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Fundamental Issues for the Peng Challenge Thread: It's Fun and Mental!

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Ah need one or tha other o' yoo feckless bastarrrds tae saind mae a QB setoop. Buzzsaw sainds mae a file an' Ah cannae see tha feckin' thing ain mah "Saved Games" after at's copied tae mah "Incoming Email" folder. Ah'm convinced at's hais fault cos haes obviously a cretin, boot Ah need a file from sumwun ailse tae prove at. Sae saind at along laddies. There's humiliatin' tae bae done!!

Oh, you're saying that whomever sends a file to you also has to PLAY you? Well, that's no fun!

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And in more jaw-breaking news, OGSF has found out that if you try and check behind your sporren whilst bending over backwards, whilst fondling a haggis and taking the cork out of the whiskey bottle with yer teef, you WILL find your PBEM file....



My mistake for assuming that our backwards Scotsman had already installed a patch that is 4 months old. I'll just count myself lucky that he isn't asking me to put my files on a floppy and stick them in the parcel post.

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My mistake for assuming that our backwards Scotsman had already installed a patch that is 4 months old. I'll just count myself lucky that he isn't asking me to put my files on a floppy and stick them in the parcel post.

Actually, considering the source, you are lucky he doesn't ask to to draw a map, put it in a cleft stick, and send it by runner. I'm not at all convinced that he has indoor plumbing as yet.


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Af'n tha game were any guid, at widnae need a feckin' patch, eh?

Noba as jes grrrateful hae's noo playin' mae as waill. Hoo many spankin's cannae a watery-eyed wheezer tak a' tha canny hands o' a careful Scotsman?

There is no such thing as a canny, carefull Scotsman. And you, Sir, are a ratbag grab-bag nancy boy, who fauns to any country that you can con into thinking you are an upright citizen worthy to be allowed to stay.

No wonder we kicked you out of Oz. WE were on to your tricks!

Sent a set up your prancing pony, I will show you how to lose, yet again.


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Sent a set up your prancing pony, I will show you how to lose, yet again.


Aye, Ah've watched ye lose many times, an' at wid amuse mae to hae ye show mae hoo tae di at agin.

Ah'll saind a setoop, an' ye'll bae prayin' fer tha Freemantle Doctor tae clear awah tha fetid stench o' ye "farts o' fear". Mah pixel-laddies waill slap ye hamster-truppen sae harrrd, their dentures will fly oot, bounce off tha nearest rock, and ricochet back tae bite them tae death.

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I will show you how to lose, yet again.


Use colored diagrams or pie charts. No! Better yet, film a tutorial utilizing finger puppets and upload it to Youtube. Title it, "How I Loose @ CM, by Noba". Too bad there's no more words to misspell, but you could turn the "b' around in your name to make it look even more like it was done by a disturbed 6 year old.

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It was a good game. A real knuckle biter*. The Brownies lost of course, no big surprise there. When it comes down to a last minute field goal attempt, we've gotten pretty sloppy. That's twice this season the snapper's let the ball skip back to the holder. He keeps that up and he'll be let go. But, even so, it was an exciting game.

*(As opposed to you who is a knuckle dragger)

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Dispatch from the front:

In "A Delaying Action", Nidan1 and I are trading small arms fire across a vast area of no man's land. He's just begun his predictable artillery barrage, prior to advancing, but I have a little surprise ready for him...(Cue evil laugh)

In some other scenario named "Weirdsville" or sumfink, Stuka's corn fed Muricans are being picked off, one by one, by my uber HMG. On another part of the map, he staged the LAMEST mortar barrage I've ever seen, freakin' MILES away from anything, other than a couple of innocent looking trees and then, in another innocuous area, he decided to blow up a shrubbery. I don't know why. Probably, he doesn't either.

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