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Posts posted by Dan

  1. During the second operation I played I witnessed what was truly the luckiest shot Known to CM thus far. Imagine you are a Jagdpanther commander Your readjusting your postion on the american main tank body when whammmm!!!!

    The M8 Greyhound you had took a potshot at whileist it raced across a bridge ramed a ap round through your engine block ( As near As I can tell that's what happened.) Don't belive...I have proof. But they bad quaility due to lack of graphics card so I'm not sending them to Madmatt.

  2. I've posted this before but 1 of my squads playing as germans in VoT caussed 26 Inf Cassulities. more than 3 times their own number. Only 1 surrived though. I had them placed in the woods just behind the last row of houses in the village. To be honset they litteraly saved the day almost by them selves. So by the time I got my panther the american inf was trying to reorginze themsleves and all he had to worry about was the 4 tanks left. Also I think this had a profund effect on the american global morale, when I looked at the map at the end of the game their morale was 9%. I had american inf untis surrendering at even the sight of my panther. I loved it. I was certain I was going to lose that battle but the 1 squad, and he panther alone caused 41 casulites and 4 tanks knoked out. so they get the knigts cross. smile.gif

  3. one quick one. when attacking bunkers with infrantry the two week spots are the front. (they can shoot you there!!) or the back. DO not do as I did and try to flame the things from the side. damn flamethrower fired all six "shots" to flank of a wooden bunker and at the most spooked the crew. Cause when the reast of the platoon closed the gap and started to move into dead ground on the flanks. the crew bailed. But not before wasting my defensless flamethower crew. frown.gif

  4. I have a rev a imac, without a graphic card. (the rev a imac had no grapich card untill that shortlived company develpod one for the methathigy slot.)

    at the lowest resolution, and still get more than acceptable turn computation, and frame rate. soo all you hot shots with your rev b's stop ya whineing. (although I do have 96mb of ram)

  5. I don't even want to think about how many times I heard pain is fear leaving the body smile.gif...by the way anybody know what the hell a " HUCKLEBUTT" is my soman drill either called you that or F*&^er he usaly used hucklebutt if the brass where around. Oh and starship trooprs is my favorate miltary sci-fi novel of all time..did not know about the show to bad I don't get cable. frown.gif

    [This message has been edited by Dan (edited 09-14-99).]

  6. I think what us who have not played CM yet is that after that 60sec. of combat you get to watch the turn over and over agian. In real time games it's hard to keep a eye on things that's why you cant abstract things like casuilties. When you can review your turn I think this is a non issue. just my two cents on the issue.

  7. "I believe you mean captured T-72, since to my knowledge the T-64 has never been used by anyone other than the Soviet Union. Which means we would have had to have captured it from them. If we did have one

    we would definately not be using it on a weapons range, there is still a lot about the T-64 that we don't know."

    Actuly Russia just like us once something is outdated they sell them..T-64 are used extsivly in the 3rd world. It was an Iraqi T-64. Only the Rebulican Guard had any T-72's and not many of thouse I don't think Russia has had the captial to fully replace T-72 w/ T-80's. Yeah that's a nighscope mounted on that AT-4. Nice picture. Or was it a T-62 damn it was over 2 years ago ..

    [This message has been edited by Dan (edited 09-05-99).]

  8. LAW's Do not have much backblast. AT-4's DO....I thought the damn thing riped my shoulder off....Loud as hell too...But did it ever light up the captured T-64 we had on the US wepons range... TEHHe smile.gif Ohh and since I have not posted in over 3 months let me say that the game gets better daily.(I have been to this forum daily) And I cannot wait untill the demo ... Must have demo I've been playing CC2 agian just to try to fix my habit...


  9. well this topic has everybody all up in arms and drawing lines in the sand now don't it?

    Well my personal opion as a grunt and some time armchair historian/general is as follows.

    PC and CC2 ( havn't played cc3 yet becouse microsoft is pissed cause apple is back, as near as i can tell anyway.) campain systems are both flawed. (although CC2 was at least enjoyable). Trying to impose this on any other war game including a beer+pretzel game is a bad idea.

    CM seems to me to be going into the right direction. for starters the terms "battle" and "campain" can mean many diffrent things. CM scale being a battion at most cannot cover the entire scope of any major action. Nor is ment to. This bickering about "bastonge" and other big name battles is point less. When I was in panama the city could have been Panama City it could of been New York city it did not matter to me. All that matter was the tatcial chalange the cityscape presnted to my section. CM scope is larger than that but it is still a TATICAL SIMULATION not a stratgic one. The problems you will be facing as a comander in this game will not be " How do i take St. Low." It's "how do i take these row of buildings."

    the core unit idea still drives me nuts with PG/CC seris games No single Platoon could in be as much contuinous operations as these games ask of them. Even eilte units tire, run out of muntions, suppiles. Socks for christ sakes do you pepole have any Idea how important socks are, that alone can stop an assult for a day. I trust the desginers and there current system. We unlucky few have not even got to see a clear pictue (the movies are ok, but i know the real deal is going to be outstanding). even if this game had no "campaign" system it still is going to be the best game ever made barnone. (off my high horse, and stop thinking about how bad my socks smell. smile.gif.

  10. I know there is a lot of typos but i don't have the time to edit them right now. Oh and by the way I relized I havn't said this yet since I started posting on this Bord. Great Looking game guys, I am beside myself with how cool looking this thing is. This nit picking about having every guy represted on screen sounds like a waste of time. Having seen a little combat (Panama) The actions of the Indidual with rare excpetions (LT. Murphy, Sgt. York.) have very little to do with the out come of any engaement large than a squad. It is how theys squads work together, and how the plattons work together, etc. That wins the war. No S-2, or S-3 I've ever known thinks of things in the refernce of the Individual. Damn I'm ranting agian I'll shut up. Once agian Great Game.

  11. True in the long run the " More vs, Better" Stratgie did work. I dont' belive that it justfied the casultie rate. Germany Loss the war the second they started it becouse they could never had reached the U.S. And succesfully destroy our industral base (they could'nt even do it to russia, but they got damn close.) The fact is that Ike was a statistical general and he knew that no matter how me casualties he soaked up, the germens would loos the war. The Russians also used the "More is better" Still do and they lost 20 Million pepole. Today we are the Blitzkrieg army, when we use it that is. Whe became the this army after korea when we realized that we could not when that kind of attrtion warfare aginst enemys like russia and china who have a hell of a lot more disposble population than we do, expesialy at the current high status human life enjoys in this country. I think we have the right answer now. I think we could of had the right answer then.

  12. Actuly the Pershing almost played a major role in WWII. The tank desgin was completed before we had landed in Africa. At a demo Patton desided that they pershing was to heavy,slow, and unable to manuver in bad terrian. ( actuly he was wrong on all of these points.) He saw America using large amounts of medium tanks to outmannuver the enemy. (old Cav tactics.) This desion would have the graveist of concequinces. I think the shermans had something like 500% casulty rate in Overlord and everything after.

    [This message has been edited by Dan (edited 05-20-99).]

  13. This subject has always bothered me. The concepect of a senario where the paratroops have just landed and are scattered to the four winds (trust me!), and the opposing player knows all of this is impossable. Or at least Impossable that the allies are going to win, and if they where to draw or win at it would be at extreme casulity rates.

    In WWII when airborne forces where used they relied on suprise and and the ability to put a farily large force on the ground quickly. If suprise is accomplished then the paratroops can develop a 'Relitive Superiorty" over ther enemy for a short time. When there is no suprise, disaster. (The polish drop in Market Garden is a good one.)

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