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How many have scenarios in the works?


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I'm trying to work on a couple of scenarios that was done during Operation Dragoon. A little known second amphibious invasion on the southern shores France. But it will be about TF Butler fighting against the 11th Panzer Division.

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Still working on my "Saving Private Ryan - Ramelle" battlepack... map 90% done.

Wow!! That looks bleedin´amazing. Especially the picture from ground level. Looks almost like a real photo. :-o

Is this the normal CMBN skins or are you using any mods? Things look a bit different to me, but I can´t put my finger on exactly what.

Looking forward to that one.


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Wow!! That looks bleedin´amazing. Especially the picture from ground level. Looks almost like a real photo. :-o

Is this the normal CMBN skins or are you using any mods? Things look a bit different to me, but I can´t put my finger on exactly what.

Looking forward to that one.


Hi Umlaut,

please check out "Veins Terrain Mod V2". Your can find it here:




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All excellent stuff guys...there was a lot of talk around the web that we wouldn't see many scenarios based on CMBN. I guess you are shutting those naysayers up.


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Mord, I'm curious, what reasons were people giving for the suppostion that there wouldn't be many scenarios for this game? Not enough interest? Too difficult?

Sounds barmy to me.

Just being negative, mostly. Trying to come up with reasons why the game was going to suck before it was even released. And trying to show how superior CMX1 was to CMX2 using the argument of there being a thousand or so user made scenarios per title as opposed to the hundred or so ones we have for CMSF. 'Cept quantity doesn't equal quality...I could've made a random map in CMX1, threw some units on both sides and plunked down a couple flags and created a scenario in ten minutes...doesn't mean it would've been fun or worth a crap, though.

I think we are gonna see amazing maps/scenarios designed with CMBN...we already are and it's barely been out.


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I've considered making a scenario based on the premise: What if the US 101st Abn had been the division tasked with capturing the bridges over the Caen Canal and the River Orne instead of the UK 6th Abn? In particular, what if Winters & co. had been the ones (a la their Brecourt Manor exploits) to actually capture Pegasus Bridge?

I haven't yet started working on the scenario, though, on account of my virtually nil knowledge of the historical battle and the resultant need for research thereupon.

using the argument of there being a thousand or so user made scenarios per title as opposed to the hundred or so ones we have for CMSF.

The CMSF forum may be kinda dead at the moment (indicating the much-decreased level of interest in the game vis-a-vis the interest in CMBN), but some of the veteran and highly skilled CMx2 scenario designers have expressed interest in revisiting CMSF at some point and making yet more scenarios, even campaigns for it.

Sure, I imagine scenarios are still being made for the CMx1 games (and I applaud them), but the fact that scenarios will yet be made for CMSF (which some have as good as likened to horse-urine beer next to the vintage Calvados that is CMBO) tends to counter the naysayers' assertions.

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I'm trying my hand at creating a little engagement based on the actions near Dead Man's Corner.

Basically just putting the player in the role of the 3/501 trying to stave off Germans fleeing south from St. Come-du-Mont on the 8th of June 1944.

I'm basing the map on both a WW2 source and Google Earth with elevation data as well as pictures from the crossroads from today.

From what I can see so far, the editor makes it tricky to nail the scale of things properly so I'm going to call it "based on." Real location, real units, real action, but somewhat fictionalized placement of individual buildings that only represent roughly where those locations actually were.

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I'm working on a couple of maps just to get some practice in. I'm jumping between google and the editor in an attempt to get the correct look for things like complexes of farm buildings and the interplay between urbanised areas and country side particularly the point at which farmland ends and villages begin. It's fun. Nothing historical so far but once I'm confidant enough who knows. I'd like to eventually do a set of scenarios based on the battles of the 2nd Seaforth Highlanders based primarily on the accounts found in the book 'Battalion'. Even though I'll obviously have to wait for the next module to get the correct troops I don't imagine there will be enough changes to the editor content to preclude me starting the maps now.

The biggest problems I'm having -and I imagine I'm not alone - is getting the correct elevations into the map. Without decent topo maps it feels awfully hit and miss.

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Was interested to know how many CMBN players are currently developing scenarios.

I have so far made two scenarios. Just starting to get used to scenario maker. My third scenario in currently in research phase. Had to read few pages from several books, check maps, get unit information etc. When I have time I start making map first, then add forces.

Actually it's not scenario it's campaign of three or four battles. Can't fit the timeline to one single battle, so I choosed to make short campaign.

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The biggest problems I'm having -and I imagine I'm not alone - is getting the correct elevations into the map. Without decent topo maps it feels awfully hit and miss.

My two cents: No reason to wait to start your Highlanders map -- a good project takes time, and you'll have the pleasure of having it ready when the new module comes out.

Use Google Earth and the altitude "properties" of polygons to make your topo reference map. Then import it as a layer in a graphics program (like photoshop or Gimp) at the appropriate scale/pixel size and read your elevation points from the x,y coordinates.

