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New file at the Repository: The Samti deposit raid (2011-07-28)

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This is one of the best maps I have seen for this game, the placement of water and the bridge construction really makes the most out of what you can do with the CMA editor. I'm not able to play this all at once but I will post some short AARs as I progress through it. Thanks for putting in the time to make this scenario.

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I enjoyed reading the briefing, I can tell you put a lot of work into it and the map. I like that you based the mission around a real location. The camera is not at the insertion point at the start of the mission, it's on the opposite side of the map. If it's possible you should move it there, if you revise the scenario, so you start off in view of your forces.

The First 5 Minutes

Turn 1: I send out a squad to do recon on the area. They advance toward Objective Katarina making it to the edge of the hill and in view of the Safe House.

Turn 2: I reposition Observers and Commanders on the small hills near the insertion point to get a good view of the area. I also move A Company up to where it's first squad was. The designated recon squad moves toward Objective Katarina.

Turn 3: The recon squad continues to Objective Katarina using the slope of the river as cover. A Company moves toward Katarina too fast, out in the open not using the cover. I thought there might be vehicles on the road coming up to surprise me, so I got careless and overanxious and advanced my squads too fast. We take fire from the Safe House and Mujahideen are spotted. Three casualties were taken in haste.

Turn 4: The entire A Company opens fire on the Safe House, except for the squad closest to Katarina (who has no line of sight). Mujahideen in the Safe House have been completely supressed (hopefully for good).


Turn 5: The recon squad reaches Katarina and moves to the crest of the small hill near the Safe House, readying for an assault against any Mujahideen who may still be alive in the Safe House. The rest of the company stay put, waiting for further orders.

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Wow, the briefing by itself is astounding! I realized I should put away time on the weekend to play this scenario.

Reading the briefing I think this is one of the very few scenarios that really puts out reality, that some battles are not simple "go there, kill everyone" but are a multi-stage missions that need to be understood and planned.

Great work!!!

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Vin, thank You for Your comments on the map! I think it's important the player(s) like(s) the map where the battle takes place. You are right on Your comment of the position of the camera. I made some last minute changes to the units that are used and was in kind of a rush. I simply forgot that the camera remains at the position where it is when one has deployed red or blue forces. After deploying I saved the file and if the mission is started the camera is positioned where it is now. This can be changed easily if needed. But I will wait with submitting a new file to see if there will be other things noticed that need to be changed by You or other players once they have finished the mission.

Dima, Thank You for Your comment on the briefing! You can concider the briefing as reality based upon imagination.:D I was not sure if this approach of making a briefing was a good one but I am now more confident it is. I hope You will enjoy this mission when, or if You give it a try.

Spoiler alert

Vin, So You were surprised by the mujahedeen in the Safe house and took three casualties. I had that to when playing the mission the first two times but have developped a method so The safe house can be captured with less casualties.

I am very curious how the mission will turn for You. I really appreciate Your feedback and detailed information of the way You play the mission. Thanks!

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Hi Eddie, you're welcome and thanks for your feedback as well. You know you've done a good job when a CMSF Beta Tester is giving you compliments. As before I will post my final AAR results, win, lose or draw. I can already tell winning this is going to be difficult given the win conditions and terrain, but that just makes the game more exciting, at least for me. The tracers I use are from CMBN, the filename is Veins_tracers_CMBN_v3. There are three different versions in the zip file, I use Veins_tracers_C.brz, they are the shortest. I unpacked and modified them, changing the color from red to light green, though in the video sometimes they look yellow. This can easily be done in an image editor like Photoshop, just by changing the hue/saturation. I hope the Mujahideen in the Safe House are done for, and aren't waiting to surprise me. I'm going to play some more tonight and post my results like yesterday.

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I'm not looking for compliments for my mission(s) but it is inspiring and nice to get them.:D I'm just using the scenario editor BF provided with CMA and i'm trying to make the best of it. The outcome of this mission, like most missions I think, depends on how well one manages his units and reacts to developments on the field of battle. I am looking forward to Your AAR and I hope You will enjoy the time You spend on this one.

