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Peng Challenge Screen Shot Thread

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I lied.

The rules are as follows, you annoying little twit.

We don't like you or your little dog, either. You’re both a pair of ankle biters and the dog smells better.

We don't care about your opinions, even if you have any.

We will never, ever like you, but kiss up all you want.

Go away. Go far away. Let not the night find you where the day left you. Seek ye far horizons where we aren’t. And then keep going.

Still here? Damn. Very well, if you must post, try to show some wit and vinegar. Challenge someone. Operative word is ONE. Single one person out and construct a creative taunt to entice them to the field of battle. Anything less will be met with scorn, derision and more scorn… and then more derision. We believe that if something’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing. Don’t bother the Olde Ones or the Knights or even the squires, for that matter. Challenge either an SSN like yourself, or a serf.

Sound off like ya got a pair. NOT about your pair, because we really couldn’t care less.

The Ladies of the Pool are sacrosanct. Don't go there or you'll discover Coventry fast. Coventry you ask? It's our special way of dealing with those we really don't like.

Leave your personal hang-ups and prejudices at the door. We have no use for your mind numbing ignorance here.

If you do not have an E-mail address or a general location in your profile, you ain’t tall enough to ride this ride.

Now, if you understand and agree to all that’s been said here... SOD OFF!

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The rules are as follows, you annoying little twit.

You missed the most important part.....

"I don't actually play the game, I'm just the 2ic in charge of this dump. And when my Master gets back from Denver, or wherever he went, you are fair gonna cop it. So S O D off".


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"Still here? Damn. Very well, if you must post, try to show some wit and vinegar. Challenge someone. Operative word is ONE. Single one person out and construct a creative taunt to entice them to the field of battle. Anything less will be met with scorn, derision and more scorn… and then more derision. We believe that if something’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing. Don’t bother the Olde Ones or the Knights or even the squires, for that matter. Challenge either an SSN like yourself, or a serf."

Alrighty then, How 'bout YOU Radley? You seem like just the kind of annoying scofflaw I would dearly love to take to the lists...that is unless your status is so gawd-awful stratospheric that you can't be bothered to joust with the likes of me. Mind you, don't take the the low post numbers as a sign of weakness, I've been around these parts reading your drivel since the bloody inception of the Peng Thread, back in the hallowed Mists of Time....

So bring it Boo....

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Mind you, don't take the the low post numbers as a sign of weakness, I've been around these parts reading your drivel since the bloody inception of the Peng Thread, back in the hallowed Mists of Time....

So bring it Boo....

Shame. A low post number doesn't bring intelligence with it.

Boo does not have the game... your reading and comprehension score is as low as your post numbers, obviously.



This community service brought to you by the low numbers this week.


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Tis a fair cop, the devil is always in the details.....

However, I will not just SOD Off, I want a game and I'll shlepp arounfd this dump until I can find someone menial enough (who has the bloody game) to challenge...How about DLaurier? He seems to have a healthy enough anal fixation?

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Imagine there's no Emrys

It's easy if you try

No bad smell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the 'poolers

Living for today

Imagine there's no Emrys

It isn't hard to do

No non-game playing annoying gits

(Abit like Boo Radley) too

Imagine all the 'poolers

Playing the game in peace

You may say I'm an Olde One

And I'm pretty much the only one

I hope someday you'll sod off

And the MBT will be as one

Tank yew, tank yew berry mulch. I'll be here all night.

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WEGO racist.

Now now I know you are west of Finland and I will cut you some slack for that however the correct term is WEGO bigot.

And as bigot is from an old derogatory French name for the Normans it is most apropos.

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I have returned from the wilds of Denver and hereby request and require the bullet from our esteemed Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread.

I see some SSNs floating about but in this case I can't fault the rules posted by our esteemed Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread ... they were ... compendious, a quality I've always admired. I also note with approval that one of the SSNs actually appears able to READ and has challenged another SSN ... who apparently can't and hasn't responded.

I've also read the rules in their entirity and while I was unable to play the turns I'd been sent I now have a better understanding of the game and some time to complete the turns.

And Stuka is not now and shall never be an Olde One.


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Hear ye! Hear ye! As an undeniable and undesputed Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread it pleases me to announce that my CMBN cherry has been broken! True it was Speedy who broke it and it doesn't make me proud to say that Ladies and GentleHamsters but what can you do? I was drunk and he seemed nice and offered me a lift home.

Anyhoos, first blood (no pun intended) had gone to your Olde Unca Stukey! Yep, some sneeksy Speedyian troops got caught in the open trying to gamily sneeks their way into a building from which they might...might mind you, have had a flanking position on my trusty lads. So a few shots have opened the score and as the FOX reporter embedded with my troops has just radioed in, there are 2 little Speedies laying veeery still on the ground. Either they are shot to **** or else they have suddenly developed an overwhelmng interest in blades of grass. In any case, I claim victory!

Open the drinks cabinet and lets get the drinking under way! W00T!

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Hmmm, now that I am in possesion of your Steelbox Edition of the game. Perhaps you would like to send me a Normandy set up. Not a big battle please.

If it arrives quickly, I wont let my 10 month old grandson play with the package, to see if it is really made of steel.

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