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What will be in the new patch?

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Has anyone said that there will be a patch? Why would there be one?

No saving of PBEm files

Random crashing when saving pbem

Tanks that fire and hit accurately on the move

no armor cover arc

odd TAC-AI behavior

not being able to reman a AT gun

etc....to name a few

You are either the king of sarcasm, a BF fanboy, or clueless

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That one was a design choice wasn't it, not a bug?

Don't bother, this is just going to turn into another b**h session about perspective on what can and can't be coded. What is a bug and what is necessary to allow the AI to function etc No one has even identified a potential cause on the PC save issue so to assume the fix would be in a patch is a huge presumption. The save issue on MAC turned out to not be a CMBN issue at all but rather a permissions issue. Considering the fanboy expression is already out there it isn't likely this is going to be a productive thread. No offense Georgie, the initial question wasn't at fault. I wouldn't expect much in a reply just yet as BFC has a lot to look at. When they are going to feel that any of the items on their list are past QA and ready for a general release is anyone's guess.

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As sburke stated this thread will probably degenerate due to mud being slung with abandon already. With that in mind, let's discuss whether being a fanboy of a game is supposed to be a bad thing or a good thing. I guess it depends on the manner it is used? Is a fanboy supposed to feel bad or ridiculed for standing up for something he or she enjoys? Why do we end up born to wear diapers and probably end up dying wearing a pair? Discuss plz!!

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No saving of PBEm files

Random crashing when saving pbem

Tanks that fire and hit accurately on the move

no armor cover arc

odd TAC-AI behavior

not being able to reman a AT gun

etc....to name a few

You are either the king of sarcasm, a BF fanboy, or clueless

Wel, I have no idea about the first two as I only play Single Player but almost everybody else on the Beta team plays PBEM games so I expect these probems will get ironed out in good time.

Point 3 is not a bug. It is working as designed and you have already started a thread about this.


No armour covered arc is not a bug. It is a design feature and will most likely come in the next title because I believe it will require a new UI to implement. Everybody wants this.

Odd TAC AI behaviour? Could you be a wee bit more specific? Personally, I think the TAC AI in this game is astonishingly good. Perfect? Of course not but it already far exceeds my expectations. If there are glitches, provide examples and maybe somebody can fix them.

Not being able to re-man an AI gun! Again, working as designed! Would you prefer it if you couldn't abandon them? That was the choice we were given. Crews can't abandon them or the player can force them to but can't re-man them later. Who knows, perhaps it will get coded in at a future point but I was happy to be able to abandon a gun when its position was about to be whacked by enemy mortars zeroing in on its position. Sometimes, you just have to accept a compromise to get a bit of what you want and hope that you will get the rest later. You'd obviously prefer no compromise and no abandoning of AT guns...ever. No thank you.:rolleyes:

Because I don't play online, I feel that this game is working very well indeed and there is no urgent need for a new patch. I'd rather BFC stay focussed on generating new titles and modules than fine tuning a game that's already working well.

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As sburke stated this thread will probably degenerate due to mud being slung with abandon already. With that in mind, let's discuss whether being a fanboy of a game is supposed to be a bad thing or a good thing. I guess it depends on the manner it is used? Is a fanboy supposed to feel bad or ridiculed for standing up for something he or she enjoys? Why do we end up born to wear diapers and probably end up dying wearing a pair? Discuss plz!!

'Fanboy' is a very insulting term. I wish BFC would issue infractions for its unnecessary use on these boards because it is mostly used by posters who are trying to get a rise out of people who do not share their opinions of the game. Used in that context, it is intended to insult and it should be punished.

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'Fanboy' is a very insulting term. I wish BFC would issue infractions for its unnecessary use on these boards because it is mostly used by posters who are trying to get a rise out of people who do not share their opinions of the game. Used in that context, it is intended to insult and it should be punished.

Screw em, I'll wear it as a badge of honor. I love this game and no amount of schoolyard names is gonna ruffle my feathers one bit. If anything I just chuckle away as I go back to the Die Ammis Kommen.... Damn you Von Kleist you just blew up the bridge!! Now my boys gotta get their feet wet!

