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That would be one of them yes, the game where I had played from ONE side before, you were notified of this and still agreed to play. You then lost (naturally), THEN cried foul and have thrown a hissy for what, 8 years now?

Not to mention the double blind games where you have lost even more naturally.

In fact if your losses were any more natural they'd be raised on mung beans and lentils by smelly tree hugging hippies in a Tibetan pot commune to a never ending soundtrack of sitar music and whale song.

A hissy fit? Hardly that, I've merely mentioned that were you were {ppp) a non-double blind player ... which by your own admission you were and (666] a swine ... and which of us can deny that.

Games? That would imply more than one whereas I only recall one and that one being one where you were able to claim a MINOR victory after the ignominious loss of a JgPzIV to a Stuart.

Honestly Stuka I can't recall that many games I've played with you. Of course playing you at all, regardless of the outcome, is so traumatic an experience that I may have blocked them from my memory.

But Please, please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion! Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who. We are here today to acknowledge, in a very real, and legally binding sense, that you are a swine and likely to remain one until the day you "fall" from a tower you and the good Lady Baroness Von Stuka are visiting and are fatally wounded before finally kicking off as a result of a late falling stone hitting you in the head.

She will, of course, be devastated as you were obviously getting better.


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In other news, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread wishes to announce that his forces have prevailed over the nefarious minons of evil led by NG Cavscout.

Modesty (and a natural desire to avoid spoilers) prevents me from providing details of the win except to point out that such an outcome was pre-ordained and should hardly be a surprise to anyone.


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You're all scum and I hate each and every . . .

[serious]Screw it, I don't have the vim and vinegar at the moment. Between my late father's birthday yesterday, the looming six month anniversary of his death, and th drama currently caused by my delinquent neice, the ex-felon beater and drug dealer she lives with, and her six year old child that I now find living in my house because things are too unsafe for him with her, I'm too damned drained to muster the energy needed to denounce each of you in the manner you so richly deserve. Turns out when I can get to them, and, if anyone wants a match, drop me a PM on this site -- I don't even have the energy to muster a proper challenge. Hopefully, things will return to normal soon and I can get back to the status quo ante chaos and give you all the individual hating you so richly deserve.[/serious]

So sod off, the lot of you.


MrSpkr Family problems can be the worst, but you must deal with them sometimes. The little kid is important, he needs the support you are giving.

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He chose Yanks:

They are fully motorised - the Germans arn't - Check!

All his troops travel in HT's - The Germans have foot soldiers.

They have heavy weapons and mortar support - the Germans don't - Check!

Their squads have more men - Check!

Their 50cals are supreme - Check!

Lies, lies...Damn lies...and statistics!

true it is an open map but thats as far as the truth goes. As far as I can see there are hundreds, if not tens of German H/T's ferrying troops into the VL. Whereapon my MG's and Mortar teams shoot lots and lots of nasty pointy and solid things at them. Yes it's all true...my guys are firing Joe's head into the VL and theres nothing more solid and pointy than that let me tell you.

And just what heavy weapons do my unfairly charged GI's have hmmm? Sure there's one or two M8's, a couple Sherman's, some Pershings and a flight of B52's plus a few Predator drones but nothing a 1/2 trained Dacshund with a trusty K98 can't handle.

You do piss and moan alot.

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Modesty (and a natural desire to avoid spoilers) prevents me from providing details of the win except to point out that such an outcome was pre-ordained and should hardly be a surprise to anyone.

Meaning: He started out with a full battalion of Tigers while his opponent had only a platoon of pygmies armed with blow guns. Still managed to lose half the Tigers somehow though... Must have been Finnish pygmies, huh?


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You do piss and moan alot.

Nothing wrong with a good moan. [insert gratuitous reference about your effect on females here...]

You've probably got one of those Decepticon Underground robots ready to emerge and mangle my poor pixeltruppen.

Shame, gamey robot lover.


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Lads, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread will be departing tomorrow for another fun filled week in Des Moines, followed by a fun filled week in various locations in Colorado, followed by a fun filled week in Denver ... I blame all of you without exception.

In the interim your far less Beloved Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, Sir Boo Radley, shall maintain the traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread in my absence ... to the best of his limited ability {sigh}.



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i can safely say that I've always liked Boo more.

much more, in fact

Lad, there's no need to hide your anger and frustration at not playing me in CMBN. Not everyone can meet my standards ... although as I've mentioned they're quite low.

Besides the issue is whether or not he's Beloved ... and he clearly isn't whereas I clearly am, you see it repeatedly here.


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In the interim your far less Beloved Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, Sir Boo Radley, shall maintain the traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread in my absence ... to the best of his limited ability {sigh}.


Never fear, Ol Foul Joe, my limited abilities are at the very least, a match for your truncated capabilities, so I doubt if the lads will even notice a difference.

(Perhaps a bit less hot air...)

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If by prevailing you mean you never got across the river with the majority of your force and although you never got to the "high ground" even with the demoralized and shattered troops that did end up cowering on the banks of the river the computer somehow considered the victory location "contested" then yes, I guess you did.

I think your incessant mortaring of your own troops would cost you a few victory points but maybe that was just you growling and showing your teeth (false though they may be). Perhaps the computer respects that and gave your some sympathy points.

Anyway, hopefully the victory conditions in our next battle are a little more balanced.

In other news, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread wishes to announce that his forces have prevailed over the nefarious minons of evil led by NG Cavscout.

Modesty (and a natural desire to avoid spoilers) prevents me from providing details of the win except to point out that such an outcome was pre-ordained and should hardly be a surprise to anyone.


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