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The only grip I have with the grid snapping of target lines is basically, you don't know if you're pointing at the right tile. Maybe it would help, if the tile that will be subject of area fire should be hi-lited when hovering your cursor over it, just like destination tiles are hi-lited when you make your mov orders.

+1. I'm a little surprised it's not like this now.

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MikeyD, Speedy,

Let's put it this way : We are comparing two turn-based 3D tactical WWII simulating games. In that sense, CM1 series are the obvious standard, because, there were no other of such games. Hence the irrelevance to compare CMBN with CMSF.

Have a nice day.

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I really have a problem with pathfinding. For example I give an unit an order to move down a street. Lets say I give only basic orders like just clicking on a point on that street and start the next round. In Cm1 (as I recall it) in the next phase when I give my oders the system created all the little steps the unit would take to reach their destintion. In CM2 it only shows the direct connection to the final destination. That confuses me. I don´t know which route it will take. How should I know if it is even possible to get there? Sometimes the unit will even leave the logical way and get of that street and drive through fields. I hope I made myself clear as english is not my first language. It just would be great to the path an unit plans to take. I found that especially in the third mission of the german campaign it was really hard to forsee the routes of my units. There is this curvy road that would require me to give every unit about 50 orders to reach the bridge in the center. Makes me wonder how to play that kind of mission in RT. Oh yeah and by the way please add Internet/lan WEGO (pleeeease with sugar on top)

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If it's important that the unit follows a specific path, then put waypoints where you want it to go.

For example, if I have unit facing a house and I want to get to the other side of hte house, but I don't care how it gets there, I'll place a single waypoint at the other side. The unit may go left, it may go right. I don't care. If I want to FORCE it to go to the right, then I have to put a waypoint on the right of the house, then another waypoint at the end of where I want them to go.

You can put an endless series of waypoints for each unit's movement orders.

Does that help?

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If it's important that the unit follows a specific path, then put waypoints where you want it to go.

For example, if I have unit facing a house and I want to get to the other side of hte house, but I don't care how it gets there, I'll place a single waypoint at the other side. The unit may go left, it may go right. I don't care. If I want to FORCE it to go to the right, then I have to put a waypoint on the right of the house, then another waypoint at the end of where I want them to go.

You can put an endless series of waypoints for each unit's movement orders.

Does that help?

I´m aware of that but if you want to send a dozen units down a specific path it gets kind of exhausting. And even if I set every waypoint down to the last meter it seems to get messed up when of of the units blocks the path for another unit. Then the unit tries to find an alternative path even when the other units moves out of the way a second later. So I end up with 5 halftracks leaving the street. To make it worse when I click on it it only shows the original waypoints. What I want to see is the alternative path it is taking to make it there. In the bocage landscape the entrances and exits are sometimes hard to judge so the units could drive around a whole forest before returning to the right path.

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You are bringing up a topic that has been mentioned on these forums so many times before. The game could really benefit from a follow road/convoy move/follow him command. That has been true since the start of CMBO but it ain't happened yet. One day, maybe, it might but don't hold your breath.

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To the original post,

Fun, Wow I'm having a blast ...yes it is not perfect but very well improved from Cmx1..

I get so much more immerse into it. The graphics add so much, the fact that you can break teams, o and the Assault command . Nothing like that in Cmx1 . Its like playing your own movie. As long as BF. keep making this good progress I'm in.

Good Job.

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... weapons seem a tad too quick to target enemies and weapons are bit too accurate/deadly.

Wow, really? Tell that to my dead Yanks who couldn't call in a mortar fire mission fast enough to neutralize the German threat that had suddenly formed up on my flank. :)

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MikeyD, Speedy,

Let's put it this way : We are comparing two turn-based 3D tactical WWII simulating games. In that sense, CM1 series are the obvious standard, because, there were no other of such games. Hence the irrelevance to compare CMBN with CMSF.

Have a nice day.

On the other hand there weren't any games like CMSF before so it could also be the standard, hence the relevence of comparing CMSF and CMBN.

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You are bringing up a topic that has been mentioned on these forums so many times before. The game could really benefit from a follow road/convoy move/follow him command. That has been true since the start of CMBO but it ain't happened yet. One day, maybe, it might but don't hold your breath.

Thats not what I meant. I don´t need this command. What I need is the system to show me where my units are going. I´m sorry that this topic and its repetition is bothering you. I´m quite new to this forum and haven´t much time to read through all of it.

I just get thee feeling that too many things that were great about cm1 have been cut out. i know this is cm2 and not cm1 but its basically the same game with the same mechanic. right click command for example. it was fas and elegant. Now I HAVE to learn the shortcuts or click trough the tabs at the bottom. I bought this game eyes closed. Just didn´t inform myself enough. If I had known Internet/lan WEGO and command lines /among other little things) wheren´t in the game I would never bought it.

The game looks and feels like a ferrari but its controlled like tractor.

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If I am understanding you correctly, you can select units by drawing a box. Hold down the shift key while pressing the left mouse button and dragging a box around the units you wish to select. You can also select multiple units by holding down the shirt key while clicking on the individual units you desire to have join in the order you're going to give.