Thanks a lot for the information regarding the tracer mod You used. I am now aware I downloaded the wrong file this morning but the file You mentioned is already in my directory containing all CM modifications. But I played so little missions lately I don't even remember if I use this one in CMBN. I will take a look at this tommorow and see if I can change it the way You explained it.

Considering the number of units firing on The safe house and the type of ammo they were using I doubt there will be any mujahedeen left. And if there are they will most probably be K.I.A., W.I.A. or routed. I sure would like to know if the mujahedeen still were capable to carry on the fight at this location.

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Turn 6: The observer and command squads positioned on the hill near the insertion point open fire on the Safe House once again. After what happened minutes ago (in game time) I'm taking no chances. 1st squad (referred to as recon in my previous post) gets in position at the crest of the small hill near the Safe House. They attempt to advance and take fire from the Safe House. Two Mujahideen are sighted inside. Sgt. Reznikov tends to the WIA from turn 3 and A Company holds fire to conserve ammo and rpgs for the moment.

Turn 7: 1st squad (of First Platoon) almost makes it to the Safe House wall in assault mode (it's turning out to be a dangerous house) when they come under fire. Of the three that advance two are slightly wounded, all five are pinned. One fires back at a Mujahideen on a slope behind the Safe House. 2nd squad advances to Objective Katarina using the river bank as cover. Observer and command squads continue to fire, but it is not enough to suppress all the Mujahideen.

Turn 8: The 1st squad is pinned temporarily but is able to fire at the machine gunner on the slope who has a good over watch of the area, no one else but this squad is able to see him.


They manage to take him out while being fired on. Most of A Company continues to fire on the Safe House. 2nd squad moves into position close to the two other members of 1st squad at the crest of the hill. The Observers have sighted vehicles close to the Head Office starting to move out of the gates. The pressure builds to accelerate the assault and take the position.

Turn 9: The vehicles sighted are identified as trucks and technicals moving onto the road, technicals taking the lead. 2nd Platoon and Sgt. Tyumentsev continue to fire at the Safe House, while 1st platoon continues the assault. 1st Squad gets to the wall by the safe house and takes cover. 2nd Squad tries to get to the wall and there is a sound of richocheting bullets and 2 of 5 men are KIA and WIA. The attack seemed to have come from nowhere. I'm not sure if it was a richochet or some unseen enemy, I thought no casualties result from friendly small arms fire in the game, now I'm not so sure. I regret not calling in a mortar strike to blow up the Safe House, I wanted to try to take it intact - the cost is turning out to be too high.

Turn 10: The rest of 2nd Squad crawls to the wall. 1st Squad fires at the two Mujahideen inside the Safe House, they disappear then are seen moments later running out the door and towards the road and another is seen retreating to Objective Anna. 2nd platoon ceases fire and runs to the river bank for cover and then along it to Objective Katarina. Sgt. Reznikov and his squad tend to the remaining WIA close to the hill at the insertion point.

Turn 11: 2nd Platoon takes position at Objective Katarina. 1st Squad (2nd Platoon) moves in assault mode to the Safe House. The Mujahideen that exited the house earlier have hopped over the outer wall behind the Safe House and taken up position. 1st Squad stops and fires on them as they duck behind the wall again, with 2nd squad assisting in cover fire. Capt. Karamyshev calls an air strike on the exit gate area near the Head Office. There are vehicles clustering around there, hopefully they will not be moved by the time the plane reaches the target area.

I may not be able to post tonight but plan on playing some more this Sunday. It takes awhile to do an Action Report this way, so I have to take it in small pieces. I have attached a zip file of the tracers by Vein that I have modified, I'm not sure whether you have modded your own yet, if not this will save you the time.

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You have described the events of every turn in such a way I understand what is happening very well. And I also understand making an AAR in such a detailed way takes a lot of time. You are really doing great job!

Unfortunatly The safe house is not as safe as Col. Arutyunov thought it would be, as You experienced. If I counted correctly You took 5 W.I.A. and/ or K.I.A. and two men with light injuries. That is indeed a high price to pay for Cpl. Mir Salam's office. This makes me wonder how the coming events will turn out for You when You can continue the mission.