Many will say that Google elevations are not totally accurate, etc., but for CMBN purposes they are plenty close enough to make a generally accurate representation of a real place. Given that our tiles are 8m x 8m, there's really no purpose to obsessing over every last meter. And you don't want to place too many "fixed" elevation points all over the place anyway -- it slows down the game. I've found that once you dot your highest point and lowest point, lightly "dotted" contour lines work just fine and the editor will autocalculate all the slopes in between for a natural look.

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My two cents: No reason to wait to start your Highlanders map -- a good project takes time, and you'll have the pleasure of having it ready when the new module comes out.

Use Google Earth and the altitude "properties" of polygons to make your topo reference map. Then import it as a layer in a graphics program (like photoshop or Gimp) at the appropriate scale/pixel size and read your elevation points from the x,y coordinates.

Many will say that Google elevations are not totally accurate, etc., but for CMBN purposes they are plenty close enough to make a generally accurate representation of a real place. Given that our tiles are 8m x 8m, there's really no purpose to obsessing over every last meter. And you don't want to place too many "fixed" elevation points all over the place anyway -- it slows down the game. I've found that once you dot your highest point and lowest point, lightly "dotted" contour lines work just fine and the editor will autocalculate all the slopes in between for a natural look.

Luckily the area I'm using for the basis of the map I'm knocking up just now is fairly flat so I don't have to worry too much about it, but the point about using lightly dotted contours is one i've been working since SF and always found it works well with the way the editor does it's stuff.

I've never even looked at the polygon stuff in GE before. To be honest I'm not even sure where to start. Maybe a few of us relative topo-noobs (to coin a term!) could talk on one of you guys with the mad skillz into a step by step tutorial if you ever get enough spare time? I think it's something the community could well benefit from.

But thanks in the meantime for the polygon pointer. The GF is away tonight so I can sit down and have a good look at it. You never know - something might just click.

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I have one map nearly done that was going to be a scenario depicting early actions of my grandfather's unit (the 113th Cav Grp), but I'm going to upload the beta version as a QB map so that I can learn how to make a decent set of AI plans. The map contains the small villages of La Goucherie and La Barre du Pre, it's a pretty densely packed region that could be great for QBs if I can get the hang of the AI plans.

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I've got a small selection of new maps in the pipeline which I intend to turn into a small-ish campaign at some point. At the moment, I'm just creating the maps so I have no idea if it will end up being a German v US AI or US v German AI campaign. This will be a fantasy campaign as the maps I'm working on are very detailed representations of the villages and farms along the A1120/B1120 between Peasenhall and Framlingham in Suffolk. I used to cycle through these little villages almost daily when I lived in Suffolk and sometimes, seeing them brings a lump to my throat.

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I have one active project, Die Letzte Hoffnung (The Final Hope), a campaign with Devils' Descent-like mechanics centered around a depleted Panzergrenadier (mot) battalion from the 116th PzDiv in the Mortain counterattack. The first battle is done and I'm working on the second, but there are a lot of maps yet to go and I have no idea when I'll be finished. I've also got two more projects in the back of my mind for when some more modules come out.

The CMSF forum may be kinda dead at the moment (indicating the much-decreased level of interest in the game vis-a-vis the interest in CMBN), but some of the veteran and highly skilled CMx2 scenario designers have expressed interest in revisiting CMSF at some point and making yet more scenarios, even campaigns for it.

Yep! At present I'm working on one campaign with Bulgaroktonos centered around the US Army's 1-66 Armor (1 mission done, maps for two more being worked on), and I have several more on the drawing boards.

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I didn't purchase CMBN yet - hi BF, dont block IP's in Balkan and please allow poor people in Kosovo to buy your stuff on-line before I find copies in Chinese fake import store at 1 euro - but had in mind some scenarios about Col de Braus in Southern France ( 517th Para reg.) and the Lorraine tank-battles around Arracourt and the bridge head of Dieulouard.

Despite fact it should be set actually in an autumn vegetation environment,

maybe I will have also a go at Kall trail (Huertgenwald) already.

For the first one I want to try out what is the potential of the editor for a mountain area.

The second one should give you a break from the bocage country and the third one, I was inspired because it is just such an intense episode of the war and I like battles where the strategic aspect of terrain is key factor.

Hence, I was thinking also about Mortain, but I see that is already taken care of.

Expect me to go in overdrive when Bulge game comes out... provided Battlefront by that time tackles firing lines and follow the leader commands...Ooops, sorry, could not resist.

Are you in the Balkans or Dubai? Your latitude and longitude put you right in "Emirates Hills" in Dubai according to my google earth.

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I'm in the last stages of a "The Eagle Has Landed" Scenario bassed on the last battle from the movie.

1/2 American company vs (20) Elite and fanatical Germans with a 15 minute time limit.

Could do with a play tester as I am thinking of changing the time limit to 10 minutes with a variable ending time.

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