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Part of the UI changes for the future of CM do include a fresh look at Commands. Steve

* recall customers and testers asking, repeatedly, for Armor Cover Arc as mentioned above. And even that is fairly minor on the scale of requests. Steve

Cool at least its registered :) Armour cover (or light / heavy) arcs get my vote certainly.

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Oh and this is a real time game now right?. Why can´t I select units by drawing a box? Is this dune?

Hold down shift when you drag/click.

Plotted waypoints that are automatically redrawn following your input to show the actual path that the unit will take could be handy. However, I've played enough CMSF to have figured out most of the 'gotchas' with pathfinding (plus it's actually got so much better over the years that the gotchas are generally few and far between once you figure out low bocage isn't a small hedge, and bocage nearly always needs 2 demo charges before a tank can fit through the gap), so I'll have this on my list way down below moveable waypoints.

Actually, I bet that without moveable waypoints, having the game replot my moves to show the actual patch the unit was going to take would be extremely frustrating if I wanted to tweak what the game had done.

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Hold down shift when you drag/click.

Plotted waypoints that are automatically redrawn following your input to show the actual path that the unit will take could be handy. However, I've played enough CMSF to have figured out most of the 'gotchas' with pathfinding (plus it's actually got so much better over the years that the gotchas are generally few and far between once you figure out low bocage isn't a small hedge, and bocage nearly always needs 2 demo charges before a tank can fit through the gap), so I'll have this on my list way down below moveable waypoints.

Actually, I bet that without moveable waypoints, having the game replot my moves to show the actual patch the unit was going to take would be extremely frustrating if I wanted to tweak what the game had done.

Thanks for the info.

About the waypoints. It is also frustrating to see your tank roll left into a field when you sent it in the opposite direction and not knowing what it plans next. Only because its path is blocked. It takes you at least a turn to bring it back on track.

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I find the game to be a blast, but that said, this seems like the place to state what we would like to see. Targeting lines are not one of them.

I add my voice to the long list of those requesting an armored covered arc. A few other things I would like to see are:

- a return of the command delay

- some sort of indicator of what type of terrain is what

- do different buildings have different defensive value? If so, some sort of indicator of which is which.

- small gaps in hedgerows are too hard to see.

- a way to see what path a unit will actually take once the path is selected by the player would be useful.

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"A few other things I would like to see are:

- a return of the command delay..."

Nooooooooooooooo! If that abomination is to be allowed back into the game it should only be once BF have given us proper road movement/convoy command. Command delay was a nice idea but its implementation was so awful that it detracted rather than added to the game.

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I find the game to be a blast, but that said, this seems like the place to state what we would like to see. Targeting lines are not one of them.

I add my voice to the long list of those requesting an armored covered arc. A few other things I would like to see are:

- a return of the command delay

- some sort of indicator of what type of terrain is what

- do different buildings have different defensive value? If so, some sort of indicator of which is which.

- small gaps in hedgerows are too hard to see.

- a way to see what path a unit will actually take once the path is selected by the player would be useful.

I agree with all of the above EXCEPT the command delay.

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If I am understanding you correctly, you can select units by drawing a box. Hold down the shift key while pressing the left mouse button and dragging a box around the units you wish to select. You can also select multiple units by holding down the shirt key while clicking on the individual units you desire to have join in the order you're going to give.

This. Helps. Alot.

I probably would have discovered it eventually, by reading the manual (Which, with my pathetically short attention span will only take me until CMx3 comes out, a version which will plug directly into your brain) but it's so much easier when I can find people to do these things for me.

Is this also the way one can find out who's who in the unit? Right now I look at the list and one guy's spotting and another guy is cowering (Cowering? There IS NO cowering in CM!), a third guy's singing the blues and another one is doing Sudoku, for crying out loud, and I never know who's doing what.

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To the original poster:

I feel, as many do, that people have to give a new system a bit of time in order to grow accustomed to differences. Give it some time.

In regards to some of the other issues brought forward:

It is interesting to me some people talk about reality in a game as if reason and logic works 100% in real life.

As an example most of the time my units move where I ask them to. In some cases they don't. For example I asked 2 units to move to the same area by placing one quick order point where I wished them to end up.

One followed the course, more or less as I presumed it would. The other took a much different route. I could think of this as poor pathfinding but because it happens very rarely I simply presume the other unit leader thought the route to be nonsense and went another way.

I had a squad that would not leave a house. They were in command and they were in good morale. I simply put it down to exhaustion and shock. I have only seen this once.

The point being that things happen in real life that sometimes defy proper explanation so I don't worry about them in the game so long as they don't happen consistently and frequently. Actually I find these unexpected moments add more reality than they take away.

CMBN is a wonderful game. Full of options and ways to enjoy it.

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Is this also the way one can find out who's who in the unit? Right now I look at the list and one guy's spotting and another guy is cowering (Cowering? There IS NO cowering in CM!), a third guy's singing the blues and another one is doing Sudoku, for crying out loud, and I never know who's doing what.

If you mouse over the weapon icon in the UI, the base of the soldier carrying that weapon will flash - not quite the info you were asking for, but info all the same, damnit!

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