Thank You for the attachment with the modded file from Veins tracer mod

V3. This will indeed save me some precious time to make it the way You explained in Your post of yesterday at 08:58 AM.

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Thanks for the fascinating AAR.

BTW: Yes, you CAN get friendly fire casualties very easily when using TARGET anywhere the fire may end at, or pass by close to friendlies. I don't think you can make friendly casualties with TARGET LIGHT.

One can use BLAST freely and never get friendly casualties even when they are on top of the explosion.

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You're welcome Erwin and thank you for letting me know about how friendly fire is modeled in the game. I'm still unsure whether my squad was sniped (there were at least 3 snipers on the battlefield I identified later) or whether it was friendly fire (ricocheting bullets), and I was using TARGET. There was so much lead flying at the time these guys got shot I'm thinking it most likely was the friendly fire.

There has been a change in plans for today, so I get some free time to play. Thanks Eddie, and you are correct there are 4 WIA, 1 KIA and 2 lightly injured. BTW I rated the mission 5 stars today, what I have experienced so far has been brutal. I'm surprised at the resilience of the Mujahideen at the Safe House. I would approach this mission entirely different my second time through, the tactics that are being employed against me are keeping me at bay effectively because of my earlier tactical mistakes. Too much ammo was expended in the assault. I didn't use terrain cover properly, or use a better angle of attack on the Safe House and I paid dearly for it.

Turn 12: 1st Squad has finally reached the Safe House, they move inside in assault mode. It has been deserted except for the five dead Mujahideen inside. Other Mujahideen are spotted moving forward from Objective Anna. They are now a short distance away from the Safe House. 2nd squad remains in position behind the wall outside of the Safe House firing at the Mujahideen coming from Anna, some of the enemy are snipers. I wonder could this have been the unseen enemy who shot the two men in 2nd Squad. They both fell instantaneously as if a bullet passed through them both at the same time. There are trucks sighted moving up the road. I notice a branch in the road I didn't see before. The trucks seem to be heading toward that route instead of where I expected them to head which was toward the bridge. If I can't get to that area, they may get away. 2nd Squad (2nd Platoon) moves in to reinforce 2nd Squad (1st Platoon). Sgt. Reznikov takes cover in the area near the insertion point where the WIA were. Sgt. Tyumentsev remains at Objective Katarina with 1st Squad (2nd Platoon).

Turn 13: 1st Squad (1st Platoon) moves to the roof of the Safe House to get a better overwatch on the area, a big mistake. They spot more Mujahideen heading toward the Safe House from near Objective Anna and they are closing fast. 1st Squad opens fire and takes down several Mujahideen. An rpg from a Mujahideen covered by the fog of war slams into the roof, 2 WIA and 1 KIA. I knew I was taking a chance moving them there and shouldn't have.


2nd Squads (1st Platoon and 2nd Platoon) hold position behind the walls and open fire on the advancing Mujahideen that can be sighted. 1st Squad (2nd Platoon) dashes across the road and toward the hills overlooking the branch in the road so they can get in position to intercept the trucks. Sgt. Tyumentsev holds position at Katarina and Sgt. Reznikov continues to move toward Katarina along the riverbank.

Turn 14: 1st Squad move to the 1st floor of the Safe House and open fire on a sniper that is sighted in the woods across from the Safe House. He is armed with an SVD Dragunov, kneeling, out of cover and boldly firing on 2nd Squad (2nd platoon) behind the wall and the 1st Squad (2nd Platoon) and Sgt. Tyumentsev who are advancing toward the hills overlooking the branch in the road. They need to get there fast, the trucks are close to reaching the branch in the road. There is a roaring sound in the sky of an Su-22M arriving for an airstrike. Both 2nd Squads (1st and 2nd Platoon) are still at the Safe House walls firing at Mujahideen advancing from Objective Anna. Sgt. Reznikov moves in to take care of the WIA near the Safe House. Lt. Filippov runs along the river bank to Objective Katarina since it is no longer occupied.

