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So. We have received this new implement of destruction, aptly named (or at least named) Combat Mission: Beyond Normandy. For my first game I require that an Olde One or possibly The Justicar send me a setup so that I may crush, maim and incinerate their virtual troops until they're all very sorry. Other lesser beings, like Australians and Donkeys will be considered. As always, we aim to please.

The Old Firm

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My liege, I knew that old foul Joe I'd ask for a setup to thrash you in celebration, but I've got "The next big Patch" and can't be arsed to keep an older version of CM:N handy.

Shouldn't your Zoomie Arse be off testing a flight simulator or overcharging the Gov't for B-52 toilet seat covers or somefink?

I question Battlefront's sanity and business plan in giving you a copy of the patch.

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Remember, the BRAIN in a Jar can never be wrong. Funny thing is I've been out of B-52 land for so long...you return and I get orders to be a squadron commander at Barksdale...with B-52s.

Coincidence? I think not! You gamey bastich

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So. We have received this new implement of destruction, aptly named (or at least named) Combat Mission: Beyond Normandy. For my first game I require that an Olde One or possibly The Justicar send me a setup so that I may crush, maim and incinerate their virtual troops until they're all very sorry. Other lesser beings, like Australians and Donkeys will be considered. As always, we aim to please.

The Old Firm

I'm a busy man Geier but I'm up for bashing your GooberNational butt.

I've a setup all primed for "Cats Chasing Dogs" with me as Allied. Natually I don't have your email address since I routinely purge spam and people I'd like to ignore so I'll try to send it via the email you have posted in your profile and we'll see what happens. Now of course if you've played that scenario I know it would be useless to ask you act honorably and mention that but just for giggles I will.


{EDIT: Needless to say he doesn't have an email address available in his profile so I guess my PM to him will have to suffice. What a loser.}

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Remember, the BRAIN in a Jar can never be wrong. Funny thing is I've been out of B-52 land for so long...you return and I get orders to be a squadron commander at Barksdale...with B-52s.

Coincidence? I think not! You gamey bastich

Oh God no!!

Looks like it's time to build that fallout shelter.

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Oh God no!!

Looks like it's time to build that fallout shelter.

That's right you pathetic, sheepshagger...which obviously means your from Aussie Land as OGMF isn't around.

Fear, the BUFF, Iran isn't a threat but Aussie...now there is something worth a nuke...especially since you've been keeping the good beer to yourselves.

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Okay, my PBEM with Marlow is not going to satisfy me quickly enough. I need someone's skull as my first CMBN trophy, and I need it now!

Anyone up for a small armor battle internet (which means real time)? Will be tooling around for a few hours, post here or message me if you are interested.


Ugh, forced to post here again to keep MBT on page one, and forced to post on outerboards to look for an opponent. At this rate, I might as well do some real work today.

Listen, I realize your a SSN and your inability to read large comlicated words is severely limited, but actually challenge someone you tit. This mamby-pamby muttering about internet is not a challenge with wit and verve.

I swear the Cesspool these days, how I long for the second comming of Berli.

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Listen, I realize your a SSN and your inability to read large comlicated words is severely limited, but actually challenge someone you tit. This mamby-pamby muttering about internet is not a challenge with wit and verve.

I swear the Cesspool these days, how I long for the second comming of Berli.

Listen, Wildman, I’m well aware of the expectation of specific and well-formed taunts. It’s just that, given the synapse firing speed of the cesspool denizens, the demands of real-time play are just too much for most them, and I opted for a gentlemanly invitation to any interested party. I also wanted to get the offer out as quickly as possible, as once noon ET has passed, most of these guys resort to various chemical means to further slowdown their synapses. Besides, are you really one to be giving lessons? Best I can see you only recently waltzed back into the MBT and lamely struck up a game with Joe. Next time why don’t you send a direct email and spare the rest of us your pathetic mewling.

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We have amended our ways, dear Justicar. It is quite unlike us to be unavailable, especially when bloodshed is involved, and especially when the blood shed will be yours.
Oh there will be blood Geier, you may rest assured of that.

And it will be GooberNational blood.


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Yes, a meeting engagement between motorized recon elements in heavy rain is of course a good opportunity for you to give at least one of my units a flat tire.

GooberNational? Really? I remember back in the day when everyone managed to at least put some effort into their ... insults. Remember Mark IV, Joe? I blew his pixeltruppen to kingdom come and he still managed to fire off a volley of invectives and insults that would put tears in your eyes and make bauhaus sit down. Ah, back in those days, we hated and despised each other with style.

Except you, of course. You always were a lazy bum.

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Yes, a meeting engagement between motorized recon elements in heavy rain is of course a good opportunity for you to give at least one of my units a flat tire.

GooberNational? Really? I remember back in the day when everyone managed to at least put some effort into their ... insults. Remember Mark IV, Joe? I blew his pixeltruppen to kingdom come and he still managed to fire off a volley of invectives and insults that would put tears in your eyes and make bauhaus sit down. Ah, back in those days, we hated and despised each other with style.

Except you, of course. You always were a lazy bum.

You mean Short Barreled MkIV? That was mine by the way, I knew how to cut a man to ribbons just with just HIS FREAKING NAME!

How do you think I earned the title "Cudgel of the CessPool" then eh? It wasn't due to my charming manner I can assure you.

And you ARE a GooberNational and I don't intend to let anyone forget that salient fact. I may not even have a chance to give your units a flat tire since you'll undoubtedly set them up in soft ground and have them bogged to the axles and immobile on turn one. Of course the rest of your lads, seeing the incompetence of their commander, will turn tail and run giving me a clear run to my inevitable victory.

Don't neglect the option to surrender immediately, we won't think less of you ... we couldn't.


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You mean Short Barreled MkIV? That was mine by the way, I knew how to cut a man to ribbons just with just HIS FREAKING NAME!


Great Fred! Unable to notch any victories in battle, and too senile to post any new material, Joe is now bragging about past posts? I suppose we should be impressed that he can remember that far back.

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Geier returns.

Somebody kill him please before the other Swedes who used to infest this place follow him back. He and his kind are responsible for Surströmming and ABBA, and for those alone he deserves to be run through a cheese grater and dropped in the Great Salt Lake.

There's no polluting of the Great Salt Lake allowed. Every once in a while there'll be some big winds here that perform a feat known as turning the lake over.

You see when brine shrimp and brine flies die they sink to the thermocline and slowly rot. Then the wind turns the lake over and they come to the top creating a phenomenon known as lake stink.

It's bad enough as it is, a dead Geier is too much to contemplate. So while I applaud the idea of dumping him in a body of water, can't we find one in Ohio someplace ... they won't notice the smell.


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All of this nostalgia is making me sick. Why don't you all start a round of Russian Roulette.

We'll then tie the last man standing to the back of a pickup and drag him through the streets until all the flesh is stripped from him.

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Great Fred! Unable to notch any victories in battle, and too senile to post any new material, Joe is now bragging about past posts? I suppose we should be impressed that he can remember that far back.
Yes lad, back in the Olde Pool we had posts that would curl your hair. I do my best but I'm only one man ... albeit a supremely talented man.

I think it's instructive to inform young-uns like yourself of past glories that you might attempt to emulate them ... you'll fail of course but in the failure you may learn a lesson.


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