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Game to hard

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Yeah, CBMN comes on as definitely more challenging, if not punishing, than the previous titles. At times it seems to require super-human restraint.

I just played a medium sized QB, auto-pick in a town, and was rolling to victory as the Allies. We brewed up all their vehicles, including two MKIVs and a hitherto untouched inf platoon was advancing in a carefree fashion to the low wall overlooking the victory location. Eight minutes to go. Suddenly there was a rocking explosions and twenty grunts lay dead or wounded. From total victory to major defeat in a single turn.

The only German units left on the end screen were a single functioning tank and scattered, panicked crews. No Allied kills were attributed to them. No mines. I have to guess that it was a prescient artillery barrage but there were German platoon leaders or FOs that I could find on the map dead or alive. Kind of a mystery. Any ideas?

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The only German units left on the end screen were a single functioning tank and scattered, panicked crews. No Allied kills were attributed to them. No mines. I have to guess that it was a prescient artillery barrage but there were German platoon leaders or FOs that I could find on the map dead or alive. Kind of a mystery. Any ideas?

There does seem to be some kind of issue where uints suffer morale hits for losses to other units in their formation even if they have no way of knowing about them. I've seen plenty of cases of finding enemy HQ units skulking around on the AAR screen in panicked or shaken states despite never having come across them in the actual fighting.

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If things get to hot,don't hesitate to pull your guys out of the fire and try a different approach,small scout teams are good at finding where the Enemy is strong,so you will have an idea where not to go.Try to flank as much as possible.Move in small forward motions,not long runs between waypoints.Several short runs between waypoints,with pauses at each waypoint instead of just one long run will save many lives.Always keep a few units,preferably a Platoon in reserve if possible.

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We're taking this request seriously, though we don't think we can do anything for CM:BN right now. It would have to be a part of a larger UI redesign which is slated as the "next great thing" for CM.


Oh please don't make the core game easier... isn't that up to the scenario designer? There are so many suggestions on the forum that could help to improve the game - but surely dumbing down shouldn't be one of them.

Perhaps some kind of difficulty rating for scenarios could solve the problem some people are experiencing, or maybe the inclusion of interactive tutorials on tactics?

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Oh please don't make the core game easier... isn't that up to the scenario designer? There are so many suggestions on the forum that could help to improve the game - but surely dumbing down shouldn't be one of them.

He wasn't referring to making the entire game easier across the board, at all times.

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Well, i suck in this game, playing campaigns at easisest level and still get beaten. I tried to edit an existing campaign, like giving myself some extra hvy arty etc but it seems this is not possible? When i try to load a campaign in the editor it cannot find any files there despite they are all there?


Well I have been playing military games for decades, and CMx1 for the last decade [over 300 games I guess] and yes you are right it is hard.

However it does strike me that I probably off the top of my head feel reasonably confident on how armour matches up and what it should do to infantry. However not everyone perhaps has that sort of confidence.

My learning method for this game is actually a suck it and see approach as I am unfamiliar with the contriols and the way the game actually plays. SO what I doo is in the first scenario, and not really having spent much time with the manual, is pick up a SHerman and drive it down the road playing with the available orders.

Now it should die, but t hat is fine because I am establishing how to get my tanks killed. I am trying to learn that as fast as possible. I shoot up bocage, I fire smoke with my remaining Shermans, I see how quickly they turn etc.

As a rookie tanker I would not get sent to a battle to fight to learn would I?. Playing a scenario and failing is a very slow way to learn. Pick your mortars play with them, play with your infantryasnd get them all killed. Now you know what to avoid.

Having done all that you can then start the next fun by playing with the tanks and the infantry, or perhaps all three. But keep playing the dsame scenario until you are reasonably happy you know what sjhould happen in any circumstance. And of course by this time you will be inflicting hurt on the enemy.

Don't get too wound up about it as with a majoer patch coming there may well be some alterations of significance so there will be some re-learning for all anyway.

But just have fun - start with the Shermans and just play for laughs until you want to get serious. I reckon a fortnight of play, reading the forums etc, means I have reached a level where I think I can lose gracefully to a human. : )

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Oh please don't make the core game easier... isn't that up to the scenario designer? There are so many suggestions on the forum that could help to improve the game - but surely dumbing down shouldn't be one of them.

Perhaps some kind of difficulty rating for scenarios could solve the problem some people are experiencing, or maybe the inclusion of interactive tutorials on tactics?

I don't think "dumbing down" the game is the answer, or even the question, really. The idea of difficulty rated scenarios and an interactive tactical tutorial are good. I'm sure BF doesn't want to turn off potential customers by making the learning curve too difficult, so there has to be a balance somewhere.

I was pretty surprised when I Googled "WWII Infantry Tactics" that there wasn't a torrent of information. Maybe that's a job for the community, especially as it relates to Combat Mission.

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Haig ... had .... tactics ?

I think Black Adder goes 4th explains it pretty simple :)

I am not asking to make the game easier, i totally agree its a challenge with a difficult AI for a change, but i wouldnt mind some easy missions thrown in between during campaign play aswell, everything need not be an hard challenge imo. I like the simulation of ww2, which is exellent in cmbn!

I have tried to restrain the urge of hasten my attacks, it is somewhat frustrating but does help casualrate, not always though.. Also more attention to LOS and cover helps, but could get extremely micromanaging and timeconsuming.. however the gains are to small yet, the releaving of command due to bad performance should be optional, but i guess this can be modded in the future.

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Perhaps some kind of difficulty rating for scenarios...

Excellent suggestion.

...or maybe the inclusion of interactive tutorials on tactics?

As a complete newcomer to the system, I found the Basic Training in Devon tutorials very helpful. In fact, I repeated the first two just to be sure I had the hang of it. But that all has to do with the mechanics of issuing commands. The third Devon scenario might be considered as place to start learning about tactics, but something more comprehensive is needed, spread over several scenarios. Right now, this is a fertile area for scenario designers to explore. If we could have a series of small, quick scenarios—say a platoon or two and 20-25 turns—with some detailed hints on how to solve basic problems on the battlefield, it would go a long way toward resolving the complaints raised in this thread. Some step-by-step instructions on how to coordinate the various arms in different situations, so that players can learn the same battlefield drills that their real life counterparts had to learn in order to survive and prevail.


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The TF Raff campaign is written up in the manual as a tactics primer.

Yes, but although and interesting campaign in its own right, the scenarios are a bit on the longish side and the tactical hints a bit on the general side. I'm suggesting scenarios that break tactics down into their component parts that can be quickly absorbed by newcomers before assembling them into a tactical portmanteau.

Presumably veterans with the game could skip this level and go directly to more sophisticated levels of play, but some tyros would greatly benefit from this kind of instruction.


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I'm suggesting scenarios that break tactics down into their component parts that can be quickly absorbed by newcomers before assembling them into a tactical portmanteau.

I'm not sure I understand. Maybe you could break open the editor and build some examples of what you're on about?

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