Turn 15: 1st Squad in the Safe House suppress the sniper across from them in the woods and then turn their attention to the Mujahideen groups advancing from Objective Anna. This has developed into a full-blown counterattack by a large number of enemies. Some of the Soviet Squads are low on ammo. The trucks are now very close and at the branch in the road fading in and out of the fog of war. The Su-22M is heard overhead once more, when the air strike comes it will likely go to waste. Both the 2nd Squads (1st and 2nd Platoon) maintain position at the wall firing at the hordes of Mujahideen that are charging the Safe House. 1st Squad (2nd Platoon) reaches the hills overlooking the branch in the road and takes position. Sgt. Tyumentsev and his squad continue running to another spot on the hill overlooking the road. Lt. Fillipov reaches Objective Katarina and Sgt. Reznikov continues moving toward the WIA at the Safe House wall.

When I give an AAR for Battlegroup Ivanov, I'm going to stick with a shorter summary AAR and write it after I have completed the mission. I will continue with this style AAR for this mission though, for the sake of giving some immediate feedback and entertainment. The sheer volume of things going on in a larger battle will have me writing more than playing lol, so I'll switch back to what I did before and with some videos of the highlights of the battle.

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Hi Vin, thank You very much for the vife star rating You gave me! I once again really enjoyed Your battlefieldreport. This gives me the opportunity to see what's going wrong minute after minute, knowing the worst is yet to come. You were right to conclude the mujahedeen are conducting a counterattack with everything they got. But the stakes are high for the mujahedeen, it's a do or die situation.:D After reading Your very detailed AAR for the first 15turns I can imagine You wont make such a detailed one for Battlegroup Ivanov. And if You just want to show the endresult of this one I would not hold this against You at all.:)

Remeber that if You don't manage to stop the convoy you can still try to achieve the other objectives. I tried to make a mission that does not allow much room for mistakes, just as in real life. If one makes some decisions in the first turns of the battle that turn out bad, stopping the convoy or even achieving the other objectives could become very tricky. If You or any other player wants some advise or tips when to do what and how, I will gladly give it. Despite the fact that some things in this mission are not going the way You would want them to, I get the impression You are having a good time playing this one. I wish You all the best when You continue this battle and I think You would be an excellent warcorrespondent.:)

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Thanks once again Eddie, I've always been interested in military history and studying battles from B.C. to A.D. I'm glad you are enjoying the battle report. Given the amount of time it took me today to write this, review the 3 turns and upload the videos, I think I'm going to give a more generalized report for the rest and some more video highlights. When the additional reinforcements arrive, the amount of documenting is going to expand a lot. If I continue doing the AAR this way it may take me two weeks to get done lol, and I'm very anxious to just play the rest without writing it :) (although documenting the results this way was my own idea anyway).

Turn 16: 1st Squad in the Safe House hold position, continuing to fire at the Mujahideen. An explosion is seen at one of the walls (not sure of the origin) and the man closest to that wall is WIA, leaving one man left in 1st Squad. 2nd Squads (1st and 2nd Platoon) continue to hold position and fight at the wall. 2nd Squad (2nd Platoon) also tends to a WIA I did not notice that was sustained to them in Turn 15. The air strike arrives and destroys a technical at the Samti Deposit gateway.


Sgt. Reznikov arrives at the Safe House wall to reinforce and then tend to the wounded , but not without sustaining a WIA to his own squad in his haste to get to the wall. Lt. Filippov heads to the Safe House wall, leaving Objective Katarina. We need everyone we can get at our battle line, which has become located at the wall. The air controller team switches to a better position on the hills close to the insertion point, the counterattack may well spill over to their area. 1st Squad (2nd Platoon} holds position at the hill overlooking the branch in the road. Sgt Tyumentsev arrives on the hill close to 1st Squad (2nd Platoon) only to discover 2 Mujahideen Squads lying prone close to the road. He opens fire along with 1st Squad.

Turn 17: Sgt. Tyumentsev is KIA (he was kneeling in position) and a member of his squad is WIA in the firefight.


