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Politician makes me laugh

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Michele Bachmann

And, on a less substantive note, she flubbed her hometown history when declaring "John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa," and "that's the kind of spirit that I have, too," in running for president.

The actor was born nearly 150 miles away. It was the serial killer John Wayne Gacy Jr. who lived, for a time, in Waterloo.

Love it.

Incidentally referring back to politicians and lies she is setting whole new levels - and thats official.


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Not humour by poloticians but ..

A bus full of politicians was cruising down the road with all of them singing ‘Highway to Hell’ to pass the time. By a stroke of mischance and irony, the bus ran off the road and into a tree belonging to an old farmer. Out of curiosity, the farmer limped toward the bus to investigate the scene, where he then decided to dig a hole deep enough to bury every politican in it. A few days later, a policeman was patrolling the area when he came across the wreckage which had once been a bus. When asked whether anyone in it was hurt, the farmer replied, ‘Well, some of them said they weren’t, but you know how they all lie sometimes.’

One wintry morning, Bill Clinton was strolling along a frozen river when all of a sudden he slipped and tumbled through the sheet of ice into the frigid waters. Fortunately three little boys had seen the whole thing and arrived at the scene in time to pull him out. Said a grateful and shivering Bill Clinton, ‘Truly grateful for pulling me out back there, my young prepubescent heroes. Come, do allow me to repay your heroic deed by granting your deepest desires, however perverse they may be.’ ‘I would like a brand new bicycle,’ squeaked the first one and Mr. Clinton nodded with a smile. ‘I would like last year’s Miss Universe as my nanny for the rest of my childhood and, if possible, a few years into adolescence,’ said the second one and Mr. Clinton gave him an awkward nod as well. ‘I would like a coffin beside my grandma’s,’ said the third one flatly. Raising a surprised eyebrow, Mr. Clinton asked, ‘Of all the things in the world, why a coffin?’ And so replied the third boy, ”Cause my dad’s gonna kill me as soon as he finds out that I saved you, sir.’

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Michele Bachmann.Possibly the only politician who manages to make Sarah Palin look intelligent. :D

I don't think Bachmann could be as stupid as she comes across. She's got Masters degrees and everyfink. It's just her attitudes that are boneheaded, and she must be pretty self-serving if she can blind herself to the fact that what she spouts makes her look daft, in the name of gaining power.

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Aw man, unreal.

I wish this was a Monty Python skit instead of our leaders in real life :(. I dunno how that woman got elected to congress.

I dunno why but it seems like we're the only country that consistently has people who are just simply unintelligent in positions of power high up the food chain. Not talking about her politics either, she's just dumb. Would be just as scary if she was an evil commie ;).

This is old news but in case you haven't heard it... prank phone call to Sarah Palin by two Canadian DJs, one of whom poses as Sarkozy:

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noxnoctum, we're seeing the promotion (to power) of capability supplanted by the promotion of status relationship: these days, that status is based on money. The development of the economies of the latter part of the last millenium required the identification and promotion of capability. Legal and political systems were developed to maintain and develop the society, behaviours were driven by those systems to further the power of the societies that adopted and cared for the mythologies and values that lay behind the intellectual constructs through the economic benefits they delivered. A positive feedback loop was achieved that directly resulted in the technological and economic advances of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries - within those societies that followed the rules.

World Wars One and Two (especially Two) saw the emphasis on the need for promotion of capability: a great many people's survival literally depended on it. We're now two generations removed from the recognition of that need and have reached the point where the ignorance of the constructs that underlie our society and outright denial of the values and mythologies that brought it into being as a powerful and advancing culture are about to spell its ruin. It takes a long time to build something of beauty, function, form - value. These cretins are intent on enhancing their own comfort levels (and that is the true crassness of their impulse) and are completely ignorant of the consequences of their behaviours. They will not take responsibility, they haven't the capability to fix the problems. We're ****ed.

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noxnoctum, we're seeing the promotion (to power) of capability supplanted by the promotion of status relationship: these days, that status is based on money. The development of the economies of the latter part of the last millenium required the identification and promotion of capability. Legal and political systems were developed to maintain and develop the society, behaviours were driven by those systems to further the power of the societies that adopted and cared for the mythologies and values that lay behind the intellectual constructs through the economic benefits they delivered. A positive feedback loop was achieved that directly resulted in the technological and economic advances of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries - within those societies that followed the rules.

World Wars One and Two (especially Two) saw the emphasis on the need for promotion of capability: a great many people's survival literally depended on it. We're now two generations removed from the recognition of that need and have reached the point where the ignorance of the constructs that underlie our society and outright denial of the values and mythologies that brought it into being as a powerful and advancing culture are about to spell its ruin. It takes a long time to build something of beauty, function, form - value. These cretins are intent on enhancing their own comfort levels (and that is the true crassness of their impulse) and are completely ignorant of the consequences of their behaviours. They will not take responsibility, they haven't the capability to fix the problems. We're ****ed.

I feel obliged to agree that this is a pretty sound analysis of the situation. It is of interest to me that the US aerospace industry was able to make impressive advances in the '50s and '60s after introducing the "Zero Defect" program and coming down really hard on quality control all up and down the line. Contrast that with the management decisions that led to the fatal ends of the last missions for the Challenger and the Columbia. Times have changed and we're going into a hole.


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I agree with what 'e said ... well Costard. The question is what, if anything, can be done. But hey why worry there is food and drink to be had : )

A barrel load of statistics says we are in bad times ? Goodness sakes guys we've just taken a hit from the GFC, or rather YOU all j\have taken a hit it pretty much missed Australia.

Times are tough and people are not entirely happy. Politicians are no different now than they have always been.

We are only as F****d as we choose to allow ourselves to be.

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