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Challenge me in the Bocage O wiley Peng

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That deserves an "is not times 10 !"

Piss weak Joe

You know lad, you'll have to do better to attract a Knight who's willing to sponsor you to Serfdom. Are you playing any games that you can post AARs on? Something has to improve, no question there.


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Speedy's GIs are playing an odd game of tag where they run from cover at the rear of the town, tag the first building they find then scurry back to the tree line. Many of them must be quite tired as they lay down for naps during this process.

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You know lad, you'll have to do better to attract a Knight who's willing to sponsor you to Serfdom. Are you playing any games that you can post AARs on? Something has to improve, no question there.


Ahhh When all else fails, pull rank, well done.

Not sure any of this lot play CMSF?

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Ahhh When all else fails, pull rank, well done.

Not sure any of this lot play CMSF?

You're not sure if anyone here plays CMSF? CMSF is SO 2007 ... Though I imagine a few here still have a dusty copy lying around someplace. But here's the thing ... this is the Peng Challenge Thread. The operative word is challenge! The annoying word is Peng and thread is ... well it's pretty much just a word in this context.

I gather you don't yet have CMBN then. Understood, RL sometimes gets in the way. But while we do insult and deride one another about this and that, the structure of the thread, it's entire reason for being, is the challenge and usually it's a challenge based on the latest version of CM.

When an SSN wanders in we want to see the cut of his gibe. So we ask them to challenge another SSN to a game of CM and then we demand AARs. This allows us to {iii) make fun of them and <3.1416} determine if they'll fit in here. In the past the stellar scenario design team of Ker Dessel* has even designed special scenarios for them to play.

Here's the point, if you don't play some version of CM against someone and then post AARs we won't know if you can taunt worth a tinkers dam ... or a latex dental dam either.

It's all well and good to stand on the sidelines and poke fun at your betters but it's they who are on the field, risking all who gain our attention. As Teddy Roosevelt said ...

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat
... like Michael for example.

So step up to the plate lad, climb to the highest perch and dive off, tell Mike Tyson you think his facial tattoo looks silly ... we'll be cheering you on (as far as you'll be able to tell) and if you give it your best shot we'll call the paramedics when you're done.


*Ker Dessel - When It's Called a Setup for a Reason!

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Young MagPoz (sounds like something attached to the end of a screwdriver) is on the freakin outreboards everywhere.. its worse than a freakin virulent outbreak of mushrooms on a moist autumn night.. opine on this, opine on that.. there isnt a bleedin subject known to humanity or beast or vegetable that doesnt interrupt the constantly chattering little bird's squawk.. STOP IT, its sooooo... Dorosh

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Young MagPoz (sounds like something attached to the end of a screwdriver) is on the freakin outreboards everywhere.. its worse than a freakin virulent outbreak of mushrooms on a moist autumn night.. opine on this, opine on that.. there isnt a bleedin subject known to humanity or beast or vegetable that doesnt interrupt the constantly chattering little bird's squawk.. STOP IT, its sooooo... Dorosh

True Sir Donkey, he has nearly 1300 posts in a two month period. That has to be some record for sheer bloviation. I'm sure Michael Emrys can fill us in, he has experience in that realm.

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aaaOOOOgah ... aaaOOOOgah ... aaaOOOOgah!

Attention CessPudlians and all the ships at sea ... be ye attentive to a game update from your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread.

(9) MrSpkr and Geier continue to be AWOL and owing me turns, they are to be shunned.

{NG Cavscout is a big poopie head and has admitted to drinking bourbon at 9 AM, is this the kind of example we want our police forces to give the younger generation? In addition he has taken advantage of the good nature of your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread and has cravenly cowered behind bocages ... bocagi ... on his side of the stream instead of actively defending the ford he is charged to protect. He also is to be shunned} b.

[/bold] Nidan1 has managed to park a Mk IV atop a hill and plink a few 75mm rounds downrange ... I have managed to follow the advice of Nathan Bedford Forrest and got there first with the most and decimated, DECIMATED I say, his inept infantry assault. You have to admire the work of BFC on this one lads, as his troops were either dying in droves or running for the hills I kept hearing ... "Lauf um dein Leben" ... that's attention to detail.

I'm playing others but they aren't CessPoolers and therefore beneath my notice.

