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My Steelbook experience

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Tame? Yes... still having the fanboys ire raised? Also yes...

I don't know who you are referring to specifically, but all myself and others are doing is injecting some facts into the discussion.

I can understand the OP being POed about his box being damaged, I can understand being POed finding the manual underwhelming, but I can't understand "this box sux its not what you advertised its plastic and sh1t". The box is exactly what was advertised by repeatedly naming and linking to a specific brand name of metal case.

Disclaimer: I don't have one yet either, but I did follow the preorder announcement and was curious enough to follow the direct links to see what a Steelbook TM was.

(I edited my original post even prior to reading your response, to clarify)

I removed my quote considering your post is now edited.

You're right some guy went off half-cocked and said words to the effect of "this is just flimsy plastic with some bits of metal stuck on". That is the inaccurate description imo.

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I don't know who you are referring to specifically, but all myself and others are doing is injecting some facts into the discussion.

Facts, ire... same thing, right? Objective thoughts, fanbois... same thing too, right?


I personally took the time to resurrect your account after you made the request. If you are only here to label people and make absolutely no meaningful contribution to the discussions you're inserting yourself into, I can just as easily reverse what I did. Because you haven't been posting to this Forum since 2002 may I suggest you reread the terms and conditions for posting here? Sniping like you are doing is against the rules, and for very good reasons. If the height of your expressions of insight and manners is to call people "fanbois", you will earn yourself your own label for people to call you. And that would be "Banned".

Your choice, but consider this your only friendly warning.


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I don't care for the misleading steel named non-steel book in a box. I don't even care for a printed manual anymore. Yeah. Shoot me.

I do care for a printed keymap card and a quick-reference card along with any other basic stuff guide. These are actually useful and keep forgetful information.

Next to my monitor lies a notepad precisely because games don't come with quick-reference/keymap cards anymore, and so I have to make my own and write down all the stuff I'll forget next time I take a break (or go back to real-life from a break, depending on the perspective). Bummer.

I don't recall if Shock Force came with one of those, but its mouse-pad is a kind of reference... pad. Which I am using right now, not for the reference, but as a mouse-pad. Excellent prime-quality mouse-pad it is, impressively. Not what you'd expect from a supposedly promotional item, and a far more useful novelty than any fancy non-fancy box.

Still, was it Combat Flight Simulator 3 or Flight Simulator:2004 that came in an awesome metalic non-plastic cool metal box?

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I think there is a potential problem dealing with a global market that an item like a Steelbook may be mainstream in the US but unknown to the vast majority of the audience.

There is another company who make Metalpak, and bizarrely for both brands there exists a fan base who want all their DVD's in the same packaging! Go figure.

I would have possibly bought the pack even knowing it was part plastic though the printed manual brown on brown was a bit of slap in the face with a wet kipper in terms of logic. The point raised about ready reference card is well made indeed.

If anyone goes to the trouble of making up an A4 template for the important things can I suggest mentioning it here and uploading it to CMMODS and also boardgamegeek.com where they now have a video game section doing the same grand job.


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I am (partly) with the original poster here. I was pretty disaoppointed by the box. I had expected a solid tin, and got a plastic box with very thin layers of metal on it. I expected it to be stronger than the regular plastic covers, instead it is not as strong.

My box was crumpled as well. An edge must have dropped on something - and clearly this steel thingy cant handle anything like that.

Due to pevious experiences with Battlefront, I expected the box to be shipped from Europe. My bad for not reading the small print. And I did not cancel because I was jut to lazy. But with hindsight, and now knowing what I get, I would not have payed $ 65,- for just this thin cover and a manual (Yes, customs added another 17,-, and the carrier added another 20,- for paying that for me).

As to the number that arrived damaged: I received mine five days ago, and would not have reacted if Steve had not stated that almost none were damaged in transit. I think this goes for most people that receive damaged tins. I mean, it isnt that great to begin with, so what is the use of complaining? To get another one to throw away?

As it is I just will do digital download only in the future. No big problem, not really a collector (though I do have all the combat mission games in physical form, as far as that was possible). Just a bit disappointed.

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Yes, customs added another 17,-, and the carrier added another 20,- for paying that for me.

I received mine five days ago

I didn't receive mine yet, it was shipped the 22nd.

I ordered relatively late, initially I thought electronic delivery would do, but several times I hesitated, lured by the idea of the collectible.

And it only takes one weak moment to order it anyway :-)

So far you are the first Dutch receiver who mentioned duties, but I am in the same city as you, so my expectation has become pessimistic :-(

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I bought two of the SteelBooks. I must admit I did not know what a SteelBook was when I ordered them. A quick google search lead me to to following information on this webpage:

The SteelBook™ Concept

In a world moving toward electronic distribution, packaging is the key differentiator:

The SteelBook™ concept is a unique and highly collectible packaging which mirrors the quality of the content it protects.

SteelBook™ cases add value for both retailer and consumer alike.

The SteelBook™ concept creates shelf impact, differentiation & offers a variety of decoration possibilities and disc solutions.

The SteelBook™ concept is a Sustainable Solution for Digital Media, Technology & Entertainment.

