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Needed Implements: what do you feel is lacking, is missing, is buggy?

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Configurable Keys shortcuts would indeed be very useful: even without an interface, but just a config file the user can edit in Notepad or Simple Text...

What you say? No WEGO on LAN/Internet? This is the worst news! I have just a very few good friends who sometime play with me CM, and either we play PBEM or if they drop by we start an H2H session on my local net; true we never had a battle going onlne since it may take too long and we cannot be sure to have the required time available, but a real time game would never be the choice for us (for me for sure!)...

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Configurable Keys shortcuts would indeed be very useful: even without an interface, but just a config file the user can edit in Notepad or Simple Text...

The current system already allows customisation of key shortcuts, to a certain extent, using a config file as you describe. It is, however, limited to using (approximately) ASCII characters under 127 and can only adjust functions that are already assigned to that sort of keystroke, plus the 9 "relative" keys. There is no syntax in the ASCII config file to represent <DEL>, <CTRL>, <F1>, <Backspace> and the like.

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Two things I miss:

1) An icon in the UI for unbuttoned tanks. Right now it is hard to see if it is and you have to zoom in to tell. It's a hassle.

2) An easy way to tell if a mortar (active) unit has been contacted for an artillery mission, prior to start firing.

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One of my favorite things that I'm missing from Cmx1 are the clear distinction between sound and sight contacts. A lot of times you could hear tanks rolling around somewhere but you couldn't see them. This both gave you intel you should have and increased the immersion.

I also miss how your pixeltruppen could misidentify things at times (usually as something bigger and scarier, as it says in the CMBB manual). I'm willing to bet the Panzer IV got misidentified as tigers quite often.

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I agree Humburg, these elements alone may not be so important, but added immersion and suggest more realism to the whole game play.

I also find a bit confusing the command button for unbutton... err, this words play was not meant, but it may contribute to clarify (or confuse further) things; also it's not instantaneous as it was in CMX1 (if I remember correctly): there you were able to instantly check if the tank was unbuttoned, or if you did order it to button up, and vice-versa. At least we want that instant head pop-up or button up graphic option to check if the command was given or not...

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2) An easy way to tell if a mortar (active) unit has been contacted for an artillery mission, prior to start firing.

I'm not absolutely sure I understand you, but have you tried just clicking on the mortar? If it is engaged in a mission or preparing for one, there should be a pale green line extending from it to its target.


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I'm not absolutely sure I understand you, but have you tried just clicking on the mortar? If it is engaged in a mission or preparing for one, there should be a pale green line extending from it to its target.


Unless I'm entirely wrong on this point, but I think that line appears when they have received the order and start spotting, before that - no line. The risk is that you move a mortar unit intended to stay put and deliver the order they are in the process of taking care of.

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So far, for me the green line has appeared at the instant the spotting unit confirmed a request.


What I'm looking for is something that shows before the unit comfirms a request, but after the HQ/FO confirms the mission. If you click on HQ/FO you see lines from both units. If you click the mortar then none initially. That's what I want. I guess it might not be true to life as the unit is not yet aware of the mission, but for game purposes I feel it is vital, so that you don't move the wrong units causing delays or failed missions.

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What I'm looking for is something that shows before the unit comfirms a request, but after the HQ/FO confirms the mission. If you click on HQ/FO you see lines from both units. If you click the mortar then none initially. That's what I want. I guess it might not be true to life as the unit is not yet aware of the mission, but for game purposes I feel it is vital, so that you don't move the wrong units causing delays or failed missions.

Well then, click on the requesting unit and trace the green line back to the soon-to-be-firing unit. That should solve the problem.


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Well then, click on the requesting unit and trace the green line back to the soon-to-be-firing unit. That should solve the problem.


I'm finding it hard to describe what I'm after, but consider this:

Large scale scenario (like Bloody Omaha) with tons of units and mortars to keep track of. So, I'm giving orders, one unit at a time. I come across a deployed mortar unit. In an instant (without tracking all available HQ/FO units) I want to figure out if I should either move the unit or let it stay put to receive the artillery mission, without causing delays/interruptions/poor accuracy, by moving. As far as I can tell, the only way to figure this out is to check all HQ/FO units one by one. I don't want to do that. It's ok in small scale scenarios.

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What i really miss badly, are target lines. They are so great when you are watching something else and in the background is a tank. With a target line, you would be noticed, that the vehicle is engaging in a firefight. Now, every minute must be watched over and over again.

Target lines are also great, if you jump through the replay phase, because you can miss the shoot, but the yellow and red lines appear for a longer time.

