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I'm wondering what the engineers do in the game if they cannot remove the mines?

I know they can blow walls, buildings, hedges & bocages, some obstacles too but only to mark mines!

I don't know if this has been already discussed before, but I'm very desapointed by the issue.

It's hard on small maps to try encirclement if all ways, roads & rows are blocked by mines that's almost unplayable!

What do you do when you must cross an only minen bridge under fire of MG42, 81 mm & 120 mm mortar? (I've seen that in campain scenario) I'm desperate (sigh)!

Thanks for you reply!

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I'm wondering what the engineers do in the game if they cannot remove the mines?

I know they can blow walls, buildings, hedges & bocages, some obstacles too but only to mark mines!

I don't know if this has been already discussed before, but I'm very desapointed by the issue.

It's hard on small maps to try encirclement if all ways, roads & rows are blocked by mines that's almost unplayable!

What do you do when you must cross an only minen bridge under fire of MG42, 81 mm & 120 mm mortar? (I've seen that in campain scenario) I'm desperate (sigh)!

Thanks for you reply!

If mines are marked, they can be safely traversed at lower speeds.

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If mines are marked, they can be safely traversed at lower speeds.

I didn't know that, thanks, I think I must use large smoke screen to cross this bridge, 'cause I think my soldiers at lower speed will be decimated , what's happen for tanks and vehicles lower speed too?

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I doubt that you can remove a minefield within the games limited timeframe (30 to 120 minutes) especially while the action is still going on.

Depends a lot on the density of the minefield, and how they're laid. Not all minefields are created equal.

A quickly laid nuisance minefield of just a few mines at a crossroads or bridge entrance as a delaying tactic might be able to be removed relatively quickly. More extensively laid minefields could be a b*tch and a half to remove.

But the more relevant tactic to CM would be simply blasting the mine(s) out of the way. This is exactly what the first assault engineers onto the beaches of Normandy did in order to clear paths for the landing craft and vehicles -- in many cases, they simply put a chunk of C4 next to detected mine(s) and blew them to pieces. This is also part of what bangalore torpedos were designed to do, actually -- blast a linear path through wire or minefields. One bangalore to blast a path through wire and/or mines for infantry, two to blast parallel paths for tracks/wheels.

Of course, the vehicles still have to maneuver pretty carefully to stay on the blasted safe paths, and this is only practical for a fairly shallow field. No clearing a .5km long path in just a few minutes with a MCLiC in Normandy, unfortunately. :D (Though there were minerollers...)

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But the more relevant tactic to CM would be simply blasting the mine(s) out of the way. This is exactly what the first assault engineers onto the beaches of Normandy did in order to clear paths for the landing craft and vehicles -- in many cases, they simply put a chunk of C4 next to detected mine(s) and blew them to pieces. This is also part of what bangalore torpedos were designed to do, actually -- blast a linear path through wire or minefields. One bangalore to blast a path through wire and/or mines for infantry, two to blast parallel paths for tracks/wheels.

I did not yet come across mines in CMBN, but can the blast command be used to clear mines?

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I did not yet come across mines in CMBN, but can the blast command be used to clear mines?

I've encountered mines a few times in CMBN a few times so far, but I haven't played with mines and mine-marking/clearing extensively yet in CMBN, so I may be wrong about this.

But from what I understand, no: you can't directly clear a path through a minefield via the BLAST command.

Oddly, though, you can do so if there is wire on top of the mines -- in this case, you can use the BLAST command to tell an engineering team to clear a path through the wire, and the resulting explosion will also take out the mines under the wire.

In fact, any heavy HE detonating on top of the mines can potentially detonate the mines and reduce or eliminate them.

So the functionality is there, but the UI isn't -- unless I I've missed something, there appears to be no way to specifically tell an engineer team to use one of their demo charges on to clear a path through mines, even if they have already spotted and marked the mines -- you need something else for the engineer to use the BLAST command on in the same area as the mines.

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I did not yet come across mines in CMBN, but can the blast command be used to clear mines?

I've only seen it happen when the mines sympathetically detonate while the engineers are trying to blast something in the same action point. Specifically, I've seen them explode mines where the mines were in the same action point as a stretch of barbed wire the engineers were removing.

Just on the face of it, I don't see why it wouldn't work when there's no other obstacle, but I've never tried it.

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And, quite possibly, one or more of any teams nearby, including the one detonating their charge... :)

Well, yes. How and when you can use demo charges is another area of the game that I'd like to see some improvement to, eventually.

As it is now, apparently, CMBN exists in a world where delay fusing for demo charges is extremely rare, as combat engineers seem compelled to blow stuff up while standing only a few feet away. Not a healthy practice.

IRL, they had access to various types of delay fuses and remote detonation devices.

Of course, on the other side of the coin, CM is also lets engineers execute the whole set-prime-detonate process considerably faster than it probably could be done IRL for most situations, so in some ways demo charges are easier to use in the game than IRL.

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As it is now, apparently, CMBN exists in a world where delay fusing for demo charges is extremely rare, as combat engineers seem compelled to blow stuff up while standing only a few feet away. Not a healthy practice.

They're fine when it's only their explosives. It's when the Tricksy Foe augments their bang with some hidden goodies that they run into trouble...

IRL, they had access to various types of delay fuses and remote detonation devices.

I guess that's abstracted out into the "can't blow self up with own charges" thing, though you're right of course that it would also make it harder for the Tricksy Foe to arrange for a big enough extra bang to do demolishing engineers much harm.

Of course, on the other side of the coin, CM is also lets engineers execute the whole set-prime-detonate process considerably faster than it probably could be done IRL for most situations, so in some ways demo charges are easier to use in the game than IRL.

Frame charges for every occasion. Kept in pockets the size of Pluto... :)

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