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RELEASED - Major Nosov's Brigade


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Uploaded to BFC Respository and also available at my website!!!

This campaign consists of a group of scenarios that reflect the first three months of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan at the end of 1979 until April of 1980. The scenarios are fictional and involve units of the 56th Air Attack Brigade along with support units of the 36th Air Corp. They cover an area (corridor) from Kabul in the Northeast to Kandahar to the Southwest.

There are seven scenarios in the campaign, though depending on the outcomes of battles you can play anywhere from 3 to 6 of them. Replay ability is very high in that there are multiple AI plans for each scenario. Also there is multiple 'paths' within the campaign (see website for a diagram) You may only play this campaign as Red vs AI. In the future the scenarios may be modified and released for H2H play.


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Again, thanks a ton for this!! Love that we are finally getting some great community made campaigns and scenarios for CMA.

I've finally had a chance to sit down and get through the first mission of the campaign. Loved the map and love that so far it's all company sized. I play WEGO only and really enjoy company sized and below. Anything bigger and it starts to get too convoluted.

Really enjoyed the first battle. I made it through with 3 WIA and 1 vehicle lost (grrrr!). Those mujahideen are determined and crafty. Have I mentioned how much I HATE RPG ambushes?? :eek: Really nice size map, forces and balance!! I most enjoy missions that are winnable and realistic. When designers go overboard to make things too hard or challenging it's just more frustrating than anything else. I love scenarios that are winnable with the right tactics and not ridiculously one sided or un-realistic.

Opened the second map and really was impressed by it too! I'm trying to decide if I am going to follow the good Major's orders or diverge a bit. :)

Thank you so much for this!! I really love the Afghanistan theater.

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"I play WEGO only and really enjoy company sized and below. Anything bigger and it starts to get too convoluted."

Interesting viewpoint. I find RT with anything over a company not satisfying as there is too much going on. I like WEGO becasue one CAN handle the larger scenarios.

"When designers go overboard to make things too hard or challenging it's just more frustrating than anything else. I love scenarios that are winnable with the right tactics and not ridiculously one sided or un-realistic."

+1 to that. It's great training to play very hard scenarios like in CMBN's "Courage & Fortitude." But, too many of those are a burn-out and the game starts to feel like work, not fun.

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Interesting viewpoint. I find RT with anything over a company not satisfying as there is too much going on. I like WEGO becasue one CAN handle the larger scenarios.

Well I do agree with you to a point. WEGO certainly makes the larger battles manageable but I guess what I was saying is that the time investment gets too great. I will begin to micromanage every single unit on the map and in large battles it can take me tons of time just to plot one minute of moves. :D

I just never play RT. I think it goes back to the CM1 series and it just became ingrained.

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The detail of CM2 is both its strength and its weakness. It is great to have the added realism. But, there are still many, many abstractions, and the time to play a turn has soared (for me). It takes me a week or more to play a scenario (assuming it's not tiny), that's often several hours/day, and that means weeks/months to play a campaign.

I cannot understand how other players are getting thru campaigns so quickly per the threads we read. I agree, I do not like RT unless it's for the smallest scenarios.

I wish posters would say how they are playing their scenarios as the mode makes a lot of difference re the advice/hints they give.

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Thank you so much for this!!

Enjoy and thanks... However you will run into some tough battles (the mountains along the Gardan Dawai Trail) during the campaign. Also you must remember that the Soviets had an abundance of equipment so their Refit, Resupply and Repair percentages are very high (at least early in the campaign :) )

Have fun and keep me posted please....

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You regain your company back to full strength after every mission though which I am glad about as I had a slipup which cost me dearly on the Gardan Dawai Trail.
Glad you like it, but you get 90-100% refit, replacement, supply if you win... if you lose Gardan Dawai Trail or a couple of the others your factors are more along the lines of 70-80%... Thus the split scenarios in the flowchart...
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Enjoy and thanks... However you will run into some tough battles (the mountains along the Gardan Dawai Trail) during the campaign. Also you must remember that the Soviets had an abundance of equipment so their Refit, Resupply and Repair percentages are very high (at least early in the campaign :) )

Have fun and keep me posted please....

Finished the second battle now and am pleased with my progress so far and glad that squads are refitted etc. This second fight I finished with 4 KIA and 2 WIA but had a total Soviet victory. I'm taking my time on these as I don't have a ton to play all day. I do play WEGO so usually end up doing around 5-10 turns over the week and then more on weekends depending on what we are doing/going. I'm finding your scenarios to be very believable/realistic. They have that FEEL of the early invasion. Loving it.