The trucks and technical arrive right in the middle of it on the road. 1st Squad (2nd Platoon) fires on the technical with rifle grenades as seen coming in from the right in the video. I have been trying to keep my CO Squads out of the action, but we are losing too many people for me not to. At the Safe House wall, both 2nd Squads and Sgt. Reznikov hold position firing at the advancing Mujahideen. The lone man in 1st Squad in the Safe House takes cover from RPG rounds hitting the house and firing back when he can. I may have to move him soon. The next air strike is called off, there are no further targets at that area. Lt. Filippov crawls to the Safe House wall with his squad. At this point anyone caught standing up or kneeling out of cover is as good as dead. I wonder how many will be left when the Motorized Infantry arrive.

Turn 18: The 3 remaining members Sgt Tyumentsev's squad engage the Mujahideen near the road. 1st Squad (2nd Platoon) continues to fire on the technical, while one of the trucks speeds up the road and is close to getting away. 1st Squad (1st Platoon) in the Safe House fires on the advancing Mujahideen and shortly after runs out of ammunition, moving to the back of the Safe House. Both 2nd Platoons and Sgt. Reznikov hold position at the wall and fire on the advancing Mujahideen. Some are running up the road, other crawling into position on the hills. It is difficult to tell how many are out there but it is just a matter of time before we will be overwhelmed. Forward Observer, Air Controller, Cpt. Karamyshev, Cpl. Mir Salam all hold position at the hills near the insertion point. Lt. Filippov continues to crawl to the Safe House wall with his squad, getting up and moving would be suicide.

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I played to turn 20 later on in the day yesterday. There were 2 more WIA on my side, snipers are all around. None of the mechanized infantry has arrived yet. I managed to destroy 1 truck and it looks like some are going to get away. Sorry about not being able to stick with the turn-by-turn AAR, it does kill a lot of time and is tedious. Just posting little summaries like this and an ending summary make things easier for me and will at least keep you informed about how things are going. It's looking like a defeat so far, but who knows maybe things will change when reinforcements arrive. I will hopefully finish the mission by Sunday and let you know how things worked out.

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I once again had a lot of fun reading the report You posted yesterday at 04:43 PM. If I am correct You already had 5 W.I.A. or K.I.A. at turn 15 and I counted at least three more, including Sgt. Tyumentsev, by the time You had played turn 18 which would make a total of 8 W.I.A. or K.I.A. In turn 20 You hade two more W.I.A. so this makes ten W.I.A. or K.I.A. and two lightly wounded. I think this will cost You some points in the end result. If Your forces are positioned in a bad way around The safe house it is very tricky to get them in position as You mentioned. At least You still have Sgt. Fillipov to help defend the units at The safe house in some way or the other. And You destroyed one truck and one technical, was this done with the bomber or with gunfire from Your units?

I understand the way You are making these reports cost to much of Your time so I think You are right to just make little summaries. As I wrote before, I really apreciate Your feedback and the videos You are making for the missions. I am curious if You ended the mission already and if so, what result You had.

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Hi Eddie,

I started playing it this weekend too but am only 10 turns in so far. However, I don't have any casualties yet! I'm trying to avoid reading Vin's reports as I don't want to spoil anything for me but I did read his first couple of turns.

I did manage to blow up all the trucks in the convoy except the two technicals. Not sure how that is going to affect me. I used the SU-22 to hit the trucks as I did have my FAC move up to Katrina with the 1st and 2nd platoons and take a position on the rise just in front of Katrina. I think the reason I've been lucky with casualties is I moved 2nd platoon around the right of the little knoll in front of Katrina so that the second ridgeline would protect them from any fire from Anna and the outpost. They occupy a nice covered position where they can fire on the safe house and the grounds behind and around it while being protected from any forces moving on them from the other objectives.

I also ordered mortar fire on the safe house right off the bat. As soon as it started hitting, at around 5 minutes in, I moved the two platoons into position and started putting fire on the safe house with them as well. It appeared the Muj there bugged out but now there are forces moving in, and in numbers too, from the other objectives.

