2 artillery obs. 150mm

    3 pillboxes 7wire 3per mines 3tank mines


    2 sher croc's

    9 sher 105's

    5 M10's

    9 M24's

    5 M7's

    5 sher easy eights

    2 companies engineers

    3 companies riflemen

    most infantry in M3's

    4 fighterbombers

    4 105mm obs

    The terrian was intolerable deep valleys

    narrow roads, but the Americans had a large

    safe assembly area.

    I was testing AI settings and watching how well the Americans plotted their vehicles/infantry. Bumping up a notch of AI and watching again.(after a reboot)

    The senario didn't lock until the Americans

    fired every smoke shell they had at the 75mm's ambushing the engineers.

    For about 4 straight turns, I suspect the smoke is our graphic cards nightmare, because prior to that CM tracked air attacks/15 to 20 hit and burning vehicles/and massive small arms fire.

    Still tweaking the senario, it ran until turn 25 before the smoke lock. But mind you the smoke would have covered a small map entirely.

    Map size was 1280-800 roughly.

    Overall I'm very happy with the game, that many units in a talonsoft would drag on and on and on waiting for the AI. CC? yea don't make me laugh...

  8. Oh yea,

    The school house at the end of the fwy would be a great place to place a couple 88's and a foward observer. There'd be burned out catapillars all over the area.

    North Carolina is a great place for map ideas, been to Ashville before.

    Hey Supertanker ever been walking around Descanso Gardens with a significant other, and caught yourself mentally setting up ambush sights in the hedges? LOL

    Then she says,"Isn't it romantic here..."

    "Ah, oh... yea... yea! uhum yes dear it's just beautiful."

    SSSSSSsssssssssrrrroooosh BOOOMM! As you mentally picture a 150mm barrage crashing through the forest.

    Yea we're all grown up now but we still like our plastic army men and a Bic lighter days.

    I got a couple of the guys on my crew into playing Quake2 at the zone, but convincing them on playing Combat Mission is taking all my manipulative powers.

    I've taken it as my personal goal, I will see CM 2,3,4!!!By getting the word out on CM 1.

    Hell I've even offered to buy a copy for one of my buddies. But it's like pulling teeth to bring them to the wargame table, no worry I've got big plyers eh?

  9. LOL...are you saying you want to have a forward observer take out the yuppies locking you up in traffic on Colorado Blvd? Say 300mmm rocket attack, because their making you late getting home to play CM? How about rolling a Tiger up on Buster's Expresso House so you can park in front eh...LOLROF!!!

    Yeah I know the area well I live down the 110

    Fwy in Highland Park...

    Here's a good one, send a panzergrenader company up the 110 to clear a path around that out of town toothless truck driver from West Virginia jack knifed on the off ramp.

    Just please, no, no strafing attacks on the City of L.A. paving crew, I would have to trade my Track Loader in for a Werbelwind.

    Greetings neighbor...

    Galland0 (aka Geoff Patterson)

  10. A request for demolition engineers to blow bridges along with the satchel charges, 1 or two per platoon.

    If there's some way to model this type of action now I'd appreciate the info. I've had a hell of a work load lately and I really haven't had a chance to study the manual like I'd like to, need to.

    A nasty SAS style recon jeep with a gunner on a 50 cal. standing in the back.

    2 1/2 ton truck with a 50 cal. for an armoured Red Ball Express ambush senario.

    extra explosive ammo and fuel carriers?

    Star shells for nite ops w/ parachutes.

    Flail Shermans and Churchills(or maybe it was the Scorpion). Dozer Sherman

    for some nasty Seigfred Line senarios.

    German engineers platoon equiped with the Goliath remote controlled demolition device.

    Great for blowing that last open bridge across the Rhine.(okay maybe not a bridge how bout a group of nasty paratroopers hole up in a cellar...LOL)

    Sd.Kfz-222 great for fast recon.

    Churchill Ark or Churchill AVRE with SBG Bridge dropable within 30 sec. over a 30 foot stream/ditch.

  11. Oh yea!

    My five year old is getting good at small platoon size games. He's getting thru the orders by the colors. Blue for moving Lt blue for moving fast and the all important red color for shoot!

    We've got a home network so we're anticipating the TCP/IP patch.

    No, in all honesty he probably isn't grasping tactics per say, but he loves a handful of tanks in a toe to toe slug fest!!!