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I wish I had the time and energy to do complete AARs. I actually find them fun to do but, at the moment, I just don't have enough time to commit. I barely have enough to get in a few turns here and there.

Regardless, third mission I finished with 0 casualties! Everything went off without a hitch and have to say once again how much I love the Shilka.




















Having two of them in this battle really made the difference. I got good positioning right off the bat eliminating a patrol in the hills and getting a second platoon with good fields of fire on the Mujahideen trying to move into the town. Wiped them out from two angles. Then the Shilkas moved up and ripped up the town and blew the ammo dump. Total Soviet Victory.

The fourth mission I just completed this morning. I believe I had 5 KIA, 2 WIA, 1 Missing and 1 vehicle destroyed. The KIAs and vehicle were in the last five minutes as I stupidly drove right over the crossroad objective and lost the vehicle and men to a mine, could have been an IED but not sure, it was a pretty big explosion though. I know better than to use the roads in Mujahideen occupied areas. Made me so mad!! Up to that point I only had 1 WIA. The last WIA came as I assaulted into the town to take the HQ. I had flattened the mosque with the 155s and then moved my vehicles in to overrun the HQ. One of my soldiers was wounded by a holdout in the HQ as they moved up to assault. This was also a Total Soviet Victory even with the casualties and vehicle loss.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Phanton Captain based upon that outcome I will need to toughen things up a bit. If I can find some reference material to spur on another Campaign for CMA, I will work one up... Currently I am finishing up the German Campaign for Sie Kommen II and after that I have a 7 battle historical campaign in the works for the 30th Infantry Division around the Vire River July 7-11, 1944.

If someone has a suggestion for a CMA campaign please let me know, It's impossible to get enough info on any historical type recreations, but a fictional setup based upon a 'what if' in the appropriate time frame could be done... I do really enjoy CMA game, wish there was some more terrain mods etc...

Again thanx for posting and I am glad you enjoyed the campaign (Major Nosov is a happy camper)

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Re CMA campaign, how about fighting through a rugged road pass thru mountains to clear it for convoys/armor so as to attack a village at the other end with armor? Shilka's a must.

Maybe start with recon scenario, then 1-3+ battles to clear the pass and make it safe. Finally, assaulting a settlement.

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Re CMA campaign, how about fighting through a rugged road pass thru mountains to clear it for convoys/armor so as to attack a village at the other end with armor? Shilka's a must.

Maybe start with recon scenario, then 1-3+ battles to clear the pass and make it safe. Finally, assaulting a settlement.

This sounds like an idea that could work, I have a Village battle based upon Spinakalacha in Dec of 87... I could put something together for battles leading up to that... Thanx Erwin
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Another idea I was thinking of is trying to clear out a Mujahideen militia group in the mountains that are causing havoc with hit and run missions. The goal being to discover the Muj hideout and base and ultimately to destroy the group as a combat capable force. This could be achieved either through attrition or by taking out Muj resources. As the campaign advances and the Soviets get closer the Muj defenses get more complicated and deeper. Making the wrong choice in directions could bypass the strongpoint and maybe lead into traps. Using the clues of how the Muj defenses are laid out could ultimately lead the Soviets to the fortress/base/hideout.

Maybe something along those lines? I may be a little convoluted in my description so can clarify more if need be. I was thinking of something along the lines of making choices on which way to go like the Devils' Descent campaign or those Shock Force campaigns where choosing one direction or another drastically changes the outcome?

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I also like Phantom's idea of using scripted scenarios with choices to locate a hidden base. It would have to be very well written, however.

For example, one would gain varying levels of intelligence depending on the outcome of each scenario, and that would inform your choice re what to do next.

eg: Am liking the Hoffnung campaign script as not only does one have to decide which direction to go at the end of some scenarios, but also whether to split forces or stay concentrated.

I don't think the concept of using CMBN's ability to provide campaign choices at the end of a scenario has been done before so would take a lot of planning and testing.

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I don't think the concept of using CMBN's ability to provide campaign choices at the end of a scenario has been done before so would take a lot of planning and testing.

The only way I know to do this is to create a battle (explain in the briefing that is not to be played but upon opening you -), that if you Ceasefire you get Victory, and if you Surrender you get Defeat, with each choice sending you to a different battle and scripting path... I played around with this on Sie Kommen and it works, but I had no need for it in that campaign...

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