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Peng Challenge Screen Shot Thread

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Oh, dear. Boo, is the chaff and idiocy of tourists making you uncomfortable?
(Slowly begins to smile)

Are they teasing you?!

(Smiles a bit wider and thinks of creative things he could do with a flensing knife)

Are they asking when they're going to be taken to the photo opportunity where the mural of the 'Suppliant Maidens' shimmying out of their blouses is picked out in colored tiles?

Wait... what? What the hell are you talking about Did you just hijack your own post?
Are you worried about the fact that you're A GODDAMN SENIOUR KNIGHT OF THE PENG CHALLENGE THREAD,

Ahh.... Seniour Knight, is it? How far are you willing to go with your large ass...er... largesse, Olde Man?

Boo, as you know, I am a mild mannered man. I like to dance about, and sing a bit, and make the odd reference to much more intelligent things than most of this lot will ever come up with, let alone understand.

If that's your definition of a "mild man", I think they have a slightly different understanding of the word in parts of Texas. And the Ukraine.

But, I am an Old One of the Peng Challenge Thread. And therefore, I recommend to you, and support you in, telling your enemies that they can s*** **** ****, f*** their *******, die like a weasel caught in a mincer, that they're filthy c**********, child rapists, and sodden, used pieces of a******, and that they can run up the trouser leg of hell and nest in Satan's private parts. I could go on, but you and I both know that my ability at invective and abuse is so far beyond anything this lot of pant's-pissing children could come up with as to require a doctoral thesis to explicate it.

I feel somewhat proud that I knew what each of those words were. Even if it was merely in theory.

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Ah. Glad to see you still alive and wellKurtzachai. After all we do have you to thank and curse for the MBT, and many glorious CM battles. For those still here, and for those long departed who remain only in memory (digital or the more fleshy sort). Much like the after effects of a long night of beer and nachos, your lingering presence is vaguely disgusting, and yet somehow comforting in its ...em ... regularity.

So a heart-felt thanks to you, the Bard Eternal of the Cesspool.

Though you know I am still sworn to kill you eventually.

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Boo posted this elsewhere:

"This. Helps. Alot.

I probably would have discovered it eventually, by reading the manual (Which, with my pathetically short attention span will only take me until CMx3 comes out, a version which will plug directly into your brain) but it's so much easier when I can find people to do these things for me."

if it does, then we know you won't be getting CMX3.

Boo says:

"Is this also the way one can find out who's who in the unit? Right now I look at the list and one guy's spotting and another guy is cowering (Cowering? There IS NO cowering in CM!), a third guy's singing the blues and another one is doing Sudoku, for crying out loud, and I never know who's doing what."

I am most certainly surprised your pixeltruppen haven't stopped, pointed at the monitor screen and laughed hysterically. The reason maybe that they don't live long enough to do exactly that with you as their commander.

All, since we shall not make fun of his lack of computer, may I suggest we all pitch in our $20s and buy Boo a clue? Nothing fancy, a small clue will do, it would be much more then what he has now.

ngcavscout, as a member of House Rune, i expect you to declare a Blood Hamster Feud against Boo, and smartly destroy him in the demo scenarios. Now be a good lad *Boot* and off you go.


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Rune, you annoying poseur of the gallant MBT. You prancing Kannnnigget wannabe with your threadbare, completely fictitious "House", which you trot out on occasion when you, in your Bizzarro way, wish to mimic your betters. Betters such as we Seniour Knights of the Peng Challenge Thread.

As I originally said: "I probably would have discovered it eventually, but it's so much easier when I can find people to do these things for me."

Honestly, if you cannot designate people to fetch and carry for you, you will never have time to savor the finer things in life.

Which for you would probably include freedom from lice-infested clothing, drier underwear and a good dandruff shampoo.

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Honestly, if you cannot designate people to fetch and carry for you, you will never have time to savor the finer things in life.

Which for you would probably include freedom from lice-infested clothing, drier underwear and a good dandruff shampoo.

He wants freedom from drier underwear? Does that mean that while he's broken the code on that little flap thingie on the front of briefs he's determined that it's just not worth the time or that he has underwear on his drier and he's become weary of it ... which I can totally understand especially if it's a thong. There's nothing quite so unbecoming as a thong on your Whirlpool.


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All, since we shall not make fun of his lack of computer, may I suggest we all pitch in our $20s and buy Boo a clue? Nothing fancy, a small clue will do, it would be much more then what he has now.


I'm pretty sure we could find a used copy of "Boo's Clues" out there on Amazon or somewhere for a good deal less than $20... might be a bit of a scratch and dent sale, but it's not like we think he'll actually use it...

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Rune, you annoying poseur of the gallant MBT. You prancing Kannnnigget wannabe ...

Watch what you say, about His Evilness, Rune. Well, maybe "Semi-Evilness" .... Hmmm. No not quite right. His "Minor Annoyingness"? Closer, but no caps I think. let's try it again.

Watch what you say about his minor annoyingness, Rune. He may be a wrinkly, smelly, washed-up has-been, but he is OUR wrinkly, smelly, washed-up has-been. We of the House of Ruin shall defend his honor to the death! ... Except that he has no honor. And I really can't be bothered to fight to the death for him. Another redo is in order.

Once more from the top.

Watch what you say about his minor annoyingness, Rune. He may be a wrinkly, smelly, washed-up has-been, but he is OUR wrinkly, smelly, washed-up has-been. We of the House of Ruin shall defend his worthless carcass until it becomes too much work!

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Watch what you say, about His Evilness, Rune. Well, maybe "Semi-Evilness" .... Hmmm. No not quite right. His "Minor Annoyingness"? Closer, but no caps I think. let's try it again.

