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Is the Opening Russian attack in 1914 scripted for the AI?

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I tried the “Don’t attack Belgium” Russia First strategy as the Central Powers. I was a bit surprised to see the Russians launch their attacks against Austria Hungary just as normal despite most of the German Army being redeployed east. The predictable result is the loss of 42 Russian corps in the first year of the war for the loss of 1 Central Power units.

(Then France declared war on Belgium and totally crushed my open flank after that so I lost the war big-time but that is rather beside the point )

Shouldn’t Russia adopt a defensive strategy in 1914 if the Germans do not attack Belgium? If they attack in the face of most of the German army being deployed East they will get wiped out.

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It is indeed scripted to try and attack regardless of what Germany is doing on the Western Front but I can take a look to see what adjustments can be made as it is often tricky and there are ways to fool the AI.

For example if the only condition is to check if Germany has attacked Belgium then to continue having the Russians play aggressively is to simply DoW Belgium but not attack it etc.

Just thinking out loud here and probably the best way to script the OFFENSIVE scripts for the Russian AI is to just check how many German units have built up on the Eastern front and go from there and have it play more defensively as a result.

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