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Posts posted by Brucifer

  1. Hello all you CM maniac's smile.gif

    I was recently talking on ICQ with a buddy whom I have played several PBEM games with and he mentioned to me that he was trying to figure out if there was any way to string several movie files together to make one long movie say at the end of several turns. I got to thinking about this and it would be WAY cool to see the game after it's entirty in one full langth feature film smile.gif My buddy "Father Odd" told me that he had opened one of the movie files with a text viewer like note pad and was able to see where the movie ends. Thus he was thinking he could simply put the next move file in at that point via cut and paste and WALLA!! One full langth movie. Will that work? if not is there anyway to string two or more movie files together?



  2. Hmmm well actually I have never used the LOS icon, never used it before cause I dident relize A) that it was there!! <G> and B) cause I dident know it would screw things up, I just assumed that as long as I was doing it all on the same turn that it dident really change anything till I hit "go" I do understand what you all are saying about having to recalculate fireing ranges and things like that. I just dident think it took effect till after you hit the "go" button, at least that was my logic. Thanks for the help though!



  3. Hey guys, if this has been addressed before I appoligize but I did not see it. I'm in a PBEM game right now and have come acrost a problem I have noticed before. Was hopping someone could tell me if this is a problem that will be fixed, or what. I have an 88mm spotter and I got him all set up in a PREMO spot in "chance encounter" I had him all set up to lob some rounds in on some NME infantry when I relized he actually had a decent LOS on several enemys. I clicked on the "traget" icon to get a targetting cursor to check the line of sight on various targets. As soon as I did this my time to fire changed from 23 sec. to 1 min. frown.gif as I clicked on the various possible targets the time chaged for each one untill it got up to a full 2 min. for fireing time. Finnaly I decided to go with the original target and when I set it up back on the original target the time to fire remained at 2 min. frown.gif Now just cause I wanted to see what other possibilities my 88mm spotter guy had to him. Rather then having a fireing time of 23 sec. I have a firing time of 2 min. frown.gif the guys I am firing on wont even be there in 2 game minutes frown.gif I could see the time changing if I hit "go" and changed targets, but IMHO I should not be penalized for just looking at my options.



  4. Steve,

    I agree with and even respect you for the reasons you don't want to go with a publisher, but why not make the game the way you want to, just the way you are. THEN when YOU are happy with the product go with a publisher? I mean this is an AWESOME game!! Why not have the best of both worlds? You can make the game to your own specifications without any presure from some big time publisher to get it out before it's finished, and then once you got it tweaked and READY for public use, sell it to a publisher for big money. ?



  5. I must agree here, I have sent SO many questions to big time game company's like "Microprose" or "Edios" only to have to sit through a VERY detailed questionair which I never fill out with any honesty.. "phone number: 555-1212" YEAH RIGHT!!! only to finnaly get to the point of being able to actually ask my question and THEN not EVER hear back from them. It really does NOT make me want to rush out and buy another product of theirs!! *sigh* With you guys not only do I feel that if I have a valid question that I will get a quick honest response, but it's also cool as HELL to be able to "talk" with the guys who put together such a kick ass game!! Keep up the AWESOME work!!

  6. DUDE!!! Could you EVEN imagine a king of the hill game with like 4 people in a TCP/IP set up??? WOW!!!!! with this game!! That would be JUST incredible!! See!! that is what I mean about letting the game live up to it's full potential!! The possibilities are endless...



  7. Yeah BH, I agree with you, I'm pretty amazed that there is going to be a 2 person cap on TCP/IP games, really seems to me like it's limiting a game that has such HUGE potential.. I mean I LOVE everything about this game!! it's just purely AWSOME!! IMHO CM is to ground combat what Aces High is to Flight Sims.. Would just like to see it use up it's full potential is all.



  8. Yeah, actually I have been playing with "Father Odd" via ICQ a few times, but at his protesting we have decided to do a game completly via E-mail. At this point I must admit that he was right about a few points when you consider the two. With an ICQ game you tend to rush through your turns more so the other guy is not sitting there for 30 min. waiting on you. Also, if you include things like Battle reports and such in an E-mail game, it really adds depth to the game. For a quick game with a buddy, ICQ is great, but for a good solid indepth game, I don't recomend it.



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