    He's been practicing WWII fighters with Dad working the rudders, it's made him a killer on Star Wars Rogue Squadron.

    Although his best game is Quake2, he can nab a few frags at the zone. He loves Midtown Madness too.

    Aw hell now you got me bragging, sorry just running off at the mouth.LOL


  12. I'll have to admit, with Combat Misssion being the first piece of software I've ever bought online. My purchase solely was based on the discussions from this forum, and a handful of pictures back in Nov. 1999. I, for one am one happy puppy!

    This game may not have had the same promotion in the magazines as one of Tal%$&ft's titles but, it is obvious that the real die hards of wargaming have been, or will be soon glued to their screens, allienating their loved ones once again.

    Or maybe not. As I have found my five year old son is able to run the commands over his units in small senarios. I have also read a few posts concerning wives and girlfriends being drawn in as well.

    So as the critics float to the surface to bash what in my opinion is a landmark of a title in wargaming,I reflect back.

    On an article I read in June 2000's PC Gamer by the Desktop General. Inwhich Mr. Trotter states that the very lack of good wargames could be our own fault, by being too critical. I've noticed a few complaints about abstractions in CM being posted.

    Rather than addresss them, my thoughts are on the other "Happy Puppys". We want CM2, 3, 4,

    right? No comparision to Close Combat? Or Talonsoft?

    Well guys, we're the advertisment. I haven't seen any close indepth coverage of CM in the Game Magz, maybe a short blurb and sometimes with another games picture next to it.

    I propose we Blitzkreig all the bulletin boards all over the world with posts pointing

    lost souls everywhere to the pages of Combat Mission. Action boards, simulation boards, rpg boards, etc.

    Now we have the proof and, we need to get a head start on the few who would rather bash the game. Besides I'd love to see other companies who rush their products out the door running back to re-think their business strategies. wouldn't you?

  13. Yes,

    Most definitely 210mm Rockets are within the

    game in force. Just for fun I modeled a town

    and studied the various effects of all the heavy artillery on large buildings.

    It was like rewinding the best shots of an artillery barrage in Saving Private Ryan. The sound and graphics mods are awesome.

    I spent an hour and a half with nothing but artillery spotters from the Germans and Americans playing Fourth of July with a large town. Zoom in real close to a hit and it will make you duck!LOL

  14. Bless you Battlefront.com

    I have recieved the game in Los Angeles as of

    thursday June 22 1944. Within the manual I found my orders to ship out to Normandy with my reserve battlion. I expect to be assigned

    to Patton's third Army.

    I don't expect to have much time to write once I install the time machine software I recieved from you. Therefore I wish to thank

    Steve and Charles now before seeing combat in


    I fear now I will experience first hand the best war simulation and marketing approach yet known to this custumer. I pledge to personally point all inquiries as to the best

    wargame on the market in your direction. I expect Steve and Charles to wallow in their accomplishment and appropriately thumb their noses at the publishers throughout the world.

    A suggestion to help the marketing buzz,

    Flash... Steve and Charles check into Betty Ford Clinic for caffine and compulsive coding addiction. Creators of the worlds finest pc wargame hit the wall with over celebrating indulginces. The duo were quoted upon there arrival as saying there were merely visiting

    Axle Rose to discuss the true meaning of Heavy Metal. Installing now.... I'm going in...........

  15. You know your playing too much CM when you hear Dutchland, Dutchland uber alen, as your laying a new asphalt road with a tracked paving machine.

    I also get pictures of using our propane burner as a armoured flamethrower.

    Thankfully the city of Los Angeles has therapists for these types of delusions.

    But if your stuck in a construction zone in L.A. please be careful with the insults, we're working as rapidly as we can at all times. As soon as we finish reading the morning paper, had a cup of coffee, and played a game of cards we'll be happy to speed you on your way to work.

    Now stop honkin, suck it up, and move along, thank you sir! smile.giflol

  16. Well redface.gif,

    They past year the wife has been recovering from three surgeries. So after work I'm rooted to the home front. I've gotten ALOT of games this year, mostly bargain. But I've spent quite a bit.

    1.All the Janes titles.

    2.All four Talonsoft modern titles


    4.Panzer Elite,Panzer Commander



    As a result my four year old is quite good at driving, flying,Quaking,castle building, and pretty good at west-east front small scale senarios.

    I make sure he's got King tigers against M4s.