As soon as I got the message that the 112th Motorized showed up, I saved and stopped. The have just entered the map. :)

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Phantom Captain, it sounds like you got all your tactics right and are doing great. I can summarize my AAR to you in few words: I'm failing miserably. I'm still not going to give up, though. You have played 10 turns and the 112th Motorized is there?! I'm about to play turn 21 and will be overrun shortly. I have to wonder how much the arrival of the 112th varies from game to game.

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My losses at the end of turn 20: 10 WIA, 3 KIA, 2 lightly wounded

The technical was destroyed by an air strike and one truck was destroyed by 1st squad on the hill overlooking the branch in the road.

Turns 21-24: I have stopped counting KIA and WIA, yes it's that bad. I ordered an air strike on the Head Office - and it missed. The 112th Motorized appeared on the road at Turn 21. They were ambushed from the hill overlooking the road, in part because they were slowed down by the destroyed trucks on the road. I see what you mean when you say you use parts of the map to make things harder for the player. This whole situation really captures the atmosphere of Afghanistan, with all the ambushing and hidden enemies. All 3 BTRs have been destroyed, 2 near the truck blockade. One of them made it to the bridge, I was watching it cross with baited breath hoping it might be the one to survive, when it was hit by an RPG. Most of the BTR squads are still alive, but not in great fighting condition. I think this one is certainly going to be a Major defeat for me, I still had fun though :). I was really relying on those BTRs for an ammo refill and support. I know there are still some more reinforcements coming so I'm trying to wait for them and play it out, though if they come from the same direction I think they will be screwed. I'm glad that I'm not playing a campaign or I would be quitting and starting over. Maybe the BMPs and tank can bail me out of this mess and let me at least get some payback for the time I put into documenting this mission.

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I decided to go back and play more. I just like playing on this map, I'm enjoying the eye candy too with all the graphics maxed out.

Turns 25-26: The BTR squads are searching the hills for the Mujuahideen who destroyed the BTRs. The BTR Squad and crew on the bridge crawls to Objective Katarina as do the squads at the Safe House wall. They are all being shot at, and there is a technical with a recoiless rifle nearby that will easily blow away anybody standing up. If I use artillery or an air strike on the Safe House area, I will wind up killing 6 WIA, so that option is out. The observers and Capt. still hold the hills at the insertion point, though they have been under attack by Mujahideen as well and sustained no casualties (like it makes a difference at this point lol).

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Hi Phantom Captain, It looks like You are doing a good job once again. Turn 10, no casualties and all the trucks have been destroyed. After reading Your post I concluded You have positioned Your units exactly on the right spots so they can provide cover for advancing units, and hold back the mujahedeen from advancing toward The safe house at the same time. Calling the mortar fire so soon guaranteed the capture of The safe house with zero casualties I think. And You managed to let the SU-22 M fire their rockets exactly on target, four trucks destroyed! I managed to destroy two of them with the Su-22 M, and one with machinegun fire from one of my squads. Well the crew bailed out because of the fire they were taking. I think You have chosen the right moment to save the game, and Vin is right in his post of 05:46 PM. You got Your tactics right and are doing great. Thank You very much for Your feedback!

Hi Vin, I could not help myself but I had a good and long laugh after reading Your last three posts; "Turns 21-24: I stopped counting KIA and WIA, yes its that bad. I ordered one air strike on the head office - and it missed.":D

And this one; "All 3 BTRs have been destroyed, 2 near the truck blockade. One of them made it to the bridge, I was watching it cross with baited breath hoping it might be the one to survive, when it was hit by an RPG.":D

This is absolutely a great way to describe Your experiences and I hugely enjoyed the reports You made of the mission.

I had the same experience as You did when I tried to let the BTR's pass the roadblock the first time. I have repeated this moment a lot of times to see if it would be possible to get the BTR's, or just one, across the bridge at all. After fiding out the right tactic I managed to get two BTR's across the bridge without to much problems most of the times I tried. But with this point in the mission it's the same thing as it is with the beginning of the mission. There is only one way to do it right and this way avoids the loss of all vehicles. Any other way I tried resulted in the loss of two BTR's in most cases, and sometimes three. I'm sure You will find out what the right way is, but if You don't and You want to know just ask and I will answer.

