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No updates? Seriously?

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I expect anything now will be in the Commonwealth module. The game has no grame breaking bugs and was released in a very good condition considering many games these days.

We may have a patch we may not. Personally I'd rather they concentrate on the next module and put any updates in that. Other wise the next game sin the series are going to be even further away.

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I expect anything now will be in the Commonwealth module. The game has no grame breaking bugs and was released in a very good condition considering many games these days.

We may have a patch we may not. Personally I'd rather they concentrate on the next module and put any updates in that. Other wise the next game sin the series are going to be even further away.

Will any fixes that are put in the Commonwealth module also fix the base game?

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I expect anything now will be in the Commonwealth module. The game has no grame breaking bugs and was released in a very good condition considering many games these days.

We may have a patch we may not. Personally I'd rather they concentrate on the next module and put any updates in that. Other wise the next game sin the series are going to be even further away.

You mean besides the out of memory errors which render all large battles and a goodly portion of scenarios/campaigns that shipped with the game unplayable for a significant portion of those who purchased the game?

The only scenarios I can get through rank in the tiny/small range (and I have a top of the line machine), and I gave up on this game until these problems are addressed. I for damned sure won't be paying for an expansion unless that expansion contains a fix.

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We're usually very active. We're just extremely busy, as Webwing mentioned.

Vossiewulf... I've reviewed all of the reports, and the number of reporting players, and the scenarios they apply to, are neither "a significant portion of those who purchased the game" nor "all large battles and a goodly portion of scenarios/campaigns that shipped with the game". A relatively small number of people are having problems with a relatively small number of scenarios.

That does NOT mean we're not taking it seriously and working toward a fix. But unsubstantiated hyperbole does not scream "come out and have a reasonable conversation with me about my issues". You'd be better off sticking to talking about your own experiences.

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What are Franklins? Are they not some type of sausage?

Nice to see that Phil is alive and kicking. I am not sure if you can say but it would be nice even to know if we will get a patch before the next module or if it will be rolled into the new module. No bones necessary.

Hey, I was happy of the picture of the vehicle behind the trees (sans vehicle). Now that we have finished watching Game of Thrones, I have nothing left about which to obsess.

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Vossiewulf... I've reviewed all of the reports, and the number of reporting players, and the scenarios they apply to, are neither "a significant portion of those who purchased the game"

If these customers are an insignificant portion, at what point will it no longer be cost effective trying to find a cause/fix for said customers?

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We're usually very active. We're just extremely busy, as Webwing mentioned.

Vossiewulf... I've reviewed all of the reports, and the number of reporting players, and the scenarios they apply to, are neither "a significant portion of those who purchased the game" nor "all large battles and a goodly portion of scenarios/campaigns that shipped with the game". A relatively small number of people are having problems with a relatively small number of scenarios.

That does NOT mean we're not taking it seriously and working toward a fix. But unsubstantiated hyperbole does not scream "come out and have a reasonable conversation with me about my issues". You'd be better off sticking to talking about your own experiences.

Hi Phil, I feel enough like Vossliewulf that I am thinking about switching to a Mac to get around the OOM error. I think that its a mistake to minimize the importance of the OOM error. If left uncorrected it will only get worse.:)

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Minimize? No. We're working on fixing it. We wouldn't be doing that if we didn't think it was a problem. Saying that mass numbers of people are having the problem is hyperbole, though, and decidedly unhelpful. If you want us to have a reasonable discussion about issues, staying reasonable is the best way to make sure that happens.

I can't speak to policy, but I know that if players are having a serious problem, no matter how many there are, I try to make sure it gets fixed, or at least brought to the right people and considered. People may not be happy with my responses to the OOM issues, but a) the one that was readily fixable has been *fixed*, B) we're on a path toward fixing the more complex issue, and c) they definitely can't say they've been ignored.

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We're usually very active. We're just extremely busy, as Webwing mentioned.

yay :)

But unsubstantiated hyperbole does not scream "come out and have a reasonable conversation with me about my issues". You'd be better off sticking to talking about your own experiences.

I for one am totally sympathetic to this attitude. In fact, I think that this whole thread is in the "contemptible" bucket: you can tell this from the title. The only reason I came into the thread is because I saw you posted.

However, there is a problem: over time I think we've all come to realise that while unsubtantiated hyperbole doesn't scream out "come and have a conversation with me", nonetheless it appears to be the most reliable way to get a conversation with BFC. Sad but true.

This thread is an example of that: after a significant time of no BFC posts in the main forum, the first one I see is in a thread who's title tells you what kind of thread it is.

I was given a kick up the bum a while back about my own behaviour in this forum, and I took a hard look at it and came to realise this is the reason why. If you want a conversation with BFC, the best chance you have of getting one is by posting a rant criticising the game or the company. And by being sarcastic and unreasonable. I found that it seemed to be this experience that influenced my approach to posting.