    He learned to count to a hundred watching game installs and can click the apropriate "next""continue""okay""finish"Micro-BS.

    I've learned how to navigate matching games in Blues Clues and pass tests in Reader Rabbits preschool tongue.gif

    What cracks me up the most is how my sons learning games with 256 colors gives me more of a config. headache than installing the patches for EAW biggrin.gif

  17. Hello all,

    Just read the thread concerning SPR and it's realities or lack of. The main point I find unbelievable... the defense of that bridge.

    The bridge was one of two Rommel was trying to bring armour across to attack the bridgehead on the beach. With less than platoon strength and no heavy weapons the americans chose to defend the opposite side?

    No one stayed back to blow the bridge?

    My tactics would have been:


    1.Position the core of my force in the buildings on the opposite side, put down a murderous cross fire on the approaches to the bridge.

    2.Only put a couple of snipers on the german side to hit the German rally points after the first assualt.

    3.Blow that damn bridge once my unit was at half strength. If their platoon had got wiped out they would not have defended the beachhead and not followed their orders.(protecting the beachhead)


    1.Never assualt a bridge in a town with tanks, com'on basics, not in the first wave.

    The Germans were not stupid.

    2.After contact with the forces defending the bridge, send some troops across that channel on both flanks,(soldiers can get across streams and channals yes?) and attack from behind or the flanks to surprise the demolition men, they are the target.

    3.It was a good movie for what it was but I think it suffered from the John Wayne type ending. I think it's rediculous that the Germans didn't know reinforcements were coming up from behind. Com'on it was supposed to be one of two bridges Rommel could use.

    Look at all the men it took to hold the Arnhemn Brigde just for the period of time they held it. Most of them are buried around the country side of the town.

    The Germans were no fools but once again an American movie takes on a Uberman tone. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the effects but, that bridge scene lost me.

    Ah but there's hope CM is coming to a monitor near you! biggrin.gif

  18. Report from the front:

    I have both games, to compare...

    Panzer Elite gives me a feeling of being there-as a tank commander. The multitude of objects makes it a more believable sim. I must say I prefer playing with the mouse in PE, although normally I like a joystick and rudder in tank sims.

    Panzer Commander is more along the lines of M1 tank platoon (original) with an editor. I like PC for the Russian Front mainly, the graphics make it somewhat lacking for Bulge or hedgerow scenarios. Blocky forests.

    I usually go for games with editors myself. Hence my anticipation for CM.

    Hope this helps... Here's to a pleasant brew...up! biggrin.gif

  19. Steve and Charles,

    Well IMHO it's well worth the wait for a good stable, quality, wargame with real effort put into realism. I've got every TALON#$@% title,

    SS*, tried Clo$# Com@!# too. They were what they were and there wasn't much to compete in the way of military minitures feel till now.

    I cut my teeth on Avalon Hill... you name it!

    You've produced the computer wargame Sqa$% Lead^& a game I played for years.

    I'm really impressed, and hoping that BTS is rewarded for their efforts buy shaking up the bigger software houses. I'd like to see the game magazines wake up a little too.

    Let's get back to being the elite computer geeks again. Here's to breaking some new ground with BTS. Good work Gentlemen.

    Ready to pre-order CM2 biggrin.gif

  20. Well I know it will be out this year, but I'm also waiting on B17II and IL2 Sturmovik. I love military history from all angles. Looking forward to sinking some allied shipping with Silent Hunter II as well.

    I must say the developers of CM have been the most intrested in us, the customers.That fact and the board which I scan everyday make the waiting much better.

    The truth is I've found most the answers to questions I've had about the game by simply reading the posts. Scanning thru a days posts with a cup of coffee takes me about 45min to an hour. Thats time I'd normally be playing a 3d shooter or someone else's wargame or sim.

    Personally I hope Charles and Steve really shake the hell out of the gaming companies, cause we really do want to see those other theaters in CM don't we wink.gif

  21. I'm having flashbacks again...

    I was here with my legions...ta ta da

    The Barbarions where attacking through the woods ta ta da...

    We were waiting to spring the trap like Alexander against the Abassynians eek.gif...ta ta da

    Cpl. where's my...What? crying in front of these brave men(slap! slap slap!!!) Not on MY OS, Not on my CM Demo.

    I will not be robbed of my destiny!!!

    I will be allowed my CM!!! biggrin.gif

    [This message has been edited by Galland0 (edited 01-11-2000).]

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