The SteelBook™ concept is the new exclusive packaging for high profile music, video & games releases. A SteelBook™ case consists of a metal exterior and an inner core of plastic and is available in standard DVD size format and Blu-ray/PS3 size format.

The SteelBook™ cases can be manufactured to accommodate the number of discs required. The single disc version is featured with Scanavo’s patented disc rosette securing your product in place. The 2-6 disc versions feature the patented and successful Overlap™ system, allowing all discs to be visible simultaneously. SteelBook™ offers a full range of design possibilities including printing on both the exterior and interior, embossing/debossing, and several types of surface treatment.

The SteelBook™ packaging concept is suitable for all digital formats including video, music, games and software. Metal creates the impression of quality, and can be stylishly combined with a contemporary or modern appearance.

It is pretty obvious by the TM symbol that SteelBook is registered trademark and refers to a specific product. (At least it is pretty obvious to someone who is a lawyer.) I don't think Battlefront can be held responsible if customers thought that SteelBook was a descriptive term rather than a registered trademark. To represent their conduct as being fraudulent (which is a deliberate deception for the the purpose of achieving a wrongful gain and is also a crime) is worse than hyperbole: it is maliciously ignorant.

Regarding rants against LeadMeister because he was upset about the broken box, if you read this post and try to exercise that uniquely human quality that social scientists call "empathy" I think you may come to realise why LeadMeister may have felt a little peeved that he had received a less that mint box to put into his collection.

Collectors have different priorities to non collectors. To a collector an item's value is not measured by its utility as a product but from its physical characteristics (it's perfection, uniqueness, etc). LeadMeister's priorities are not wrong because they are not shared by the majority of posters to this forum. Given his status as a collector it is entirely understandable that he was upset at receiving a broken box. I don't consider he is correct in blaming Battlefront for the state of the box or because it wasn't what he expected, but as a collector myself I understand why he felt the need to vent on this forum. And I sympathise with him.

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Mine finally dropped through my letterbox today. I was awoken by the sound of the postman forcing the envelope through the letterbox.

I feel very lucky to have escaped getting any customs fees. Part of the reason some people may have had horrendous import fees applied is that the customs declaration states it contains merchandise to the value of $80. It might have been more helpful to customers to have valued the physical box part of their purchase as less than the combined total they paid for the download and box combined.

I think that the Steelbook looks great. The manual also exceeds my expectations. That being said - I am still a big fan of having printed material black on white. I've worked for a newspaper group for 18 years designing adverts for print. We often get asked to do some fairly ridiculous things by customers - having a washed out image or area of colour behind fairly small type is one of the things I'd try and talk them out of.

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OP, very nice collection! I've been gaming for just as long (1984ish....I started with a C=64). My box collection isn't quite as extensive because I have culled it down to about one bookshelf worth. I could still kick myself for selling my first three Ultimas on eBay, even though I made around $500 on 'em. Yep, I still have my original Doom box, ordered directly from Id....complete with sales receipt.

As far as the Steelbook and manual go.....I'm personally going to let any shortcomings slide.....because CMBN is such a great game. The steelbook can take it's place on my shelf right next to my Fallout lunchbox.

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OP, very nice collection! I've been gaming for just as long (1984ish....I started with a C=64). My box collection isn't quite as extensive because I have culled it down to about one bookshelf worth. I could still kick myself for selling my first three Ultimas on eBay, even though I made around $500 on 'em. Yep, I still have my original Doom box, ordered directly from Id....complete with sales receipt.

As far as the Steelbook and manual go.....I'm personally going to let any shortcomings slide.....because CMBN is such a great game. The steelbook can take it's place on my shelf right next to my Fallout lunchbox.

Thanks. Yes, I've really enjoyed computer gaming and collecting for many years. Actually my first computer game was tic-tac-toe played on a "Brainiac" computer (mechanical) around 1957. It was a kit that you built, and rebuilt, to perform basic math computations and/or play simple games.


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Is it really the case that so many of us read "SteelBox" when what was said all along was really "SteelBook"???

I find this on one hand hard to believe, and on the other hand intriguingly possible.

Of course, all the original pages and links to the original announcement seem to have disappeared, and it's now all clearly "SteelBook[TM]"

I would have sworn I read "Steel Box" somewhere. I hazily recall "this comes in an attractive and unique Steel Box". Did my mind (and many other peoples') invent that???


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I didn't receive mine yet, it was shipped the 22nd.

I ordered relatively late, initially I thought electronic delivery would do, but several times I hesitated, lured by the idea of the collectible.

And it only takes one weak moment to order it anyway :-)

So far you are the first Dutch receiver who mentioned duties, but I am in the same city as you, so my expectation has become pessimistic :-(

So, it arrived, and I had to pay EURO 23,- duties and fee. As I was afraid.

But now I have the manual, and I will start playing for real this weekend :-)

Had been too busy on an emergency case at work, just between CM:BN release and now, colleague working on the critical path catching a serious illness :-(

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Of course, all the original pages and links to the original announcement seem to have disappeared, and it's now all clearly "SteelBook[TM]"

An I don't remember this [TM] in the first place. It is new to me but it goes with this SteelBook context. SteelBox™? SteelBox [TM]?

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