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An Incredible 7 minutes in Combat.

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Hey Guys.

Just a really brief AAR which showed me how great this game can be at times.

Setup was a QB of small force German attacker against a village. Forces were picked using suggestions but not reading the details. (Works really well) I was expecting a few StuGs against me with Inf support. I was expecting to have just infantry with a few Mortars and some antitank guns. As it happens i had 3 57mm ATG and a stuart M5a1 :)

I dispersed my troops in the village with one ATG on the far right in a small wooded area. Then the first shock...a heavy barrage hit the town causing a few troops dead and a MG to leg it. My biggest concern was the targeted the ATG in the wood also....had they seen him ? No idea. The barrage lifted and the ATG was pinned with ammo guys dead.

The enemy appears not where i expected but way out on the flank running straight at my pinned ATG. i see 1 StuG and at least 4 251s' with more infantry. I quickly realise my other 2 ATG can't see them at all and i'm now relying on one pinned ATG and my Stuart. I decide to accurately hit the Inf with all my 81mm mortar ammo. I need to delay so end my Stuart around the back of the village to cut down any infantry who push at the ATG. As 81mm rounds start to fall amongst the 251s' and Infantry, the Stug races forward....the Stuart is spotted....and then dead.

My ATG crew are now in pinned and ready. They have a Stug 40 feet away and alot of infantry taking 81mm mortar hits and some 30cal from the village in the center. I realise ive positioned badly the ATG. A small rise in the ground blocks LOS is is probably why hes not dead yet.

With most the infantry dead or pinned 2 of the 251's push forward. The ATG crew crank the gun round as fast as they can and get a shot off !! Straight through the first 251 and rips into the second !! Both crews bail and are killed by 30cal from the village. AT this point the Stug rolls not 10 feet from my ATG...my gun is facing 90 degrees away from him but they cant see him due to the rise. I panick and crank the gun myself....the Stug rolls forward right alongside my gun which ive just turned from the best shooting direction. The crew try so hard to rectify my mistake and get the gun back...expecting doom. The Stug sets off and rolls away down a gentle slope....they have not seen me !!! amazing ! Just as the crew lines up the shot the Stug rolls over the hill and out of sight into the village...ARRGGHH a missed oppertunity to swing the ballance of this scrap !! Then boom !!! the stug is dead ! One of my other ATG finally got LOS and gets a shot off.

At this moment im elated, i can still win this scrap and then i see on the oposite flank...at least 2 platoons of infantry heading down the hill...its going to be a long hard scrap !! and it was but thats another story :)

Amazing game Battlefront !!

QB suggestion to all...use force suggestion and see when you getting a mix of core units that you like. Don't look inside these units as it still throws up suprises. So much better being able to avoid massive tank or arty heavy games by looking at the points distribution.


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I'm very warey about playing QB against the AI...for the game heavly relies on how goo the scenario maker is with regards to how the AI will perform...QB for me is Human vs Human...

Still good to see your having a blast....my pixeltruppen where fighting it out for 15 mins last night...

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Could not agree more. The maps are either really good or just not good at all. Some really odd defensive positions from designers like the middle of a field on a bocage map. 3 times ive played..3 times was a turkey shoot. Anyway i pick maps myself in the hope of a better game and avoid the dire maps.


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yeah have played a few QBs recently , its a good option when i dont get the time to play a full battle or Campaigns. Will try the suggested formations :) thanks for the tip. Tend to find its very easy to beat the AI when defending , AI tend to have tiny amounts of Infantry in every case when you allow them to pick.

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Post the name of the QB map if the AI plans seem majorly off, they can be tweaked by the designer. I let him know of one map that the AI just didn't defend logically and he fixed the AI plan.

That's true. While I did not create each QB map I am responsible for EVERY QB Map in the game. Not all maps will be to a given players taste. Perfectly normal. I feel the same myself. QB Players should keep in mind that each Map has multiple plans and orders. So how the AI comes at you will not always be the same. The player should also remember that the maps and the units selected are very much separate issues. So saying I got X and Y and had a terrible game on QB Map Z is not grounds for deleting or repairing the map. Here's what are good grounds:

QB Map Z sucks because the Attacker setup is in LOS of the Defender, and the only bridge I'm supposed to cross my armor is a foot bridge (yep I'll fix that!) and there are no fords.

When it comes to QB Maps General Generality is the CinC. Making sure that QB maps can handle all the combinations of units/time/weather is my goal. I never care who's right about a map. I do care what's right in making them. If you see something that is just dumb or worse, you think you've found a defective map, please let me know.

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MarkEzra, do you review all player-submitted QB maps for the Repositiory? I'm submitting my first one in a day or two, and your stamp of approval would be reassuring. Then again, this crowd will let me know in a hurry if it's good or bad, I guess.:D

I will not review user made maps. They are the intellectual property of the designer and are not Official BFC. But I will be interested in DLing them for my personal use! I thought it was pretty cool to have my QB Maps make into CMSF and CMBN, I think maybe other designers might feel that way too. So don't be surprised if I send you a private email around the time of the first module ;)

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