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It is a little strange that we have not really heard hide nor hair from them for the last 2 months. I think I saw a few posts one day from Steve a few weeks ago but this was after a long absence and now we have another. Did it snow unseasonably in the great white east? Or do they just plan on surprising us with something that we were not expecting?

I am hoping the latter!

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It is a little strange that we have not really heard hide nor hair from them for the last 2 months. I think I saw a few posts one day from Steve a few weeks ago but this was after a long absence and now we have another. Did it snow unseasonably in the great white east? Or do they just plan on surprising us with something that we were not expecting?

I am hoping the latter!

I don't buy the "they have been so busy that they don't have time to post" things. Almost all software developers are busy busy people and the most outstanding companies always find time to interact with their fan base no matter how busy they are. I can understand a week & a half or so developer absence from the main forum, but not this long. It pains me to see so many very valid game questions go unanswered and fall off the face of the forum board with no real conclusion to them because the developers were too busy to chime in. Flame me if you feel like it, I just feel that customer interaction is part of doing good business.

Last CMx2 Post by BF Steve was on (10-07-2011, 12:27 AM)


Last Post on this Main Forum board was on (09-21-2011, 09:49 PM) almost a month ago


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I don't buy the "they have been so busy that they don't have time to post" things. Almost all software developers are busy busy people and the most outstanding companies always find time to interact with their fan base no matter how busy they are. I can understand a week & a half or so developer absence from the main forum, but not this long. It pains me to see so many very valid game questions go unanswered and fall off the face of the forum board with no real conclusion to them because the developers were too busy to chime in. Flame me if you feel like it, I just feel that customer interaction is part of doing good business.

Incoming!!!! Kidding

Maybe Steve simply went on vacation. Besides a lot of what we are raising has already been brought up previously. We do tend to be a fairly repetitive bunch. Perhaps they feel the question has been, how do they say it on those dumb ass lawyer shows? "asked and answered, your honor the prosecution is badgering the developer!" :D

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I really do wish I could give you guys info. I know how it feels to wait. Back when work began on I think the Marine Module I had a rapid deployment and when I would go on patrols sometimes my mind would wander thinking about if I had an Abrams would I area fire into that mosque or building because I would have setup my sniper team there in the game. You would think it would be a distraction and all but I actually think it made me hyper-aware. Sometimes at night I would also pray that I wouldnt lose my beta tester position being gone and all haha. But they were super cool about it.

But yes the powers that be are super busy and even though it doesnt reinvent the wheel, you are gonna love watching the wheel spin around. Hope soon they give you a real update. Sorry that the screenshot has been heavily redacted by trees. There really is something cool hiding behind those pines.

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Ok heres a new screenshot. On the other side of these trees are the new units you guys will want to see.

Damn, I knew someday I would regret giving up on that "see through the trees" image processing algorithm I was working on. :D

Sixx, take a screenshot of that coolness so that the trees are off and post the pic here again when you are allowed to do that! Meanwhile we can try to quess what it is.

+1 to what beatmasta said.

I'm going to guess a Kangaroo APC (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kangaroo_%28armoured_personnel_carrier%29). Which is a Canadian invention. I have no idea why they called it a Kangaroo - should have called it a Beaver instead:rolleyes:

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...I have no idea why they called it a Kangaroo - should have called it a Beaver instead:rolleyes:

Lol, there is just something funny about having a tank chassis based APC being named after a rather small fuzzy animal. For some reason Kangaroo sorta works, but I would roll on the ground laughing if a someone with British accent yelled at me to (Get in the beaver!)

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