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-1 Nervous

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Hello All:

Seen (-) and (+) numbers associated with some soldier states, for example Nervous and -1 Nervous.

I assume these are different levels of the state with the (+) numbers meaning it is getting better and about to go to a better state?

On a different note, Nervous is not in the manual. I now realize the manual is skimpy. I do realize the game is very complex (e.g. multiple waypoints with multiple orders stacked on each allows a lot of flexibility) so I am happy to have the forums to learn these things.


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On a different note, Nervous is not in the manual. I now realize the manual is skimpy. I do realize the game is very complex (e.g. multiple waypoints with multiple orders stacked on each allows a lot of flexibility) so I am happy to have the forums to learn these things.


Man you got that right! +20 W/O this forum, I'd likely be staring at the wall with a glazed look in my eyes muttering something about lines and dots.

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Yes, we need simple easy to understand definitions that we can relate to as in:

"Nervous" - state of mind when the phone rings while you're having sex... and it's your wife calling.

Are you alone or is there someone else in the room? Whole different sort of nervous between the two.


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It sure would be great to have a rundown of what we can glean from those numbers and words!

Yeah. It would be an exaggeration to describe the manual as a disaster; it's far from that. But I wouldn't feel comfortable describing it as adequate either. I understand some of the difficulty involved in putting together a manual dealing with a product that is evolving right up until the moment it is released (and after as well), especially if it has to be done by an employee who has other duties to attend. To some extent it is the inevitable victim of the small size of the company that makes it. But since an online version exists, would it not be possible to release revisions at frequent intervals as problems emerge? Just a thought...


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from what I understand, numbers +/- by states like moral and leadership reflect the starting "bonus/handicap" to that attribute. So...

If I buy a unit with low motivation, they'll start the QB at "OK -1"

If I buy a unit with poor motivation, they'll have "OK -2" at the start.

They both start at OK, but the guys with poor motivation are going to be more fragile.

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Per page 63 in the manual, the four unit attributes in the boxes are Leadership (where the leader's name is printed), Experience (Green, Regular, Veteran, etc), Physical Condition (Rested, Tiring, Tired, etc.), and Morale (OK, Cautious, Broken, etc).

The numbers in a box are permanent modifiers to the unit's attribute. So, for instance, "+1 Smith" in the Leadership box means that the unit has a better-than-average leader in Good Old Sergeant Smitty.

"+1 Nervous" isn't more nervous than plain "Nervous." Rather, the +1 in the morale box means that the unit has better than average morale in general, while "Nervous" refers to its state right now. That same unit will always have +1 listed whether it is "OK," "Broken," "Cautious," or anything else.

A "+2 Nervous" unit is actually (at the moment) in a worse morale state than a "-2 OK" unit. However, the former will be more likely to rally and get back to a good morale state, while the latter will probably get rattled very easily when the shooting starts.

In addition, the manual errata that came with the patch has this to say:

Page 94

OK, Cautious, Nervous, Shaken, Rattled

These stages reflect various levels of "unease" a unit can feel regarding its current combat situation, with "OK" being relaxed and "Rattled" being the least relaxed. These conditions are temporary and the unit remains responsive to player commands (unlike the states described further below).

I apologize if this sounds pedantic.

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In other words, the manual is adequate after all, ja? ;)

Only if people take the time to actually read it. :D

Now that Martyr, err, I mean the manual, has laid out the unit attributes in plain and simple English, I have some questions regarding the Experience and Morale:

Are the two completely separate now? In CMx1 a crack unit by default had better morale. Is that still the case? In CMx2, does a Crack squad with -2 morale equate to a Veteran unit with normal moral(as far as morale is concerned)?

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Only if people take the time to actually read it. :D

Now that Martyr, err, I mean the manual, has laid out the unit attributes in plain and simple English, I have some questions regarding the Experience and Morale:

Are the two completely separate now? In CMx1 a crack unit by default had better morale. Is that still the case? In CMx2, does a Crack squad with -2 morale equate to a Veteran unit with normal moral(as far as morale is concerned)?

Experience and morale are now decoupled. You can have elite squads (in terms of fighting ability) with poor motivation and morale. -2 is just a modifier from a base value (which is not linked to experience).

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Re updating the manual, many cardboard game companies have "living rules" available at their sites which are updated regularly based on comments from customers.

What would it take for the CM series to have a WIKI encyclopaedia sorta site where players could add their own explanations for certain game features?

Between all of us here, it would probably become a comprehensive manual quite quickly.

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I searched the manual pdf for Nervous again and it's not there.


Hi Gerry,

yeah, sorry, Gerry, but we cannot update the manual once printed/pressed on disc. We do release Erratas and updates to the manual with patches, and we also update the online manuals. The online CMSF manuals, including the base game manual, as you will notice, are reflecting v1.21 or something like that, for example.

We didn't update the CMBN online manual but the 1.01 patch includes an errata to the manual.

The reason why Nervous was left out (among a few of the other states between "OK" and "Panic") is because they are pretty self-explanatory, and there are no special game rules applying to them. Unlike the Panic or Routed states, the units still respond to commands, for example. So, "nervous" is really just what it says - the unit is nervous. Stating this in a manual seems somewhat redundant. Having said that, the errata now clarifies and acknowledges that there are states between OK and Panic, and it's definitely better this way, which is why we added it.

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