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Challenge me in the Bocage O wiley Peng

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Do you actually have a point Yek or is this the lead up to a CMBN challenge, the stated purpose of this thread ?

You really don't get it do you mate? There is no purpose other than for you to be challenging and playing games of CMBN against other new posters.

If you dont have the game, fine, there are a few CMSF players in here as well.

If you are looking for some meaningful banter on these pages, you are surely in the wrong place.

Several of us have been trying to gently shepard you in the right direction, but youre not following.

Go back ,read some old threads, READ T?HE RULES, hopefully something will light up those dim bulbs of yours.


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You really don't get it do you mate? There is no purpose other than for you to be challenging and playing games of CMBN against other new posters.

If you dont have the game, fine, there are a few CMSF players in here as well.

If you are looking for some meaningful banter on these pages, you are surely in the wrong place.

Several of us have been trying to gently shepard you in the right direction, but youre not following.

Go back ,read some old threads, READ T?HE RULES, hopefully something will light up those dim bulbs of yours.


OK got it, but I can berate people for posting in other threads more than I would like them too ?

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The key point to remember is, don't take anything personal.

'Struth. Even though it pains me immeasurably to say it, Nidan1 is correct (I just threw up in my mouth a bit when I typed that), even though for the most part, he's a lying swine. I remember when I first took him to Squire (I lost a bet) and he told me he'd lost the use of his legs to a claymore in Viet Nam when actually he'd lost his taste buds in a "fire fight" with some extra spicy General Cho's chicken in Passaic, New Jersey.

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Oh, by the Bard's greasy beard, will you pissants please stop with all the make-nice in the MBT. Helping out the SSNs figure out that we really are about nonsense and such. Gah. Next thing you know you'll be posting pickies of model tanks and such.

Whats that? Already done?


The Cess is dead. We now have the Warm and Cuddly Challenge and Crumpets thread.

Jo Xia, this is all your fault. And you too Boo Boo Bear. Aren't you supposed to be the Rent-a-car's little pint-sized attack dog?

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Oh, and P.S. I really hate you all with a bottomless hate that makes my eyes bulge. I want to rip off all of your ears and shove them into randomly selected orifices. I hope you all get food poisoning from bad burritos and the clap from dripping donkey whores.

Just thought you would like to know.

Have a nice day.

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Unka Stukie, I owe you a file, but since I hate you as well, you will get it when I am good and ready. It shall be a scenario. If you have played it before, too bad. It shall have me as the brave Yankee Defenders of Peanut Butter and you as the Evil NAZI Vegimite Plague.

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Oh, by the Bard's greasy beard, will you pissants please stop with all the make-nice in the MBT. Helping out the SSNs figure out that we really are about nonsense and such. Gah. Next thing you know you'll be posting pickies of model tanks and such.

Whats that? Already done?


The Cess is dead. We now have the Warm and Cuddly Challenge and Crumpets thread.

Jo Xia, this is all your fault. And you too Boo Boo Bear. Aren't you supposed to be the Rent-a-car's little pint-sized attack dog?

It does make me feel all icky inside, but better than being icky on the outside like Boo.

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Do you actually have a point Yek or is this the lead up to a CMBN challenge, the stated purpose of this thread ?

I'm definitely interested in MagPoz on Historical Determinism. Just aching for it... go on, lad. squeeze it out, I'll give you a little nudge..

I'm always abosolutely flabergasted with the inevitable progress of history....

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Crikey, It's as cold as a polar bears ass.

Now fair crack of the whip Magpie Oz might give a whopping earbash and he keeps doing a melba but you couldn't say he's lower than a snakes belly.

But stone the crows you'd think Notanotherdonkey was on the pea he seems to have gone as troppo as Joe, or maybe he's just a two pot screamer.

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Oh, by the Bard's greasy beard, will you pissants please stop with all the make-nice in the MBT. Helping out the SSNs figure out that we really are about nonsense and such. Gah. Next thing you know you'll be posting pickies of model tanks and such.

Whats that? Already done?


The Cess is dead. We now have the Warm and Cuddly Challenge and Crumpets thread.

Jo Xia, this is all your fault. And you too Boo Boo Bear. Aren't you supposed to be the Rent-a-car's little pint-sized attack dog?

No, but thanks for asking! Seanachai (For whatever reason) calls me his large, thuggish henchman and occasionally, his Caliban.

Some people call me Maurice.

I like to think of myself as the bane of all hillbillies residing South of the Ohio River.

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Crikey, It's as cold as a polar bears ass.

Now fair crack of the whip Magpie Oz might give a whopping earbash and he keeps doing a melba but you couldn't say he's lower than a snakes belly.

But stone the crows you'd think Notanotherdonkey was on the pea he seems to have gone as troppo as Joe, or maybe he's just a two pot screamer.

Crikey ! I reckon yer fair dinkum true blue on the knocker there !

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I'm definitely interested in MagPoz on Historical Determinism. Just aching for it... go on, lad. squeeze it out, I'll give you a little nudge..

I'm always abosolutely flabergasted with the inevitable progress of history....

Actually if you could keep going with the quoting of my posts? I'd love to have this thread turned into a Compendium of OZ, thanks for all your hard work.

If you could work in a challenge at some stage too, rules are rules after all.

Oh and keep up the "lad" thing. One of the main attractions of the Peng threads is being called that, makes one feel young again.

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No, but thanks for asking! Seanachai (For whatever reason) calls me his large, thuggish henchman and occasionally, his Caliban.

Some people call me Maurice.

I like to think of myself as the bane of all hillbillies residing South of the Ohio River.

That would make Seanachai Prospero? Hmmm. Doesn't really fit. Not that I would mind him marooned on an island somewhere.

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They got drunk didn't they.

And there you have it: the Aussie Absolute Bottom Line. It tells you everything you will ever need to know about Aussies. As long as they have a beer in the hand, they are quite content to hang around in the shade all day. What would the world come to if we were all like that?

Sounds quite sensible to me.


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And there you have it: the Aussie Absolute Bottom Line. It tells you everything you will ever need to know about Aussies. As long as they have a beer in the hand, they are quite content to hang around in the shade all day. What would the world come to if we were all like that?

Sounds quite sensible to me.


I was going to say, "And you have a problem with this scenario?"

Let's see... if I had a choice of sitting here at my desk, looking for illustration files of cement silos from 1999... or laying back in a hammock, quaffing a brewski, I'll have to go with what's behind door #2, thenkaverramush.

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Comcast keeps touching my hip.

phone call after phone call

email after email

I wrestle with them and beg them to bless me with decent internet and Cable TV

Oh, how they lie.

That one lady in Alafrickenbama told me that the entire state of Tennessee was "down" for the day. She then tried to upsell me to give me more channels. I told her that her obvious turpitude was evident and she should help me. Oh, how she laughed

The evil Indians in the emails keep apologizing to me and telling me to reboot my modem. I try to type slowly and carefully as to not offend but I'm guessing that my verbosity ends up as nonsensical gibberish to them.

Both Bubba and Jeddidiah have been out in the Cherry Picker truck to ask me if "its up yet" I told both that my internet flaccidity is embarrassing and they gave me that canine confused look. When one told me that my pole was "good" I thanked him

meanwhile, intermittent internet and my Food Fricken Network Channel ceases to babysit the little mrs. I am then forced to converse with SWMBO

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