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sound is still choppy

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When I run CM, the sound armor makes is choppy and sporadic. Everthing else sounds fine, gun fire, explosions, voice, ambient sounds, etc. Only the armor sounds like it's choking.

I'm on a Mac, and I replaced whatever version of Sound Sprocket that came with Game Sprockets 1.7.5 with Sound Sprocket 1.0, but . . . THAT HAS CHANGED NOTHING!

Do I need a patch or something?

Please help, CM just ain't the same without the sounds.

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Ok well Its not memory or Ram Hum you have soundsprokets 1.0 and the filter in place.It mite have something to do with MHz. What kid of G3 do you have an upgrade or an greeny G3.

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I'm not sure what you mean by "greeny" G3. The sound was fine when I first installed CM. Something changed later on. Also works fine on a neighbors iMac DV+ SE. It's weird . . . the only problem is with the armor. The only thing that sounds weird are tanks, halftracks, etc. Are the various sounds for CM stored individually? Could the armor sound have been corrupted?

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That is what it could be. As for Greeny I mean is that the couler of th computer? If so I can help I have that type but mine has 355 MHz and 193 MB of SDRAM. Also what version of CM do you have? 1.05 or a beta pach? If you just got a beta pach you still need 1.05. IF you have a beta make sertion Sounds 11 is in the data folder.

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My G3 is "beigey." You're on a Lime iMac I gather.

I think we may have located my problem. I am NOT using CM 1.05. I'm using 1.03. And I checked the data folder and I found "Sound Effects 1" and "Sound Effects 10", but no "Sound Effects 11"!

It sounds like you really know what you're talking about with the tech stuff, so hopefully we're nearing the end. Even if we don't solve my sound problem, I want to thank you for all the help you've given me. I appreciate it.

Joe Cushing

Littleton, CO

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Sound 11 is only if you are useing 1.1 beta pach. I have a power Mac not an iMac. Ok try uping to 1.05. Then my next question is what soundsprokets filter do have ie 1.0 or 1.5?1.5 is with 1.7.5. You want 1.0 I can email it to you if you don't have it. Check what verson if you don't know in the get info in the file menu when you sulecked it ie single click.

[This message has been edited by Rob/1 (edited 01-09-2001).]

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Okee doke . . .

First I upgraded CM to 1.05, then to 1.1.

Then I picked up Mac OS 8.6.

Installation of both went fine.

Checked Extensions, both Sprockets files are 1.0.

And . . . armor sound problem persists!!

At this point, I'd be satisfied to play CM w/o the armor sounds. What sound effects file is the armor? Can I remove it from the data folder w/o impacting the rest of the game?

Thanks again.

P.S. One other thing I didn't mention was that I'm using external speakers. LabTec LCS-1016s. I don't think this is the problem though, because with the speakers unplugged, the splotchy sound is still evident with the internal speaker.

Another thing. What about the kilohertz setting in the Sound control panel? It doesn't seem likley, but might that be a point of investigation?

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It could be. exturnal speakers I have no problem with mine...hum I just don't know what to say. The tanks sound are spreed over a few sounds I don't know wich once though.Ohh what kind of sound card do you have? It may not be supported by CM.

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Guest Madmatt

It is JUST the armor sounds (I guess you mean the engine noises) that sound like this?

I suppose its possible you have a corrupt sound resource file but yours would be the first time I had seen it reported.


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Unless I'm gravely mistaken, Mac don't have sound cards. At least I don't think mine does.

I've got a 3D graphics accelerator (see above), but no sound card.

Yeah, it's only the armor sounds. Gun fire, explosions, voices . . . everything else is OK. Well, actually that's not true. When I first loaded the game, the sound played fine with the opening movie. Now the movie "soundtrack" doesn't play at all.

The engine sounds do clear up a little during the planning phases, and after I click "Go!," while the computer is thinking, but once the computer is done as the action phase begins, the engines sound like a sputtering Edsel.

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Is it possible that my machine just isn't fast enough to handle all the sounds? I mean, I've played CM on a friends iMac DV SE, and not only are their no sound problems, but the smoke and fire effects are a lot smoother.

Could it be that 233MHz just isn't quite fast enough to handle everything?

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It could be...oh problem could be the intro movie I have had to shut it down because if I don't sound sprokets wont work don't know why.

What version of Quick time do you have? 4.2?

[This message has been edited by Rob/1 (edited 01-13-2001).]

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Try turning off the Virtual Memory in the control panel Memory app and reboot. There are quite a few programs that have choppy sound when VM is on. Your's does not sound like it is this kind of problem, so you might want to reload the sounds in case they are corrupted.

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Alright . . . you've both suggested courses of action which I am unfamilar with.

a) How do I "turn off" the movie? I know you can bypass it once it has started by touching any key, but is their an Options menu somewhere within CM that I have yet to discover?

B) How do I go about reloading just the sounds. Can I reinstall just portions of the application from the CD? I've dumped programs in the past and then done full reinstallations, but never just one part of an app. Is it simple to do?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JCush:

a) How do I "turn off" the movie? I know you can bypass it once it has started by touching any key, but is their an Options menu somewhere within CM that I have yet to discover?


You turn off the movie by pressing the shift key when starting CM(it says this in the CM manual). Alos try the sound mods that came with MDMP 1 they work great! THey are in Mac format as far as I know. Well they were when I got it that is.


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I replaced all the Sound Effects files from the originals on the CD, upgraded the OS, upgraded CM, got the right Sprockets, I just don't get it!

I'm reminded of the fact that it ran smooth, with fine sound up until about the third scenario, and that something obviously changed. Maybe I installed a conflicting extension, or something.

Either way, I think I'n SOL (SADLY out of luck). It's time I get used to CM sans the sounds or CM avec choppy engine sounds.

Regardless, thanks for everyone's help. I wish it had turned out better, but just like in CM . . . you can't win them all.

Joe Cushing

Littleton, Colorado

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