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Each time I've to study a CM map I'm always in trouble to understand its altimetry and distrbution of mountain ranges, could you suggest a way to do it easily?

Otherwise I think it could be a wage improvement to have the opportunity to' analyze the map in a view with a military map style

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Let me guess - you wrote this with automatic translation, didn't you? :D Probably topography is a better word for maps. We could all use a wage improvement though...

If you find it too hard, maybe you could look at some gridded terrain mods?

Thank you but ...

... could you give me some more details how to install the mod and then how to show/hide the grid, please?

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Go to the link below and download the gridded terrain mod.


Create a Z folder in your CM:BN Data folder and unzip the mods contents into the Z folder.

Start your game and you should see the gridded terrain. To turn it off you will need to exit from CMBN and remove the mod from your Z folder.

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All mod files need to but put in a folder in your CMBN/Data folder. When the game loads it looks at the data in alphabetical order. Most people create a "z" folder: CMBN/Data/Z.

Once the mod is in the Z folder, start the game. The mod will be active. (If you have multiple mods for the same data, the latest alphabetical name will be used.)

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I'm obviously logged in as I'm able to post this reply. However, when I click on a link to the various mods, a new window opens which says I'm not logged in. When I try to log in from this new window, the window tells me I'm not supplying the correct password. Is there some way I can get to the mods thread without opening a new window? [i'm using the Safari browser on an iMac.]

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The login to the Shop (which includes the Repository, even though the stuff there is free) and to the Forums are seperate and different. It's baffling, and it often causes me grief as I access the forums and Repository from different machinces, but there it is.

There is an 'I lost my password' link on the Repository, which works well and is fairly speedy.

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Here is the folder structure of CMBN on my iMac.

CM Battle ... Demo

- CM Battle ... Game Files

- - Campaigns

- - Incoming Email

- - Outgoing Email

- - Quick Battle Maps

- - Saved Games

- - Scenarios

The Scenarios folder has three .btt files, one for each demo scenario. The other folders in the Game Files folder are empty.

I added a Data Folder to the Game Files folder, added a Z folder to the Data folder and placed all six downloaded .bmp files and the Thumbs.db file in the Z folder.

I then restarted CMBN and selected the DEMO scenario. The map views were unchanged. What did I do wrong????

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What did I do wrong????

You're looking in the Game Files folder. Go back to the root of the game folder. There should be a Data folder there, even in the demo. The demo should have three subfolders:


Game Files


Go to Data, then do what you were trying to do.

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As I understood your 12:17 message, Sergei, I changed my folder structure from

CM Battle ... Demo

- CM Battle ... Game Files

- - Campaigns

- - Data

- - - Z

- - Incoming Email

- - Outgoing Email

- - Quick Battle Maps

- - Saved Games

- - Scenarios


CM Battle ... Demo

- CM Battle ... Game Files

- - Campaigns

- - Incoming Email

- - Outgoing Email

- - Quick Battle Maps

- - Saved Games

- - Scenarios

- Data

- - Z

I started CMBN again, and I still don't have gridded maps.

By the way, there never was a Data folder or a Misc folder. I would never have deleted anything from the download intentionally, though I did move the CMBN demo game folder from my Apps folder into my Games folder within my Apps folder right after I downloaded CMBN.

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Thanks, obstler. Your 13:00 message nailed it.

I spent a minute or two moving around the map, and it's interesting to see how useful those gridlines are. It's particularly impressive to see how the ground slopes down into the stream flowing through the farm area.

I'm keeping this post short, because I want to get back to the game and use my much improved understanding of the terrain.

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