For me it is really funny to read that You have done, and are doing a lot of the things I imagined the player would do in certain situations. For me this has made the creation of this mission worth the effort and time. I think You're a real sport continueing the game despite the losses you sustained. I hope You will let us know what will happen once You continued the mission.;)

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Ok, my apologies Vin. I was 20 minutes in at the save when the 112th showed up. :) Time flies right? I thought I was only 10 turns in but it was really 20. I tend to overlook those turns where there is no action or I'm moving very slowly into position and/or waiting for artillery missions.

Anyway, played a few more turns. So far so good but my ammo situation with my 1st platoon is getting very precarious. Everyone is still holding and I still have no casualties but the Mujahideen are in full counterattack mode and I still haven't even taken the Safe House. I'm really hoping to resupply some ammo with the vehicles that have just come in. Here is my situation at the moment.


1st platoon is at the left just in front of Katarina. One squad is up at the wall but have advanced no further, plus they are REALLY low on ammo now. I'm thinking of even pulling them back over the ridge. They do have a good position as the safe house and wall gives them good defilade from the counterattacking Muj. 2nd platoon is over to the right in the little depression between the two ridges and as I said, they have good cover too from the counterattacking Muj with good firing positions on the safe house and the area around and behind it. Any Mujahideen attacking up to the wall get caught in a nasty crossfire and I have killed a bunch of them there so far.

Now, as to my reinforcements. That roadblock of three trucks has me very leery of an ambush (knowing Eddie :) ) and I've decided to be super cautious. It just looks too suspicious to me and seems like a trap. I've dismounted two squads of the 112th who are on there way up to sweep the ridge first before I move the vehicles up. I need them badly but have decided to be cautious. I've also called mortar fire up on that ridge overlooking the road just to see if I can flush something out before rolling forward.

Hopefully the Marines can hold for a little while longer. If need be I'll pull them back into reverse slope defensive positions and hope they can kill anyone cresting their respective ridgelines before getting killed themselves. I'm also thinking of calling that fighter back just to sweep the area between Anna and the safe house and maybe discourage any more movement forward by the Mujahideen.

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That is a perfect screenshot of how Your units are situated around The safe house. I can see You have moved them in positions that gives You the most chance of keeping losses acceptable and to at least let Your units fight back. After reading Your plans for the roadblock and the area between Anna and The safe house I can tell You are indeed a cautious player that does not make a move before thinking things over. If You would want to inform me/us about the results of Your plans please do, I am very curious how this will end up.

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Phantom Captain, that is good to know about the timing of the arrival of the 112th, I thought there was more of a variable delay in their arrival. At least other players can rely on having them there at a specific time if things are going bad. To anyone following this thread, pay close attention to Phantom Captain's posts and Eddie's, they are a model of how to be successful at this mission. Read my posts if you want to see how badly you can screw things up. Eddie, I'll keep posting and let you know how (badly) things work out. I'm still interested if the other reinforcements on the way will help salvage my score somewhat. I'm glad you are entertained by my posts and humor and thanks for offering advice on how to win this battle.

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I'll, of course, keep updating you on my progress as I go! I'll probably have a bit of time to play a few more turns tonight when I get home.


Let's not get too overly optimistic! There is still 40 minutes to go and I don't in any way feel secure yet. My ammo situation in the 1st platoon is making me nervous. My 2nd platoon still has decent ammo and the second squad is more in reserve right now as the first squad is holding it's own and knocking down the Mujahideen just fine by themselves at the moment. The second squad is actually faced at the ridgeline in front of them in case any of the enemy try cresting that ridge to flank me.

We'll see what the artillery mission does on the ridge and see if the two squads of the 112th can flush anything out up there before moving forward. If there is nothing they might be able to get good eyes on the enemy out in front of the Marines regardless. At least give me a bit more info on what I'm up against. On top of that there are still two technicals out there with that big MG and the 73mm Recoiless. Don't like that at all. Sure seems we have stirred up a whole huge mess of hornets here.

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