Watch what you say about his minor annoyingness, Rune. He may be a wrinkly, smelly, washed-up has-been, but he is OUR wrinkly, smelly, washed-up has-been. We of the House of Ruin shall defend his honor to the death! ... Except that he has no honor. And I really can't be bothered to fight to the death for him. Another redo is in order.

Once more from the top.

Watch what you say about his minor annoyingness, Rune. He may be a wrinkly, smelly, washed-up has-been, but he is OUR wrinkly, smelly, washed-up has-been. We of the House of Ruin shall defend his worthless carcass until it becomes too much work!

[sneer] As has ever been the case with you Marlow.[/sneer]

You know what, I've changed my mind too ... when it comes to you I see no reason to turn the "sneer" off ... [sNEER]


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Marlow, someday I hope to have another serf like you, but this time with a human head.

Boo, you incredibally dense Barney Fife, if you go to http://home.comcast.net/~joe.shaw/wsb/html/view.cgi-category.html-TopCat-Others-20Recognized.html a place made by none other then the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread [may Peng rest his soul] and look under Seniour Knigbhts, you will find House Rune is listed. I know, I know, assuming you can read is a strain of credibility, but still...

Oh Look, who is listed under Knight In Ordinary, none other then Boo. mayhaps it is time you stop pretending and remember your station? You know, the train station, yes, yes, you may play on the tracks.

I expect none other then the Justicar joebob to straighten out his minion. The peng thread has its traditions, and Boo being a git is one of them. However, I shall not tolerate a NON-CMBN player from insulting my house. Especially a git that lives in Ohio... and is your understudy... and can't afford the new computer since the price of his support hose has increased...


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Marlow, someday I hope to have another serf like you, but this time with a human head.

Boo, you incredibally dense Barney Fife, if you go to http://home.comcast.net/~joe.shaw/wsb/html/view.cgi-category.html-TopCat-Others-20Recognized.html a place made by none other then the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread [may Peng rest his soul] and look under Seniour Knigbhts, you will find House Rune is listed. I know, I know, assuming you can read is a strain of credibility, but still...

Oh Look, who is listed under Knight In Ordinary, none other then Boo. mayhaps it is time you stop pretending and remember your station? You know, the train station, yes, yes, you may play on the tracks.

I expect none other then the Justicar joebob to straighten out his minion. The peng thread has its traditions, and Boo being a git is one of them. However, I shall not tolerate a NON-CMBN player from insulting my house. Especially a git that lives in Ohio... and is your understudy... and can't afford the new computer since the price of his support hose has increased...


Rune, rune, rune ... and you don't know how much it pains me to have to bold that three times.

There are indeed traditions in the Peng Challenge Thread and one of them is to BOLD the name of the Peng Challenge Thread which you have neglected to do.

As to the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread Website, Comcast has decreed that I am unable to access said website and update it or, you may rest assured (rest in peace would be preferred but what can a humble Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread do) I would so update it since Seanachai himself, Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread, has decreed that Sir Boo Radley, Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, is now and shall be considered to be a Seniour Knight of the Peng Challenge Thread as evidenced by this ...

... Are you worried about the fact that you're A GODDAMN SENIOUR KNIGHT OF THE PENG CHALLENGE THREAD ...

Furtherless, the fact that Boo Radley has yet to own CMBN should not be considered a strike against him ... rumor has it that you were responsible for some of the scenarios in the game. Having heard that it was a toss of the coin on my part whether to buy the game or not.


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Joebob, but as you well know when the alzheimers isn't kicking in, it takes a vote and 2 out of 3 members of the olde Ones to change anything. As much as Seanachai would love to think he has that power, he indeed, does not. Also, I have pictures of what he did to my Shar Pei while at my house, drinking a Fine Whiskey.

So, do your duty and correct your twit, err, minion and inform him that House Rune has been there a long and glorious time. Yes, buy him a Boo's Clues.

ngcavscout, danged cheeseheads never around when needed... ngcavscout, I expect a Blood Hamster Feud against Boo. Winner shall get the other's sig line for 1 week. Go forth for the honor of House Rune and smite thine enemies!!! Well, in this case, Boo.


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You leave my Bootsie alone you bullies! Until he is of station to get the STEEL CASED HARD COPY OF CMBN...Boo is under the protection of House Moriarty!

As such I declare Boo's little part of Ohio to be an Unca Stukey protectora...protectiri...hell, i'll just annex the joint and call it even.

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Boo an Aussie, it would explain a lot...

Being "under the protection" of Stuka. thank god for the rules about thingy comments.

ngcavscout, leave boo and his booboo alone, declare a blood hamster feud on Stuka. I know, I know, kinda like picking on girl scout troop 23, but still it is all they have to offer. Winner gets sig line for a week. I expect no prisoners...


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Boo an Aussie, it would explain a lot...

Being "under the protection" of Stuka. thank god for the rules about thingy comments.

ngcavscout, leave boo and his booboo alone, declare a blood hamster feud on Stuka. I know, I know, kinda like picking on girl scout troop 23, but still it is all they have to offer. Winner gets sig line for a week. I expect no prisoners...


Alrighty then, I can amuse myself with the tactical fumblings of 2 Oddstraylians at once.

Stuka, yes you Stuka, put down the koala bear and the Crisco. Stop!!! I don't want to see that. Put away the Mel Gibson mask already and pull your trousers up!!

You have darkened the doorstep of your betters here in the MBT for long enough. Send me a setup of a mid sized battle, you can choose type and sides. Your troops shall be butchered like Seanachai butchers poetry. I shall enjoy watching you flail about like Stoat on prom night in the back seat of his fathers Buick (ineffectually and not for very long).

PM en route with my email address

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