I just watched one of my guys giving buddy aid to a soldier in a river. Funniest moment I have had in a bit, looked like he was trying to drown him.

For those who haven't done this scenario PBEM, ya gotta try it. Just hope you have a high threshold for pain.

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Not being able to re-man an AI gun! Again, working as designed! Would you prefer it if you couldn't abandon them? That was the choice we were given. Crews can't abandon them or the player can force them to but can't re-man them later. Who knows, perhaps it will get coded in at a future point but I was happy to be able to abandon a gun when its position was about to be whacked by enemy mortars zeroing in on its position. Sometimes, you just have to accept a compromise to get a bit of what you want and hope that you will get the rest later. You'd obviously prefer no compromise and no abandoning of AT guns...ever. No thank you.:rolleyes:

I don't really understand the argument you are making here. In a real life situation where an AT gun crew can see mortars zeroing in on them, what exactly would be unrealistic about them running off to take cover and coming back a few minutes later? When tank crews are scared out of their tanks by enemy fire, they can get back in them later, why shouldn't an ATG crew be able to do the same? As far as coding goes, how would this be different than soldiers getting in and out of any other "vehicle". I guess I missed the original debate on this. It's not too big a deal for me as I've yet to experience this situation anyway, but it would be nice to have the option.

I'm always impressed at how high the tension can run on this forum. All these old men so set in their ways I suppose. It's like opposite extreme of PS3 vs XBOX debate. Instead of unintelligible garble and insults being hurled, we have detailed and carefully worded paragraphs just seething with passive aggressiveness. :P

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I don't really understand the argument you are making here. In a real life situation where an AT gun crew can see mortars zeroing in on them, what exactly would be unrealistic about them running off to take cover and coming back a few minutes later? When tank crews are scared out of their tanks by enemy fire, they can get back in them later, why shouldn't an ATG crew be able to do the same? As far as coding goes, how would this be different than soldiers getting in and out of any other "vehicle". I guess I missed the original debate on this. It's not too big a deal for me as I've yet to experience this situation anyway, but it would be nice to have the option.

It's got nothing to do with real life but coding but you'll need to get Steve to explain the real coding issues to you. We ALL want them to be able to re-man them because we know it was doable in real life but apparently, such behaviour is not so easy to code in a computer game. The alternative was wait until Charles could code the game so that they could be abandoned and re-manned. Without this compromise you'd have the crews married to their guns until the guns died in v1.01 which is even less realistic.

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It's got nothing to do with real life but coding but you'll need to get Steve to explain the real coding issues to you. We ALL want them to be able to re-man them because we know it was doable in real life but apparently, such behaviour is not so easy to code in a computer game. The alternative was wait until Charles could code the game so that they could be abandoned and re-manned. Without this compromise you'd have the crews married to their guns until the guns died in v1.01 which is even less realistic.

Ah, well I won't pretend to understand what's going on under the hood. From the way you worded your previous post it seemed like it was actually a design choice and not something on the "to do" list. It isn't that high of a priority anyway. Would much rather see some convincing fire and flamethrowers sometime this decade. :D

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In addition to the PBEM issues there is the out of memory crashes that Phil said they were still working on. Machine gun firing animation and inescapable bunkers have also been mentioned. I too am curious if there is a second patch planned, as it is doubtful we will see the Brits Ect. module before next year.

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I hear rumors that the next patch will provide instant access to Steve and other BFC employees 24/7 to answer all questions and to immediately implement all ideas that players may have.

In addition, your pixeltruppen will have access to hot water for bathing and they will be able to eat as many eggs as they want!


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Can't believe people think Battlefront will add armour cover arc in a patch...

Forget patches and concentrate on the next module...thats where they can add new features.

Well, if my memory serves me correctly they actually have added features in patches in the past. I'm not saying they're going to do it for CMBN but it's out of the question.

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This just in. Steve must be busy trying to include fire, but still facing coding issues...apparently he burned down his own barn in Farmville. Yes we all know that is where he spends his time.

Here he is in another early attempt at trying to understand the effects of fire and nearby terrain.

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