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CM:BN/MBT. A Peng Challenge Thread Production

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Oi stop spending your time fiddling with a technology generations beyond your comprehension and send me a file.

Like you can comprehend life in general, after all, in SA they never had schools when you were young.

You may surrender now due to the cunningness of my game password. You are doomed.


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What does Joe have top do with it? Is Joe a code word for Noba in StukaWorld? Or are you just more confused than usual? That's a scary thought because you're already about as confused as a person can get and if you get any more confused, you might actually lap yourself.

Stop prattling. "top do" ??

Now. It's time for a momentous decision. Radley thinks he is an olde one - lower case that is - and since he is not even playing the game perhaps he should be placed into the same category as Emrys (spelt, not bolded). Aka - losers** Obviously Emrys (spelt, not bolded) might SAY he has the game, but since he hasn't challenged anyone maybe it's time to send them both packing until they get their stuff together, so to speak.

Send them to the wastelands!


** Losers may not be applicable to people that don't actually play but then, they are losers.

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Seems the Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar (SBNB) has lost any control over the thread...like we expected anymore of him. Probably too busy whipping hamsters to squeeze another kb of RAM out of them I expect.

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Stop prattling. "top do" ??

Now. It's time for a momentous decision. Radley thinks he is an olde one - lower case that is - and since he is not even playing the game perhaps he should be placed into the same category as Emrys (spelt, not bolded). Aka - losers** Obviously Emrys (spelt, not bolded) might SAY he has the game, but since he hasn't challenged anyone maybe it's time to send them both packing until they get their stuff together, so to speak.

Send them to the wastelands!


** Losers may not be applicable to people that don't actually play but then, they are losers.

Point of order... Boo already lives in a wasteland called Ohio. I say let's send him to... Australia!!!


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Seems the Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar (SBNB) has lost any control over the thread...like we expected anymore of him. Probably too busy whipping hamsters to squeeze another kb of RAM out of them I expect.

I'm just letting you little buggers run around, yelling and screaming in the hopes that you'll tucker your little selves out and lay down for a nap.

Oh, and Noba? Having the game or not having the game has no bearing on whether a person can be an Olde One or not.

Unless if you'd care to tell Seanachai he's no longer an Olde One. Would you like to do that, dear, sweet, incredibly dense Noba?

Don't you have some containers of Bauxite that need... something done to them?

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If I am an Olde One . . .
Poseur! Heretic! Blasphemer!

A true Olde One would not equivocate as to his status in the One True Thread.

Point of order... Boo already lives in a wasteland called Ohio. I say let's send him to... Australia!!!


I have a better idea:



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Poseur! Heretic! Blasphemer!

A true Olde One would not equivocate as to his status in the One True Thread.


It was a rhetorical question, much like if you were to ask, "Am I truly a pointy-headed nebbish?"

That is a question which needs no answer because it is understood by everybody to be true.

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That's believable. Especially the orc part. But why haven't you been hunted down and driven into extinction yet?


Much too clever for that, my good man. (loosely used discriptive term)

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With apologies to Robert Frost

"TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth; 5

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same, 10

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back. 15

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference. "

Because down that road was Speedy's halftrack

flailing about and scraping its fenders on the Bocage

and then I filled it with 30 cal MG rounds

and punched a 37mm AP round right through it

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Bumped because Robert Frost is spinning in his grave and making groaning noises about imitating shambling old Joe and going on the warpath to wreak terrible vengeance on Wisconsin (and how who would deny him that pleasure? Robert Frost, that is. Lord knows we'd all deny Joe every pleasure in human history, and all the ones in animal history that Mace has tried.)

Also, because we're on page 2. SLACKERS.

Edited because I saw this and thought of Joe again


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Bumped because Robert Frost is spinning in his grave and making groaning noises about imitating shambling old Joe and going on the warpath to wreak terrible vengeance on Wisconsin (and how who would deny him that pleasure? Robert Frost, that is. Lord knows we'd all deny Joe every pleasure in human history, and all the ones in animal history that Mace has tried.)

Also, because we're on page 2. SLACKERS.

Edited because I saw this and thought of Joe again


Ah, yes. Joe trying a take-off from an aircraft carrier because water is softer than dirt. Except the ship is in dry dock and Joe is aiming for concrete.

Do not fret, children. All is right with the world.

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Where exactly are the wastelands, anyway?

I've always suspected Australia to be the wastelands, myself.

Don't confuse unpopulated with wasted.

Wasteland is land that has been used thoughtlessly.

Like those vast, thankless tracts between Canada and Mexico that have been squandered on growing 'Merkins.

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