And target lines are also veryhelpful, if you have more than one vehicle in close proximity: now you have to rewind and watch carefully to identify the vehicle. Then rewind again and watch the action. With target lines, you immediately know which vehicle is shooting and being shot at. Much less searching for action in the replays, much less replays, much enhanced information for the user with less efforts.

What i also miss, is a display if a vehicle is buttoned or unbuttoned.

And i also think, that the amount of clicks could be reduced. For example, i often have to click on the last waypoint, to add a "face"-command to it. I think the more efficient method would be, if the face or hide command would be active for the last plotted waypoint.

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And ofcourse C&C lines. I think a solution with the floating icons do not solve the problem if the units on the map are overlapping (belongs this HMG now to Plt1, Plt2 or is it the one from the BTN cmmdr? Click - cklick - click + the time it costs).

If it's not in command you'll still not know because there won't be any command lines. Unless you want "out of command" lines too. In CM1 HQs could command any unit, so if there was an HQ nearby a unit would have a command line. Now they can't so it won't. If you want to know where things are, just double-click. But mostly it's best to try and not get things so muddled that the situation is unclear. Once the situation is unclear, I don't believe command lines (or the lack of them) would help one iota.

Target lines are a bit less clearcut. You wouldn't want targetting lines for infantry units. They can be targetting all over the place. But target lines for vehicles are perhaps useful, and doable. What I'd like to see is a toggle for "Show all targeting orders" same as Alt-P for movement orders (it doesn't show the path the vehicle's going to take, just the waypoints you've set with a straight line to the next waypoint). Half the time it'd be a sea of yellow target arcs, but at least then there'd be a chance of spotting the unit that hasn't got a TA without clicking on all units.

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I'm finding it hard to describe what I'm after, but consider this:

Large scale scenario (like Bloody Omaha) with tons of units and mortars to keep track of. So, I'm giving orders, one unit at a time. I come across a deployed mortar unit. In an instant (without tracking all available HQ/FO units) I want to figure out if I should either move the unit or let it stay put to receive the artillery mission, without causing delays/interruptions/poor accuracy, by moving. As far as I can tell, the only way to figure this out is to check all HQ/FO units one by one. I don't want to do that. It's ok in small scale scenarios.

Your description is perfect. I just tried it myself. If I call in artillery from a spotter, the unit I have selected shows no indication that turn that it is involved in an artillery request.

What you can do is select any spotter and initiate an artillery request, then click on any artillery units with a request and see if the one you want highlights. It isn't much better, but you don't have to find the specific spotter for that arty unit.

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Unless you want "out of command" lines too.

Yes, i want it that way.

In CM1 HQs could command any unit, so if there was an HQ nearby a unit would have a command line. Now they can't so it won't. If you want to know where things are, just double-click.

Double click and i still do not have all info.

But mostly it's best to try and not get things so muddled that the situation is unclear. Once the situation is unclear, I don't believe command lines (or the lack of them) would help one iota.

One HUGE positive aspect of command lines hasn't even been mentioned: if a unit breaks and loses it capabilitiy to control or receive orders, in CMx1 they display that, too. Now you need to click & observe units.

Regarding not muddling up:

Often not possible with support weapons under another C&C.

And when reserves are thrown in, then it becomes even worse.

Just make it optional and the players who prefer nice graphics over a much better user interface, can switch the lines off and click away.

Target lines are a bit less clearcut. You wouldn't want targetting lines for infantry units. They can be targetting all over the place. But target lines for vehicles are perhaps useful, and doable.

Perhaps? That's the understatement of the month.

I would already be very happy, if at least vehicles would have them as option. But maybe with a clever idea, also infantry would benefit from it (i.e. show for a few seconds only if a target is newly engaged or switched - that way they would not clobber the screen all the time, but only if something happens (new target could be new threat), the player is "alarmed" for a short period of time.

WEGO would benefit, but i think RT would benefit even more from that.

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WEGO would benefit, but i think RT would benefit even more from that.

Have you ever seen a processor bleed? Having to draw all those line during RT play might just achieve that never-before-seen phenomenon.

And uncontrollable units show a 'faded' floating icon. So you shouldn't have to click on 'em.

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And I'm all for target and command lines (plus of course possibility to swich them on and off, and the option to show target lines only for vehicles).

Also I miss very much a "select all units" key, something like "ctrl+a".

I'm not especially happy to look for the HQ unit, scroll the map and click it twice - when I want to do such simple thing as JUST SIMPLY select all my units. Select them to do something or just to highlight their bases and see them better, where are they on the ground.

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