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Seeing the excellent du Hoc and Omaha community maps, I am a little curious as to why CM Normandy did not start on the beach. A low res blue world skirt tile would be all required for background, maybe a couple beach flavour objects. Seems CM may have missed the higgens boat on that now that the US campaign is over.

Or is it? Is the sequel going to include a new US campaign as well as the British? Would this include beaches? I have a feeling it will start inland to Falaise and beyond, but thought I'd ask.


It's been discussed a lot. IIRC, BFC reckon that doing Beaches properly means things like Landing Craft and water surface movement and that they really only appeal to a small section of the player base; who wants to just keep forging on into withering fire over 200m of open ground? They reckon the interesting stuff starts just off the beach. I have to say I think they're probably right: the beach was 12 hours or less of a 3 month campaign and probably not worth spending overmuch time on.


Beach landings are spectacular to watch but spectacularly boring as a game experience, for the reasons Womble cites above. Maybe BFC should have just made an introductory cut scene for the game, to satisfy the folks who were disappointed not to see the troops splashing ashore.


Seriously, if asked to rate the following in order of priority, who would place the beach items first?


Hill 112

Villers Bocage

Falaise Gap

a dozen more QB Maps

A beach landing


Landing craft and DD tanks

Avre and Crocodile

Flail Tanks

French armor for the Germans

20mm AA guns for ground support


Fair enough. I like beaches. I am having alot of fun with Du Hoc and the Omaha Mods as limited as they are. So I am just waiting to see what enticing nuance will be added to the sequel that may attract me to it. I'm part of that minority that rarely moves to the add-ons. I solely own CMBB, CMSF, and CMBN. Love CMBN and will keep playing it to the next generation.


"Exciting nuance": the entire British, Canadian, Polish, Free French et alia OOBs, plus Fallschirmjager and SS formations for the Germans. Fireflies, 17pdrs, Bren Carriers. Moar Kittehs!!!

'Citin' enuf for ya? :)


IMHO the D-Day beach landings are interesting in an operational game (not CMBN level) because then you could see what would have happened if the Germans kept their armored reserves closer to the coast, or if the inland Allied airborne drops had scattered differently and/or they failed to secure one of the vital causeways, etc.

Seems CM may have missed the higgens boat on that now that the US campaign is over.

If memory serves me correctly, the British and Canadians had to land on the beaches too. ;)

Is the sequel going to include a new US campaign as well as the British? Would this include beaches? I have a feeling it will start inland to Falaise and beyond, but thought I'd ask.

Falaise will not be the focus of the Commonwealth campaign. (It's not even called 'The Road to Falaise':D) Plenty of really interesting stuff happened long before the Falaise pocket. The Brits and the Canadians fought against the cream of the German forces in France. Two full SS Panzer Corps just for starters.

If memory serves me correctly, the British and Canadians had to land on the beaches too. ;) .

Great Idea! lets include Juno and Sword, but not Omaha :D

Falaise will not be the focus of the Commonwealth campaign. (It's not even called 'The Road to Falaise':D) Plenty of really interesting stuff happened long before the Falaise pocket. The Brits and the Canadians fought against the cream of the German forces in France. Two full SS Panzer Corps just for starters.

Yeah we all know the history :D I said "to" Falaise, not "from". One may say the culmination of the Normandy campaign was Falaise, but please spare me from a debate on this, I laughed enough already.


CC did the beaches in a reasonable, and interesting way. It is hard for me to understand why they ducked this in CMBN. From a marketing standpoint, it would seem to be very attractive.

Pick a few Allied squads, maybe an amphib tank, with a very thin defending line.

Can't simulate waves, and so it would not look right? Is it as simple as that?.

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