That is all ...


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{NG Cavscout is a big poopie head and has admitted to drinking bourbon at 9 AM, is this the kind of example we want our police forces to give the younger generation?

Tosh. It's a bleeding miracle he isn't popping bennies by the handful while shooting smack like the rest of the cops.

I have managed to follow the advice of Nathan Bedford Forrest and got there first with the most and decimated, DECIMATED I say, his inept infantry assault.

You only managed to kill or wound one out of ten? You're a slacker.


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Before Stuka can post here with wild claims of how he soundly defeated me in our latest battle, I am here to present the truth, and to give a fair account of what actually happened.

I have requested as ceasefire, as my conscript OST Truppen have done their best, and can no longer hold off the hordes of Elite Para-Rangers that have surrounded them.

After constant pounding by naval gunfire and mortars forced my conscripts from their prepared positions, they could no longer mount a credible defense against the overwhelming force that is facing them.

Perhaps we can live to fight another day, eh Ivan?

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But while we do insult and deride one another about this and that, the structure of the thread, it's entire reason for being, is the challenge and usually it's a challenge based on the latest version of CM.


I thought it was to give us something to do while we were at work.

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Young MagPoz (sounds like something attached to the end of a screwdriver) is on the freakin outreboards everywhere.. its worse than a freakin virulent outbreak of mushrooms on a moist autumn night.. opine on this, opine on that.. there isnt a bleedin subject known to humanity or beast or vegetable that doesnt interrupt the constantly chattering little bird's squawk.. STOP IT, its sooooo... Dorosh

Good o thanks for the heads up.

I'll tone it down with the opinions and just stick to personal attacks in Pigeon English and likening people to insulting photographs

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Before Stuka can post here with wild claims of how he soundly defeated me in our latest battle, I am here to present the truth, and to give a fair account of what actually happened.

I have requested as ceasefire, as my conscript OST Truppen have done their best, and can no longer hold off the hordes of Elite Para-Rangers that have surrounded them.

After constant pounding by naval gunfire and mortars forced my conscripts from their prepared positions, they could no longer mount a credible defense against the overwhelming force that is facing them.

Perhaps we can live to fight another day, eh Ivan?

Wild claims? WILD CLAIMS?? Whats all this about naval artillery? You think my 60mm spit wads were naval artillery? Perhaps you meant navel? They are small enough to be popped out of a belly button I suppose, but the good thing is you were still scared by them.

I like the sound of the 'overwhelming force' bit too, seeing as I had maybe 2 or 3 split squads and a couple of ammo bearer teams running hither and yon. Maybe your Ost Truppen were routed by the green question marks?

Anyhoos, it seems pointless to play with conscripts, they appear to have all the moral backbone and intestinal fortitude of a fully enraged, fanatical Emrys-beast.

No wonder you lost.

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Wild claims? WILD CLAIMS?? Whats all this about naval artillery? You think my 60mm spit wads were naval artillery? Perhaps you meant navel? They are small enough to be popped out of a belly button I suppose, but the good thing is you were still scared by them.

I like the sound of the 'overwhelming force' bit too, seeing as I had maybe 2 or 3 split squads and a couple of ammo bearer teams running hither and yon. Maybe your Ost Truppen were routed by the green question marks?

Anyhoos, it seems pointless to play with conscripts, they appear to have all the moral backbone and intestinal fortitude of a fully enraged, fanatical Emrys-beast.

No wonder you lost.

See, see, SEE! I told you he would make up stuff!

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[carefully selecting the sink plunger with the greatest amount of suction...]

"There once was a young Magpie named Oz,

Who found duct tape wrapped 'round his schnoz,

Left unable to blather,

His boots they did quaver,

When he spied the donkey with the anal extender"

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"There once was a young Magpie named Oz,

Who found duct tape wrapped 'round his schnoz,

Left unable to blather,

His boots they did quaver,

When he spied the donkey with the anal extender"

ooooh that could hurt..

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Gamey updates

It gives me great pleasure to announce VICTORY to the glorious Speedian forces in there desperate struggle against the invisible Noban hordes.

NG Cavscout is bewailing my tactical brilliance in destroying one of his indestructable Panthers.

Stuka is using gamey stuff like artillery and tactics and stugs

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