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Now shoo...I am awaiting turns from Nidan1, NGCavscout and Noba and setups from Barlie Charlow and Boo boo bear.

That's all well an lovely but I have told them all not to send you a file until you send the file you have owed me for about four days now.

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You conveniently forget oh 'others recognised', that you are not a Kniiigett of the Cesspool and therefore (and therefive) have no right to be sidling up to the sides of those worthy and announcing 'we'.

And you, you imbecile, are forgetting that as Lord God and Supreme Being I automatically use 'we' whenever it suits my Divine Purpose. You, on the other hand, as an insignificant goobernational, are allowed to used the capitalized 'I' only through the grace and beneficence of your betters. Which betters, by the way, include all classes of the phylum Chordata.


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This terd was getting my sourkrauts into position on turn 8. Click on movie time on clock running 30, 29, CRACK, THUMP, sniper fire, My StuH commander ducks, orders HE, shoot dammit! Boom! Game crashes at 25 seconds! Next move after several tries of fixing , Help Desk Ticket! Schullenkraft where are you?

This SSN will be setting new set up after I drink some Sierra Nevada Beer, My next door neighbor one block from my house is the brewery. I need a Big Foot!

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This terd was getting my sourkrauts into position on turn 8. Click on movie time on clock running 30, 29, CRACK, THUMP, sniper fire, My StuH commander ducks, orders HE, shoot dammit! Boom! Game crashes at 25 seconds! Next move after several tries of fixing , Help Desk Ticket! Schullenkraft where are you?

This SSN will be setting new set up after I drink some Sierra Nevada Beer, My next door neighbor one block from my house is the brewery. I need a Big Foot!

Wow, no need to be so verbose lad. Just cut it down to the basics without all the descriptive language. We don't need to know the color of every flower ... {sheesh}.

Perhaps a little LESS beer next time.


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This terd is bound for glory, this terd

Yeah, so I was like lollerskates when she was like OMGeezers, bean.

rah rah rass, kickem in the other knee

PS That is some interesting news hearing that Michael E. isn't even a knight. All this time, he's been acting like he matters. yeesh

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You're all scum and I hate each and every . . .

[serious]Screw it, I don't have the vim and vinegar at the moment. Between my late father's birthday yesterday, the looming six month anniversary of his death, and th drama currently caused by my delinquent neice, the ex-felon beater and drug dealer she lives with, and her six year old child that I now find living in my house because things are too unsafe for him with her, I'm too damned drained to muster the energy needed to denounce each of you in the manner you so richly deserve. Turns out when I can get to them, and, if anyone wants a match, drop me a PM on this site -- I don't even have the energy to muster a proper challenge. Hopefully, things will return to normal soon and I can get back to the status quo ante chaos and give you all the individual hating you so richly deserve.[/serious]

So sod off, the lot of you.


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Hopefully, things will return to normal soon...

Gee, while I wished for horrible things to happen to you, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind*. Sorry to hear things are going badly in your family.


*I was hoping for more along the line of large suppurating painful sores for you, the kind that keep you awake they hurt so much. Oh well, maybe next month.

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You're all scum and I hate each and every . . .

[serious]Screw it, I don't have the vim and vinegar at the moment. Between my late father's birthday yesterday, the looming six month anniversary of his death, and th drama currently caused by my delinquent neice, the ex-felon beater and drug dealer she lives with, and her six year old child that I now find living in my house because things are too unsafe for him with her, I'm too damned drained to muster the energy needed to denounce each of you in the manner you so richly deserve. Turns out when I can get to them, and, if anyone wants a match, drop me a PM on this site -- I don't even have the energy to muster a proper challenge. Hopefully, things will return to normal soon and I can get back to the status quo ante chaos and give you all the individual hating you so richly deserve.[/serious]

So sod off, the lot of you.


[serious]Sorry for your troubles my friend, hang in there.[/serious]

Are you joking? Some people will come up with any kind of fantasmigorical story to get out of admitting what everyone already knows ... YOU'VE ALREADY LOST.

Just a few turns into our game and the truth's plain to see, you've been over matched from the start and you're just desperate to come up with some excuse for it.

Well here's an excuse for you lad ... YOU SUCK!


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That's all well an lovely but I have told them all not to send you a file until you send the file you have owed me for about four days now.

Truth be told i haven't even looked at your setup file. I'm very busy you know, had a hum-dinger of a party last night, so today meant sleep-in until 10, hangover and now i'm recovering with a few beers whilst working on an assignment for the latest module in my Masters degree. Your next arse kicking will have to wait...

Mind, I did have time to play a turn from Noba, was most fun and giggles galore to see a mortar round land in one of his H/T's and then to see 5 red crosses hanging above said H/T. Made me feel quite uber it did.

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Truth be told i haven't even looked at your setup file. I'm very busy you know, had a hum-dinger of a party last night, so today meant sleep-in until 10, hangover and now i'm recovering with a few beers whilst working on an assignment for the latest module in my Masters degree. Your next arse kicking will have to wait...

Mind, I did have time to play a turn from Noba, was most fun and giggles galore to see a mortar round land in one of his H/T's and then to see 5 red crosses hanging above said H/T. Made me feel quite uber it did.

You know it's just like you to crow about something that came about from SHEER CHANCE! Of course since you can't rely upon any skill and knowledge I suppose you have to take what the digital Gawds of War give you.


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Hmmm...i suppose you'll also blame those same digital gawds of war for the recurrant humiliating defeats you've suffered at my hand over the years too hey?

Oh, you mean like the one where you had played the scenario from both sides before? Like that one?


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Oh, you mean like the one where you had played the scenario from both sides before? Like that one?


That would be one of them yes, the game where I had played from ONE side before, you were notified of this and still agreed to play. You then lost (naturally), THEN cried foul and have thrown a hissy for what, 8 years now?

Not to mention the double blind games where you have lost even more naturally.

In fact if your losses were any more natural they'd be raised on mung beans and lentils by smelly tree hugging hippies in a Tibetan pot commune to a never ending soundtrack of sitar music and whale song.

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Mind, I did have time to play a turn from Noba, was most fun and giggles galore to see a mortar round land in one of his H/T's and then to see 5 red crosses hanging above said H/T. Made me feel quite uber it did.

It's always an interesting thing, waiting for a setup from the Faux Yank

Things cross your mind like... "I wonder how he will skew another battle this time?"

Well, he has done well, sort of.

Wide open map - check!

Motorised troops on both sides - Check!

Victory location closer to his troops than mine - Check!

So far, so good you would think?

He chose Yanks:

They are fully motorised - the Germans arn't - Check!

All his troops travel in HT's - The Germans have foot soldiers.

They have heavy weapons and mortar support - the Germans don't - Check!

Their squads have more men - Check!

Their 50cals are supreme - Check!

So the battle unfolds and I find my troops firmly ensconced on the victory location with the Yanks sitting on hills creating craters for graves and blowing the German troops into them with gay abandon (Not that there's much wrong with being THAT gay).

So fairly soon, the Faux Yank will be along to pronounce how great a cheat.... err, tactician he is using overwhelming force to win another battle.

Gawd, even [shudder]Emrys[/shudder] could win with those forces.


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