One could ask, where is BFC in all those threads about cover, and Inf AT in buildings and spotting and any other of the very reasonably toned and well researched threads that have been bubbling on for some time? It does seem that this sort of thread isn't the way to get a conversation...

... so my conclusion is that the tone of the place would be dramatically enhanced if you could spend some time in threads that are the "right sort", and simply ignore those (such as this one) that aren't.


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yay :)

... so my conclusion is that the tone of the place would be dramatically enhanced if you could spend some time in threads that are the "right sort", and simply ignore those (such as this one) that aren't.


I have actually found having a reasonable tone, some hopefully useful data and going through the process of opening a ticket has gotten me a very nice level of response. it doesn't speed up the process for them to resolve issues, but I get feedback and if they have further questions or need for data they can contact me. The "dramatic" threads usually end up wasting a huge amount of everyone's time to get BFC to simply say what we all to some extent already knew. For example this thread simply confirmed they are continuing to work on it. I don't think there was anything really "flaming" about the OP itself, but it just reflects our level of impatience if we aren't getting a constant update even though we all do know they are looking at the issue. If we could just be patient and assume no news simply means no news, not that we are being ignored and maltreated, then BFC could spend time working on it and not talking about working on it.

However I LOVE your suggestion. Respond to calm reasonable requests, even if it is just a one liner that they are still looking at it (and a time limit that we can not ask the same question more often than say once a week.) and flamer threads should just be ignored. Sort of like training a pet, you do it with treats. What might even be better is a sticky where BFC could maybe once a week update a posting on what if any information they can give. So today for example an OOM item on the list would just state - still working on. Problem is we would have to agree to accept that for it to be worth even bothering with. If we then continue to ping them for details they will feel that posting anything just adds to the attempted feedback loop.

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... so my conclusion is that the tone of the place would be dramatically enhanced if you could spend some time in threads that are the "right sort", and simply ignore those (such as this one) that aren't.


Agreed. I have also seen many threads that did not fall into the "unsubstantiated hyperbole" category. We really could have used a quick developer clarification/comment on these relevant threads. I just don't understand how one could not devote even 15 minutes of their time every week to leaving an informative and helpful comment in a "right sort" and relevant thread.

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Agreed. I have also seen many threads that did not fall into the "unsubstantiated hyperbole" category. We really could have used a quick developer clarification/comment on these relevant threads. I just don't understand how one could not devote even 15 minutes of their time every week to leaving an informative and helpful comment in a "right sort" and relevant thread.

Speaking of unsubstantiated hyperbole. (Or do you really think all the posts, in all the threads, could be read and the relevant posts responded to, in 15 minutes per week?)

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Speaking of unsubstantiated hyperbole. (Or do you really think all the posts, in all the threads, could be read and the relevant posts responded to, in 15 minutes per week?)

LOL only by a canned spam response. Boy would that ever get folks pissed. Not even sure I want to consider how that would be reacted to here.

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What might even be better is a sticky where BFC could maybe once a week update a posting on what if any information they can give. So today for example an OOM item on the list would just state - still working on.

I guess I long for those "developer's diary" blogs that some of the deeper-pocketed game developers do for much-anticipated releases...

Actually, not all the ones who do this are deep-pocketed. I recall the developer of Scourge of War Gettysburg posted pretty regular forum updates for a year or more before the game came out.

Often it was something like: "OK, one more line of code to try and fix that $%#@ cavalry charge animation before I call it a night. Fun times playtesting the Peach Orchard scenario last weekend -- you can really feel the minie balls whizz by now, with those new sounds we're adding in version 2.3..."

Not super-informative, but curiously satisfying to those hopelessly addicted fanpeople who crave any crumb of new information about their favorite game.

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You mean besides the out of memory errors which render all large battles and a goodly portion of scenarios/campaigns that shipped with the game unplayable for a significant portion of those who purchased the game?

The only scenarios I can get through rank in the tiny/small range (and I have a top of the line machine), and I gave up on this game until these problems are addressed. I for damned sure won't be paying for an expansion unless that expansion contains a fix.

Get a bloody Mac already :D

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Speaking of unsubstantiated hyperbole. (Or do you really think all the posts, in all the threads, could be read and the relevant posts responded to, in 15 minutes per week?)

-E, I think you misunderstood me or either... nm. I meant, take 15 mins a week to put up at least one informative response to a good thread. Phil stated he already reads threads, so a nice short response should only take 15 mins or so.

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I don't read all threads. Especially recently - I've been about seven feet underneath my to-do list, and I've fallen behind on checking the forums.

Under normal circumstances I tend to read the threads that appear to be about / contain bug reports or developer requests, and of course anything about the Mac version, as pretty much everything about it falls into my purview. Beyond that if it seems something warrants a response, I'll read it. I may or may not respond, depending on how much good I think I'll be able to do.

But I certainly don't read everything. If you really, really want me to read something, PM or email me, which you are welcome to do. Even then, as folks can attest, it can take some time to get answers, but I do try.

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