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A GUI optimization: soldier info

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Good morning Battlefronters. Reading previous debate about GUI reorganization and optimization I want to suggest an idea about how soldier info could be better displayed.

When you actually want to now about some soldier you need to look three separate places: battle, GUI and green letters. Also panel info do not show dead and casualty soldiers.


The idea is pretty simple: put all of this info together, like this:


No more need for those green data occupying battle corner during gameplay.

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None of those suggestions are moddable, unfortunately. Any change in UI coding rests with BFC, and I doubt you'll see anything until the Bulge title.

Marco is right, I photoshopped this as a suggestion to future patches or releases. I also have to say I quit your wonderful mod to take the screenshot :)

What unit face mod (upper left of GUI) are you using ?

Mord's CMBN Unit Portraits Mega Pack, flags + alternative:


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Great idea.

Maybe it would be even easier to read, if the text was replaced with colors in the background of the weapons - each color corresponds with the action, the soldier is doing.

i.e. red/yellow for casualty - grey/white for spotting - green for movement actions - blue for firing actions

Shouldn't the colors dominating give an even quicker and more intuitive impression?

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Why do the WIA / KIAs drop off the squad box? If I see I have four guys in my unit, I have to think back to what I started with. Why can't they have the red guns as shown above?

I think the red guns should be shown in the squad box and the Casualties should drop off the green text area. Showing only the active soldiers in a squad would make it much easier to read.

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The soldier weapon icon turning red has been mentioned here before in CMSF. From what I gather this is on the to do list. Doing this will allow the player to see what weapon is down just by looking at the GUI vs having to scroll camera, zoom in to ground to see the 3d model. Would you rather get up to change the channel, or use the remote control? It is the same principle, as the player would prefer this info to simply be displayed in the GUI. My thoughts would be to have red, and dark red denoted WIA,and KIA. After the medicaid is complete, and weapon transferred if applicable the casualty could then disappear from map, and SQD. Roaster. This is as sensible, and practicle feature as I see it. here is one I made.


As far as this illiminating the need for the soldier stat text altogether I disagree as the text shows more than just casualty information. It also shows things as status of engagment. In the pic 2 are aiming = \*^*/, and 3 are firing = (--------. To get more out of the text and to better spot actions, and casualties I suggest using my animated text mod. There is a cross at the end of the word to make the casualty stick out, as well other symbols to better make things stand out. Give it a try.


Vin's animated text


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I would prefer it if the casualty remained on the roster even if he has been "buddy-aided" simply so you could see what percentage of your squad is "down".

Perhaps the red weapon could become just a red outline, so you know he's been attended to ?

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As far as this illiminating the need for the soldier stat text altogether I disagree as the text shows more than just casualty information. It also shows things as status of engagment.

I suggest including this same texts into the unit info panel, see second screenshot :)

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I would prefer it if the casualty remained on the roster even if he has been "buddy-aided" simply so you could see what percentage of your squad is "down".

Perhaps the red weapon could become just a red outline, so you know he's been attended to ?

Yes, this is another thing long asked-for. As it is, only memory will tell you whether that 5-man squad started as a 12-man squad or as a depleted squad of any lower number of men.

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Yes, this is another thing long asked-for. As it is, only memory will tell you whether that 5-man squad started as a 12-man squad or as a depleted squad of any lower number of men.

BIG +1 on this one... another "easy" add that would go a long way.

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I think adding the casualties to the squad roster is a really good idea; it's too difficult to tell right now how many casualties a squad has taken. However, since some non-trivial percentage of the male population is red-green colorblind, just using green or red to distinguish casualties might not be ideal. Maybe you could turn the casualties red, but also put a box around the weapon (or something...).

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Excellent idea.

Also, how many of you have clicked the stat text thinking you will then get refocused on that particular soldier?

No one? Aw, come on now.

Sorry no I haven't....but I played CMSF alot...I do like the idea of the info being under the gun....not to bothered about seeing the deads guns still...all I care about is how many soldeirs are there at the time..not before...you can tell some one has been killed when the floating icon flashes...I think in WEGO it's alot easier to track your men...

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I suggest including this same texts into the unit info panel, see second screenshot :)

Sorry I didn’t catch the type under the weapons. That is another way to do it. I personally do not like any writing mixed with the graphic of the weapon icons unless it is flyover text. I think it makes the area look crowded, and have removed the words Ldr, and Asst, and replaced with ** and * for my own use. Unfortunately I cannot lose the Commander, and gunner type as the words are the same as the side soldier stat, and if taken out would disappear too. I thought the way CMSF had it with the star icons for leaders was more attractive, and wish they went that route too with CMBN. Using icons made the area cleaner looking, and was more attractive. The text just makes it look cluttered IMO.I was using Marcos range info mod which puts more text in with the weapons, and found I like the graphic much better without it. I found after I learned the weapons ranges, and printed a pic of the data I did not need the extra text crowding. I kept his armor/damage color bars which is the most important part of that mod.

If they were to get rid of the side soldier stat text, and combine it in the weapons display I think using icons for the different actions instead of text would look better, and the brain would process the information faster, and more efficiently. Words always process the slowest.

As far as keeping track of casualties I personally don’t matter if the tally was kept, or not as it is now. The most important part for me is the changing to red to know who went down, and most importantly what weapon did they have. If a tally were introduced perhaps a red cross with an integer next to it placed in the lower right hand corner of the roaster. There seems to be most unused space there.

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Here is a rough thumbnail of what I had in mind. The word ldr, Asst are removed and star icons are placed using the negative space under the muzzle so there is no overlap on to the graphic. The gray boxes arewhere the stat icons go. I just made some quick lame ones, but you get the picture. Each icon stands out more as they are visualy different than words that basicly look the same, and must be read. You can glance quickly and process which one is doing what. Icons also are moddable, and people can make all types to their liking including different colors. After casualty medic aid is done, and troop disappears from map red weopon also leaves the roaster, and the casualty is added to the body count number lower right. I think if they go with what Niessuh mentions of combining the info in this area I think this may be the best way to go.


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